Original and rare real photo of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and his sword
You will get more images of Shivaji Here
The Image shown below is of Shivaji Maharaj which was made sitting in
front of Shivaji and is currently kept in Moscow Museum .
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's sword that adorns the Shivrajeshwar temple in Sindhudurg Fort has got a new lease of life as the erstwhile royal family of Kolhapur has restored and repaired it. The royal family also gifted a replica of another sword of Chhatrapati Shivaji — the Jagdamba sword — to the temple on Monday for daily worship.
The original Jagdamba sword is in the Royal Collection Trust in London.
The scion of Kolhapur's royal family, Sambhajiraje, on Monday handed over the royal dresses to the temple on Monday as per tradition. At the same function, the repaired and restored real sword was placed in the temple in a glass case.
The royal family in Kolhapur descends from Chhatrapati Shivaji as the state of Kolhapur was founded by Shivaji's daughter-in-law Tararani, wife of Rajaram Maharaj, in 1710.
Sindhudurg Fort, located on an island in the Arabian Sea near Malwan town, was built by Shivaji between 1664 and 1667. The fort has the Shivrajeshwar temple constructed by Shivaji's son, Rajaram Maharaj, in Shivaji's memory.
The temple has Shivaji's idol, a gold crown weighing 1.5 kg and the sword used by him. The temple's traditional caretaker families authorised Sambhajiraje to repair and restore the sword.
Last week, an expert team led by the historian Indrajeet Sawant restored and polished the sword at the temple. "The sword was deteriorating due to rust. The restoration has been done in a scientific manner," Sambhajiraje told.
The sword has now been kept in an airtight wood-and-glass case. "There is a tradition of daily worship of the sword, which is also a reason for the damage to the sword. So a replica of Shivaji's famous Jagdamba sword has been given to the temple for daily worship," Sambhajiraje said.
According to Sawant, "The gold tread and carvings were noticed only after removing the rust. It has typical Shivaji period symbols like peacock, eagle and Hanuman."
Historian Grad Duff, in his work History of Marathas, has referred to Shivaji's sword kept in the Sindhudurg temple, which is believed to have been used by him in wars. The sword's original wooden scabbard is also in the temple.
Sambhajiraje, also a Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader, said there is a need for a separate government body for undertaking the restoration and maintenance of forts and antiques, apart from the Archaeological Survey of India.
The legendary social reformer and erstwhile ruler of the Kolhapur princely state, Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj, in 1906 undertook massive restoration of this temple, and had constructed the hall in front of the temple in 1913.
In the temple, one can see the royal dresses gifted by Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj.
Photo Caption: Sambhajiraje places a replica of the Jagdamba sword in Shivrajeshwar temple on Monday. The glass case now contains the repaired original sword of Chhatrapati Shivaji in the same temple.
The biography of Shivaji Maharaj has an answer for any problem faced by a Hindu or Indian politicians; however for this purpose the biography should be read with shrewdness and insight. If read by Hindus with the immoderate vision of Gandhi with respect to non-violence, truth, pleasing Muslims, or through the coloured spectacles of Nehru, who with the concept of 'all religions are equal', meted out inferior treatment to Hindus, then Hindus will not even become aware of when they were circumscribed ! Gandhi, Nehru and their descendants had created terror in the minds of the people about what they would have to suffer if they even uttered the name of Shivaji Maharaj. In fact Shivaji Maharaj has been totally eliminated from the history text books at the Secondary school level. History on Shivaji Maharaj is taught and finished in the 3rd or 4th standards as if they are fairy tales for children to read and forget. Politicians have ensured that the youth and adults do not get any inspiration from the biography of Shivaji Maharaj simply because it is an ever flowing spring of inspiration for Hindus ! This article is a small effort made to get a sip of water from this pure spring on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Shivaji Maharaj tomorrow ! - Compiler: Shri. Sanjay Mulye, Ratnagiri
Shivaji Maharaj’s inspiration to protect Hinduism !
Since childhood Shivaji Maharaj was fully aware that he had to fight the Mughals. In his book 'Chatrapati Shivaji Maharajanche Saptaprakaranatmak Charitra’ Malhar Ramrav Chitnis has described the mindset of Prince Shivaji when living with his father Shahajiraje at Vijapur. He pens Prince Shivaji’s thoughts as, “ We are Hindus. These Yavans (Muslims) are inferior to us. There is none more inferior than them. I am distressed by serving them, eating food served by them, flattering them or even greeting them. It is so wrong to see the ridicule of one’s own religion. As we walk down the road we see cows being slaughtered. At that time I feel like beheading the killers and the distress grows even more. What is the use of living to see a cow being tormented ? I am compelled to remain silent because of being reprimanded by my father otherwise I feel like killing the one indulging in cow slaughter. It is not at all good to be in the company of Muslims. So also it is inappropriate to go to the court (darbar) of the emperor or to visit any wealthy man.” As soon as he returned from the Vijapur court he would bathe and change his clothing. It is at this very age that young Prince Shivaji showed his valorous nature by chopping off the hand of a butcher who was dragging a cow for slaughter in another kingdom !
Inspiration endowed by Chatrapati Shivaji is very clear from the above incidents. The biographer has strengthened this further in the following words of Shivaji Maharaj, “ We are Hindus. The entire southern region has been invaded by the Muslims and our religion is going downhill. Hence one should not hesitate to sacrifice even one’s life to protect religion. By doing so one would add to one’s treasure of valorous deeds”. Soon thereafter by taking the vow of Raieshvari and conquering the `Torana’ fort Shivaji Maharaj revealed his nature to the world.
Talk about Muslims in Shivaji’s army and their valorous deeds!
Today people are talking of the concept of `equality of religions’ in society. The Congress party is trying to depict him as non-communal and secular. Nowadays some Hindu protagonists are trying to drag Shivaji Maharaj into the camp of secularism by making statements such as `there were Muslim soldiers in his army’. Really these are pearls of wisdom by these so-called ardent (hypocritical) lovers of Hinduism!
In this context the author of the book 'Marathi Riyasati' and a great historian, Sardessai writes, 'Towards 1649, 500-700 Pathans from Vijapur came to Shivaji Maharaj in search of jobs. Though he did not approve of employing them, he listened to the counsel of Gomaji Naik Pansabal who advised that `these people have come after hearing about your popularity so please do not disappoint them. If you remain adamant that you will employ only Hindus and that you do not need others then you will not be able to establish a kingdom. So include all eighteen communities of all four varna (classes) of society and allow them to carry out their own duties". So he employed the servitors of Radho Ballal Korde. However the current Hindu protagonists are ignorant about the facts in this context and about how the monarch also ensured that there were spies to keep watch on those Muslim soldiers !
If these 500- 700 soldiers made any attempt to divide the army then as was prevalent in those days he would also not hesitate to punish them (by throwing them over the cliff). It was not like today when a perpetrator of a heinous crime against the Indian Parliament, instead of being hanged, goes scot free simply because he is a Muslim !
In this context a historian researcher Mr. Ninad Bedekar says, 'A new idea that Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had 'several' Muslims in his army is being projected. I will quote a few names. You can give me the rest !' When Prince Shivaji came to the Jagirs of Pune, Indore and Supe, of the representatives of Shahajiraje only three were Muslims, namely Siddi Ambar Bagdadi, Jainkhan Peerzade and Bahalimkhan. Another Muslim associated with Shivaji Maharaj was Nurkhan Beg, the chief of his infantry. But the truth is that later at some juncture all these people were driven off because no mention of their names is made anywhere in the historical annals. After the year 1675 these people were nowhere in the picture.
The British army also employed Indians as soldiers. Afzal Khan who attacked Shivaji Maharaj employed 3000 Maulas in his army, but can we call him secular ? Why then is this cord of secularism wound tightly (like an iguana) only around the necks of Hindus? Claiming that Shivaji Maharaj was secular simply because he had a few Muslim soldiers in his army is an indicator of an over liberal intellect.
Promotion of Sanskrut in honour of Hinduism!
In the fight for independence and establishing his own kingdom, in every aspect Shivaji Maharaj did everything possible to promote Hinduism. His assembly of eight ministers was formed based on Hindu ideals. One comes across this concept of eight ministers in the Ramayan and the Mahabharat. King Dashrath too had eight ministers. In the Shantiparva of the Mahabharat also it has been suggested that an exchange of thoughts of eight ministers is necessary. During the coronation ceremony, Maharaj changed the Persian names of the ministers to Sanskrut as follows–
Thinking of Sanskrut names to rename various ministers or forts was a hobby of this great king. In September 1665, that is around the time of Dasra before leaving on a journey he named all the forts from his kingdom. Malhar Ramrav Chitnis in the biography of the monarch, 'Chatrapati Shivaji Maharajanche Saptaprakaranatmak Charitra' has spoken about the forts saying, "At each place after place Maharaj would build a new fort to frighten the enemy. Varugad, Bhushangad, Mahimagad, Vardhangad, Sadashivgad, Macchindragad are some of them". In the book 'Marathyancha Itihas' it is said, "Shivaji Maharaj loved Sanskrut. There are several instances to testify this. He changed the names of forts to Raigad, Vishalgad, Suvarnagad, Vijaydurg, Prachandgad and Pandavgad."”
Consequences of not receiving inspiration from the biography of Shivaji Maharaj
Lokmanya Tilak was the first to start the celebration of the birth anniversary of Shivaji Maharaj. He was followed by Svantrya Veer Savarkar in 1908 in London. Both these leaders were fully aware of the importance of this biography, but Gandhi and Nehru both kept strict vigilance over this text ever since the independence of India. This is how the fact that a handful of Muslims invaded and destroyed Hindu kingdoms and gained control over the Hindu empire is not known to most Hindus after 1920.
In fact it is because of this misguidance that they accepted the division of India without offering any resistance to it. Non-acceptance of this biography which would have inspired Indians has resulted in the return of Muslim powers in the form of Pakistan and Bangladesh, to overpower Hindus. It is because the incidents of Shivaji Maharaj tearing open Afzal Khan's abdomen and chopping off Sahishtekhan's fingers being kept secret that today we so easily allow a compromise by releasing hard core terrorists in return for release of the kidnapped daughter of an Indian Muslim Minister, Mufti Mohammed.
India's External Affairs Minister flies to the Kandahar desert in a special plane only to release criminals who have butchered Hindus ! In Kashmir Bitta Karate who beheaded 16 Hindus is released on parole ! In the 13 days after killing Afzal Khan, Shivaji Maharaj conquered 16 forts and in contrast within a year of India becoming independent, our politicians lost 1/3rd of our motherland in Kashmir to enemies ! Fearing Shivaji's valour, as long as he was alive, Aurangzeb did not dare to even talk about conquering South India. Yet today the cunning, crafty Musharraf arrives in India to disrupt an Agra conference or dares to hang the Indian tricolour upside down on his personal aircraft.
His subjects being fully aware of the struggle between Righteousness and unrighteousness!
Just as Maharaj was fully aware that he had to fight the Mughals so also were his subjects. The situation was such that people were worried as to whether their Maharaj would return alive from the Agra jail. Despite that, the leaders of home rule (svarajya) and the Maulas did not get unnerved and as per the plan of Shivaji Maharaj they protected his kingdom and ruled it in his absence.
The Maulas were prepared to sacrifice even auspicious events in their families and were willing to face the jaws of death. Sinhagad, Pavankhind, Agra,... how many more forts does one need to quote ? In this struggle between Righteousness and unrighteousness many parents lost their sons and several women were widowed. They were all fully aware of why they were fighting the Mughals. Rather than wishing that their husbands stay at home, these women supported them in their mission against the Mughals. They clearly choose widowhood, rather than wishing their husbands remain passive but safe as this would have only kept their marital status intact superficially as the women folk would have been raped by the Mughal sardars.
Compare this noble attitude of theirs to the tantrums thrown by the relatives of victims of the plane hijacked by terrorists to Kandahar. Both the central government and the majority of people of India seem to forget whom they are fighting this battle against. The entire country is testimony to this.
The politicians of today and most of the people are still unaware of why we drove the British out of India. Our revolutionary Indian heroes have not shed blood in vain. If only we were to understand this then we would not have played cricket matches with Pakistan which is all set to wipe out Hindus in Kashmir, the land of Sage Kashyap. We would also not have given refuge to Bangladeshi infiltrators and would have driven off the Chinese ambassadors who have tried to stake a claim on Arunachal Pradesh. All this is a consequence of not being inspired by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj to fight for independence and home rule !
Beautiful flowers blossom from the creeper of Bharatiya Rajdharma!
When describing Shivaji Maharaj his admirer Mr. M.S. Vabgaonkar writes, "Shivaji is a radiant flower which has blossomed from the Bharatiya creeper of Rajdharma. The great promoter of Bharatiya Rajdharma, Kautilya in His holy text the Arthashastra, has imagined an ideal king and two thousand years later this king has taken birth in the form of Shivaji. The king described by Kautilya was one who emphasised on spying, who took full responsibility for procuring all the benefits of an attack onto himself, who was disinterested in worldly and sexual pleasures and was well versed in law and religion besides having an unblemished character and punishing subjects only when required. Even this has proved right as per Kautilya's description in case of Shivaji.
After 1920 the creeper of Bharatiya Rajdharma was nurtured with the harmful manure of 'equality of all religions', pleasing Muslims, etc. and thus from it sprang a number of poisonous flowers in the form of Mohandas-Jawaharlal or Manmohan-Soniya. To stop the blossoming of such vicious flowers, the Bharatiya Rajdharma creeper must be punished with the support of the Sanatan Vedic religion and then watered with pure water from the Ganga in the form of the biography of Shivaji Maharaj ! When this happens, then from every leaf of the creeper will spring beautiful flowers like Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Only then will this creeper reach the skies !
Here is an article on "The Marathas - who kindled the flame of Indian
Independence" 300 years back.
This article runs into the following sections:
- The Origins ofthe Marathas
- Maratha-Muslim Clash
- Shivaji Maharaj - the Saint Soldier Visionary
This article is being posted without bais towards any community. The aim is
to understand history factually so that we can build a better human society
in the future.
The Marathas are a proud and hardy race who are a sub-set of the wider Hindu
community. They are first mentioned in Indian history as the stout fighters in
the army of the Chalukya King Pulikeshin who resisted the Southward march of
Emperor Harsha in the 7th century C.E. The Maratha dynasties of the ancient
(pre-Muslim) period are the Chalukyas (500 C.E. to 750C.E.), the Rastrakutas
(750 C.E. to 978 C.E. and the Yadavas or Jadhavs (1175 C.E. to 1318 C.E.).
The Marathas were the first who crossed the Muslim General Malik Kafur's
path, when he invaded the deccan in 1314 C.E. Malik Kafur was invading South
India on behlaf of the Sultan of Delhi - Allah-ud-din Khilji. The Marathas
were then led by the last scion of the Yadava dynasty - Ramdev Rai Yadava who
ruled from Devagiri (today's Dautalatabad). In their first clash with the
Muslims; the Marathas lost to the invaders and accepted the status of being
vassals and mercenaries of their Muslim overlords.
The Marathas before Shivaji were Mercenaries and revenue Collectors for the
Muslim Rulers
In keeping with the feudal tradition, the Maratha Saradrs (Generals), before
Shivaji kept shifting their loyalties from one Muslim ruler to another. And
there were many Muslim rulers like the Adilshahis at Bijapur, the Nizamshahis
at Ahmednagar (Berar), the Qutubshahis at Golkonda (Hyderabad), etc.
Shahji Bhosale, who was Shivaji's father typified this practice of shifting
loyalties from one Muslim overlord to another. He was from time-to-time in
the service of the Mughals, the Adilshahis and the Nizamshahis. The thought
of establishing an independent Maratha-Hindu kingdom, does seem to have
crossed his mind, but he never really got about to doing it successfully. The
germ of this idea however seems to have got rubbed into Shivaji - his son by
Shivaji Maharaj - the Visionary Saint-Soldier
Shivaji was born in the year 1627 at the Fort of Shivneri in Maharashtra in
Western India. Shivaji's mother, Jijabai was a direct descendant of the
erstwhile Yadav royal family of Devagiri. She seems to have nursed deep within
her mind the idea of recovering independence from Muslim rule which her Yadav
forebears had lost in the year1318. Shivaji grew up with these ideas embedded
into him. His childhood stories are those of playing games in which he and his
friends attacked and
captured forts held by the enemy.
The Oath of Independence - at Raireshwar
When Shivaji was seventeen, he decided to transform what were till then
simply games to a reality. He and his friends encouraged by Jijabai and his
Guru Dadoji Kondeo; decided to take a formal oath to free the country from
the shackles of Muslim tyranny. This was done in the year 1645 in a dark
cavern housing a small temple to the Hindu God Shiva (locally called
Raireshwar). Here Shivaji and his select band of teenaged Maratha friends
slit their thumbs and poured the blood oozing from it on the Shiva-linga
(Phallus representing the Lord Shiva). By this act they declared a blood-feud
against Mughal tryanny. This was the beginning of a long and arduous
Maratha-Mughal struggle that went on for the next century and a half to
culminate in the defeat of the Mughals and their replacement by the Marathas
as the dominant power in India when the British came into the scene.
Shivaji's encounter with Afzal Khan
When Shivaji started his military career by capturing the fortress of
Kondana, it sent shockwaves in the Adilshshi court at Bijapur. Here was a
local Hindu chieftain, daring to challenge the might of a Muslim ruler. The
retribution was swift and Adil Shah sent in his most fearsome general named
Afzal Khan to bring back Shivaji dead or alive to Bijapur. Afzal Khan who was
reputed to be more than six feet tall and of a real massive built, set on his
mission and in order to lure Shivaji down into the plains, he destroyed the
Hindu temples at Tuljapur, Pandharpur and Shikhar Shenganapur.
Afzal Goes Up to Pratapgad
This ploy failed to work and Shivaji stuck to his Hill fastness in the
Sahyadris. Shivaji even sent a letter to Afzal Khan praising the legendary
strength of Afzal Khan's powerful arms and his reputed fearlessness. Shivaji
addressed him as his uncle and said that he was afraid to come down to meet
Afzal Khan. Shivaji asked him to come up into the hills to meet him and on
condition that Afzal Khan came with not more than few select soldiers. The
proud Khan felt that he Dekkhan-Ka-Chuha (Rat of the Deccan as the Muslims
scornfully addressed Shvaji) had really chickened out.
Afzal Meets his Nemesis in Shivaji
Khan-Saheb agreed to go up the hills at Pratapgad to meet his nemesis. When
the meeting took place, Afzal Khan embraced Shivaji and with his diminutive
enemy (Shivaji was less than five feet in height) in his grip Afzal tried to
throttle him. The wily Maratha was more than prepared for this as he had come
down with full armour that was hidden in his thick satin robes. Shivaji also
had with him Wagh Nakh - a sharp weapon resembling tiger claws that could be
hidden in the grip of one's fist. In addition, he had the Bichhwa - curved
dagger hidden in the pocket of his waistcoat.
Jiwa Mahalaya
On sensing that the Khan meant to throttle him, Shivaji pierced the tiger
claws deep into Khan's belly and pulled out his intestines. After which
Shivaji repeatedly stabbed him with the bichhwa. The Khan bellowed "Daga"
"Daga" and yelled for Syed Banda, his bodyguard to come to his rescue. When
Syed Banda, also a burly Muslim was about to strike Shivaji with his sword,
Shivaji's bodyguard Jiva Mahalya struck off Banda's upraised arm in the air
Santaji Kawji
After this commotion, the bleeding Khan tried to make good his escape and
rushed into his palanquin. As the palanquin bearers set off with the fleeing
Khan, Santaji Kawji, another of Shivaji's select warriors cut-off the feet of
the bearers and Khans' palanquin, with its load of Khansaab fell to the
ground. Santaji Kawji, then finished off the task of sending Khan to his
final resting place. Khan's army which was waiting in the valley was
ruthlessly massacred by the Marathas who were hiding behind every crevice and
bush in the densely wooded jungles around the Pratapgad fort. At the place
where this encounter took place on 10th November 1659 between Shivaji Maharaj
and the Khan, there stands today a Kabar (grave) erected by Shivaji for the
departed Khan's soul to rest in peace.
Bijapur Stymied
The result of this dramatic encounter was that the Bijapur ruler panicked and
after that never posed a serious threat to the growing Maratha power. The
next Muslim power which Shivaji turned to was that of the Mughals. Here was
the real challenge for Shivaji. The Bijapur rulers were a provincial power,
while the Mughals were an power of imperial dimensions whose writ ran almost
all over Northern India.
Encounter with Shaista Khan - Aurangzeb's Uncle
The next Khan to come down 'literally' before Shivaji was Shaista Khan. On
hearing Shivaji's depredations, Aurangzeb was furious and wanted to
desperately crush this infidel upstart. He sent his uncle maternal Shaista
Khan with a large and powerful army to checkmate Shivaji. But even this time
the wily Maratha proved that brain was stronger than the brawn.
Shaista Khan came into Maharashtra and started devstating towns, villages
fields, temples, forts and everything that came in his path.
Shaista Establishes his Harem in Shivaji's Devghar (Prayer Room)
To provoke Shivaji, Shaista Khan established his camp in Shivaji's home in
Pune called Lal-Mahal. And to top it up, he put up his Harem in Shivaji's
Devghar (prayer room).
Shaista is Lucky - He Only Loses His Fingers
Shivaji bided his time for many months and one on fine day (night), he with a
select band of Maratha Samurais, sneaked into Pune and into the Lal-Mahal. He
tracked down the sleeping Khan to his bed. The Khan sensing that his time was
up tried jumping out of the window. At that point Shivaji cutt off the Khan's
fingers with which he was holding on to the window sill.
On the Khan's wife's pleading before Shivaji to spare her husband's life as
she considered Shivaji to be her brother. And so killing her husband would
mean making her a widow, Shivaji spared the Khan's life. This was a mistake
for which Shivaji was to pay dearly later. Shivaji made good his escape from
the Khan's lair, but not before the treacherous Khan ordered his troops to
give chase and try to capture the fleeing Shivaji.
Shaista's Retreat from Maharashtra
The Khan however, decided that enough was enough and returned to Delhi -
without his fingers.This ahppened in April 1663
The failure of his uncle peeved Aurang to no end and he now sent another
general to subjugate Shivaji. This was Mirza Raja Jai Singh, Auranzeb's Hindu
general who was also the scion of the house of the Suryavanshi Kachhawaha's
who we saw earlier had ingratiated themselves to the Mughal rulers by giving
away their daughters in marriage to the Mughal Padishah. (The Moghuals
incidentally never returned the favour by giving, or even offerring, their
daughters to the Rajputs!). This Mirza Raja Jaisingh who came with a powerful
force was smarter than Shaista Khan sent earlier by Aurangzeb. Mirzaji laid
siege to Purandar alongwith a systematic loot and destruction of rural
maharashtra. This long drawn siege and the destruction forced Shivaji to
reach out for a compromise in the interests of the sufferring population of
The Treaty of Purandar
The treaty of Purandar signed between Mirza Raja Jai Singh and Shivaji
Maharaj had among many conditions, one condition that Shivaji accompany
Mirzaji to Agra. Shivaji decided to go to Agra in 1666.
Shivaji's Visit to Aurangzeb at Agra
At Agra, when Shivaji presented himself at the Moghul court, Aurangzeb
deliberately insulted him by making him stand behind a lesser noble whom
Shivaji has once defeated in battle. This was a calculated humiliation that
Aurang had arranged for Shivaji. As a result Shivaji left the court in a
huff. This gave Aurangzeb an excuse to declare Shivaji of having committed
the offence of insulting the Mughal court.
Imprisonment of Shivaji
Aurangzeb detained Shivaji in Mirza Raja Jai Singh's house where Shivaji had
put up. Shivaji seems to have read Aurangzeb's mind of having him put to
death. Aurag had made plans to shift Shivaji into the proper Mughal dungeons.
Shivaji's Escape from Aurang's Clutches
Shivaji struck upon an idea and said that he wanted to make peace with God by
sending fruit and sweetmeats to Brahmins and holy men. To this Aurangzeb
consented. One fine day Shivaji and his son Sambhaji hid himself in two of
the sizable baskets in which fruits nad seetmeats had been packed everyday
and made good their escape from Aurnag's custody. In doing this Shivaji must
have had in mind what had happened to his general Netaji Palkar who after
being captured by the Mughals had been forced to embrace Islam and change his
name to Quli Mohammed Khan. Netaji was forced to serve as a Mughal soldier in
Afghanistan, till he too made good his escape and returned to Shivaji to
reconvert to Hinduism and join the forces of Swaraja once again. Others were
not so lucky, they were made to convert to Islam and some others were simly
tortured to death - as was to happen later with Shivaji's son Shambhu Raje or
Sambhaji, after Shivaji's death.
Coronation of Shivaji as Chattrapati
After returning to the deccan, Shivaji again raised an army and recaptured
all the forts that he had been made to surrender to the Mughals as per the
treaty of Purandar. In this phase we see the exploits of his brave general
Tanaji Malusare who perished while recapturing the invincible fort of Torna
from Uday Bhan the Mughal commander. The fort of Torna was renamed as
"Sinhagad" in honour of Tanaji's brave deed.
After all the forts had been recaptured, Shivaji was pusuaded by Gaga Bhatt
(a brahmin from Benaras) and his mother the aeging Jijabai to formally crown
himself as the king of the Marathas. The coronation took place at Raigad on
the 6th of June 1674.
A "Nazarana" - The Daughter-in-law of the Muslim Subahdar of Kalyan
During the days after the coronation, many Maratha generals presented
Nazaranas (tribute in kind) to the newly anointed King of Maharashtra. It was
then a practice of the Muslims to abduct any fair maiden and to force her
into the harem as a concubine. (A harem is a term for the living quarters of
abducted women, nominally treated as wives.) On one such occasion, following
the "illustrious" example set by the Muslim aggressors, a Maratha Sardar also
(general) abducted a daughter-in-law of the Muslim Subahadar of Kalyan, near
Mumbai (Kalyan was then under Mughal occupation).
This Sardar presented this "Nazarana" to Shivaji Maharaj, expecting to be
patted on the back for such a "fair" tribute. Shivaji Maharaj's reaction at
this occasion, gives us an insight into the mind of the person who lived 300
years before us.
Shivaji not only chided the general, but warned him and all the other Maratha
generals that such a henious offence would henceforth attract a penalty of
the offender's hands being chopped off. The dazed general was asked by
Shivaji to return with full honours, the daughter-in-law of the Muslim
Subahadar of Kalyan. <P> The Maratha ballads (Povadas) that describe this
event say that on hearing Shivaji's dialogue in Marathi the teenaged girl is
said to have exclaimed "Ya Allah, yeh aadmi nahin farishta hai. Ees farishtey
pe kamyaabi bahal karna." ("O Lord, this is not an ordinary man but an angel.
Bestow success on this angel.") The Maratha balladeers, while narrating this
event say that "Asseech amuchi aai asatee,sundar roopavati; amhi hee sundar
zhalo asato - vadaley Chattrapati" ("If my mother had been as beautiful, I
too would have been as beautiful - exclaimed Chattrapati"). These dialogues
might as well be a later romanticization of what actually happened. But it
proves a point - Shivaji Maharaj had risen above the attitudes of religious
bigotry, and beastly behaviour that had come to typify the Indian ruling
class under Muslim rule.
The Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Campaigns
After this Shivaji launched his campaign in Karnatak, which took him up to
Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu. The period from 1674 up his passing away in 1680 was
a relatively peaceful period, as the Mughal made no more attempts to molest
the Marathas. Only after the passing away of Shivaji maharaj did Aurang again
dared to venture into Maharashtra, and then too he did not entrust the task
to any general. He came himself in 1682 and stayed on in the deccan till his
death in 1707.
The Peshwas - Baji Rao, Balaji Baji Rao, Madhav Rao
After Shivaji the de facto executive power passed into the hand of the
hereditary Prime Minsiters the Peshwas, under whom Maratha power continued to
grow until it supplanted the Mughal power all over India. The Marathas
received a temporary setback at Panipat in 1761, when they failed to defeat
the Afghan invader Ahmed Shah Abdali, whom they nevertheless forced to
retrace his steps out of India.
Mahadji Shinde
In the period between 1761 and 1790, the Maratha power was consolidated by
Mahadji Shinde, Nana Phadnavis and Shrimant Madhav Rao Peshwa. Mahadji Shinde
took initiative in military matters and he successfully checked the British in
the first Anglo-Maratha war. Later of course, the Marathas were to succumb to
the British in after the third Anglo-Maratha war of 1817.
But in retrospect we can say that the Marathas were the first to kindle the
flame of independence 300 years back.
A flame that was to give us in the rising of 1857 personlities like, Tatya
Tope, Ahilyabai - the Rani of Jhansi, Nana Saheb - the last Peshwa (of
Bithoor) and later Vasudeo Balwant Phadke, the Chaphekar brothers, Umaji
Naik, Sardar Kotwal not to mention Swatantryaveer Savarkar, Lokmanya Tilak,
Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Mahatma Phule, Mahadeo Govind Ranande, Rajguru (of the
Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru fame) and many other Maratha's who struggled
for India's independence.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, i.e. King Shivaji was great Maratha warrior of medieval India. With his small guerrilla army, he established a new kingdom by defeating mighty Mughals and Bijapur Saltanat. He recruited common people like cultivators, artisans, barbers, sweepers etc. into his army.
His kingdom spread in Southern parts of India. After him, the kingdom became an Empire.
Here are some rare paintings of the great king.
Shivaji Painting by Mir Mohamad
Mohamad, an artist and a contemporary of the great king painted this
beautiful picture. This picture is of historical importance.
Painting by a Dutch Artist
Painting of King Shivaji by a Dutch artist
A rare painting of King Shivaji
A portrait of Chhatrapti Shivaji Maharaj. Artist Unknown
Painting of Shivaji by Raja Ravi Varma
Raja Ravi varma was one of the famous painter from India. This is painting of Shivaji Maharaj by Raja Ravi varma.
A painting by contemporary European artist. This painting is used
by Government of India and Government of Maharashtra as official.Official painting for Government of Maharashtra and Government of India
Yes there is a Statue of Chathrapati Shivaji Maharajah in HO CHI MI of Vietnam.
They installed it as a tribute to the great King of India.
During the Vietnam War they used to study the guerrilla war tactics from the style of Shivaji
The original mail below is in Marathi. Translation is as follows :-
A small country like Vietnam brought a Mighty USA to it's knees. President of Vietnam was asked by reporters, how could they achieve that feat ?
He replied that " I read the character & deeds of a great King, who inspired me to try his war tacticts against the US Forces..and the success just followed."
When asked who was the King , he replied "Shivaji. " He further added that "had such a King been born in Vietnam, we would have ruled the world " After the death of the said Vietnamese President, he had it inscribed on his tombstone " Shivaji Maharaja's One Mavla, has achived Samadhi " ( Since Shivaji's soldiers belonged to Maval region of Maharashtra, they were called Mavlas )
A few years later the Vietnamese, Lady Foreign Minister visited India, and as per SOP conducted to Red Fort and Gandhi's Samadhi. She asked where is "Shivaji's Samadhi" ? The Govt officials went into a flutter, and replied that " at Raigadh". She expressed her desire to visit the same. On reaching the Samadhi at Raigadh, & paying her tributes, she picked up the soil around the samadhi and and put it into her briefcase. When questioned by reporters, she answered " This soil is of land of braves..once I return to Vietnam, I will mix it with soil of my country, so that brave people like Shivaji will be born there."
जय छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज की जय!...... वंदे मातरम् !!!_
व्हियेतनाम या लहानग्या देशानं
अमेरिका सारख्या बलाढ्य देशालानमवलं होतं .
जवळपास वीस वर्ष चाललेल्या या युद्धात
अमेरिका पराजित झाली होती. विजया नंतर
व्हियेतनामच्या राष्ट्रध्यक्षाला एका पत्रकाराने एक
प्रश्न विचारला साहजिकचं तो युध्द कसे जिंकला हाच
असणार अमेरिकेला कसं नमवंल हाचअसणार त्यावर
दिलेलं हे उत्तर वाचा..... "मुळात अमेरिका बलाढ्य देश
मात्र त्याच बलाढ्य
देशाला नमवण्यासाठी मी एका महान राजाचं चरित्र
वाचलं होतं आणि त्यातून मिळालेल्या प्रेरणेतून
मी युद्धनितीचा वापर केला आणि सहज विजय संपादन
केला... पुढे पत्रकारानं विचारलं की कोण
होता तो महान राजा? मित्रानों जेव्हा मी वाचलं
तेव्हा माझी ही छाती चांगलीच
फुगली जशी आता तुमची फुगेल.. तर या प्रश्नावर
व्हियेतनामचे राष्ट्राध्यक्ष जागेवर उभा राहिले
आणि छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज असंनावं घेतंल.
पुढे ते म्हणाले की असा राजा जर आमच्या देशात
जन्माला आला असता तर आज आम्ही जगावर राज्य केलं
असतं. काही वर्षांनंतर राष्ट्रध्यक्षांचा मृत्यू
झाला आणि त्यांनी आपल्या समाधीवर
"शिवाजी महाराजांचा एक मावळा समाधीस्त
झाला " असं लिहून
The Marathas - Samurais from Western India
The Marathas are a proud and hardy race who are a sub-set of the wider Hindu
Community. They are first mentioned in Indian history as the stout fighters
in the army of the Chalukya King Pulikeshin who resisted the Southward march
of Emperor Harsha in the 7th century C.E.
- A statue of this great Saint Soldier
seen against the backdrop of
the fort of Raigad,
which was his capital
The Maratha dynasties of the ancient (pre-Muslim) period are the Chalukyas
(500 C.E. to 750C.E.), the Rastrakutas (750 C.E. to 978 C.E. and the Yadavas
or Jadhavs (1175 C.E. to 1318 C.E.).
The Marathas were the first who crossed Malik Kafur's path, when he invaded
the deccan in 1314 C.E. They were then led by the last scion of the Yadava
dynasty - Ramdev Rai Yadava who ruled from Devagiri (today's Daulatabad). In
their first clash with the Muslims; the Marathas lost to the invaders and
accepted the status of being vassals and mercenaries of their Muslim
The Marathas before Shivaji were Mercenaries and revenue Collectors for the
Muslim Rulers
In keeping with the feudal tradition, the Maratha Sardars (Generals), before
Shivaji kept shifting their loyalties from one Muslim ruler to another. And
there were many Muslim rulers like the Adilshahis at Bijapur, the
Nizamshahis at Ahmednagar (Berar), the Qutubshahis at Golkonda (Hyderabad),
Shahji Bhosale, who was Shivaji's father typified this practice of shifting
loyalties from one Muslim overlord to another. He was from time-to-time in
the service of the Mughals, the Adilshahis and the Nizamshahis. The thought
of establishing an independent Maratha-Hindu kingdom, does seem to have
crossed his mind, but he never really got about to doing it successfully.
The germ of this idea however seems to have got rubbed into Shivaji - his
son by Jijabai.
Shivaji Maharaj - the Visionary Saint-Soldier
Shivaji was born in the year 1627 at the Fort of Shivneri in Maharashtra in
Western India.
- The birthplace of Shivaji Maharaj
On the crest of the hill
at the center of this photo
is Shivneri fort.
Shivaji's mother, Jijabai was a direct descendant of the erstwhile Yadav
royal family of Devagiri. She seems to have nursed deep within her mind the
idea of recovering independence from Muslim rule which her Yadav forebears
had lost in the year 1318. Shivaji grew up with these ideas embedded into
him. His childhood stories are those of playing games in which he and his
friends attacked and captured forts held by the enemy.
The Oath of Independence - at Raireshwar
When Shivaji was seventeen, he decided to transform what were till then
simply games to a reality. He and his friends encouraged by Jijabai and his
Guru Dadoji Kondeo; decided to take a formal oath to free the country from
the shackles of Muslim tyranny. This was done in the year 1645 in a dark
cavern housing a small temple to the Hindu God Shiva (locally called
At the cave temple of Raireshwar in the Sayhadris Shivaji and his select
band of teenaged Maratha friends slit their thumbs and poured the blood
oozing from it on the Shiva-linga (Phallus representing the Lord Shiva). By
this act they declared a blood-feud against Mughal tyranny.
Here Shivaji and his select band of teenaged Maratha friends slit their
thumbs and poured the blood oozing from it on the Shiva-linga (Phallus
representing the Lord Shiva). By this act they declared a blood-feud against
Mughal tyranny. This was the beginning of a long and arduous Maratha-Mughal
struggle that went on for the next century and a half to culminate in the
defeat of the Mughals and their replacement by the Marathas as the dominant
power in India when the British came into the scene. (But more of the
British later.)
Shivaji's encounter with Afzal Khan
When Shivaji started his military career by capturing the fortress of
Torana, it sent shockwaves in the Adilshshi court at Bijapur. Here was a
local Hindu chieftain, daring to challenge the might of a Muslim ruler. The
retribution was swift and Adil Shah sent in his most fearsome general named
Afzal Khan to bring back Shivaji dead or alive to Bijapur. Afzal Khan who
was reputed to be more than six feet tall and of a real massive built, set
on his mission and in order to lure Shivaji down into the plains, he
destroyed the Hindu temples at Tuljapur, Pandharpur and Shikhar Shenganapur.
Afzal Goes Up to Pratapgad
This ploy failed to work and Shivaji stuck to his Hill fastness in the
Sahyadris. Shivaji even sent a letter to Afzal Khan praising the legendary
strength of Afzal Khan's powerful arms and his reputed fearlessness. Shivaji
addressed him as his uncle and said that he was afraid to come down to meet
Afzal Khan. Shivaji asked him to come up into the hills to meet him and on
condition that Afzal Khan came with not more than few select soldiers. The
proud Khan felt that the Dekkhan-Ka-Chuha (Rat of the Deccan as the Muslims
scornfully addressed Shivaji) had really chickened out.
Afzal Meets his Nemesis in Shivaji
Khan-Saheb agreed to go up the hills at Pratapgad to meet his nemesis. When
the meeting took place, Afzal Khan embraced Shivaji and with his diminutive
enemy (Shivaji was less than five feet in height) in his grip, Afzal
suddenly pulled out his dagger and tried to stab Shivaji. When Afzal's
dagger could not plunge into Shivaji Maharaj due to the protective armour
which Shivaji was wearing, Afzal tried to throttle him. But the wily Maratha
was more than prepared for this as he had come down not only with full
armour that was hidden by his thick satin robes, but he also had with him
the 'Wagh Nakh' - a sharp weapon resembling tiger claws that could be hidden
in the grip of one's fist. In addition, he had the Bichhwa - curved dagger
hidden in the pocket of his waistcoat.
Shivaji Maharaj thrusts the Wagh-Nakh into Afzal's Abdomen when Afzal tried
to stab and then throttle Shivaji Maharaj. Shivaji Maharaj emerged the
victor in this battle of muscles and wits.
Jiwa Mahalaya
On sensing that the Khan meant to throttle him, Shivaji pierced the tiger
claws deep into Khan's belly and pulled out his intestines. After which
Shivaji repeatedly stabbed him with the bichhwa. The Khan bellowed "Daga"
"Daga" and yelled for Syed Banda, his bodyguard to come to his rescue. When
Syed Banda, also a burly Muslim was about to strike Shivaji with his sword,
Shivaji's bodyguard Jiva Mahalya struck off Banda's upraised arm in the air
This fort was named after the "Pratap" (Act of Valour) of Shivaji Maharaj in
slaying his assailant
- Afzal Khan. This fort is located amdist lofty ranges of the Sahyadris
which soar to a height of 4800 feet above the mean sea level. The fort is
surrounded by deeply forested valleys which were ideal for guerilla warfare
which the Marathas waged against the Muslims to lay the roots of the freedom
struggle and of the Maratha empire.
Santaji Kawji
After this commotion, the bleeding Khan tried to make good his escape and
rushed into his palanquin. As the palanquin bearers set off with the fleeing
Khan, Santaji Kawji, another of Shivaji's select warriors cut-off the feet
of the bearers and Khans' palanquin, with its load of Khansaab fell to the
ground. Santaji Kawji, then finished off the task of sending Khan to his
final resting place. Khan's army which was waiting in the valley was
ruthlessly massacred by the Marathas who were hiding behind every crevice
and bush in the densely wooded jungles around the Pratapgad fort. At the
place where this encounter took place on 10th November 1659 between Shivaji
Maharaj and the Khan, there stands today a Kabar (grave) erected by Shivaji
for the departed Khan's soul to rest in peace.
Bijapur Stymied
The result of this dramatic encounter was that the Bijapur ruler panicked
and after that never posed a serious threat to the growing Maratha power.
The next Muslim power which Shivaji turned to was that of the Mughals. Here
was the real challenge for Shivaji. The Bijapur rulers were a provincial
power, while the Mughals were an power of imperial dimensions whose writ ran
almost all over Northern India.
The Siege of Panhalgad
Despite this defeat, Bijapur's Adil Shah made one last attempt to check
Shivaji by sending another general named Siddhi Jouhar against him. Siddhi
besiged Panhalgad where Shivaji was camping. The seige went on for some
months, from summer till the monsoons. But Shivaji Maharaj slipped out of
Panhalgad and reached safely at Vishalgad.
The Brave Deed of Baji Prabhu Deshpande
It is during this escape that Baji Prabhu Deshpande held the pursuing enemy
troops at a narrow pass called Ghod Khind. Baji Prabhu immortalized himself
by laying down his life but ensured that his Master reached safely at
Vishalgad. This narrow pass is today known as Pawan Khind i.e. a Holy Pass.
Made holy by Baji Prabhu's memorably brave deed.
Encounter with Shaista Khan - Aurangzeb's Uncle
The next Khan to come down 'literally' before Shivaji was Shaista Khan. On
hearing Shivaji's depredations, Aurangzeb was furious and wanted to
desperately crush this infidel upstart. He sent his uncle maternal Shaista
Khan with a large and powerful army to checkmate Shivaji.
He set an example
of religious tolerance
in an age when
conversion at the point of the sword
was the norm.
He defended the honour of womenfolk
in an age when
captured women of the enemy
were considered to be the rightful property
by their Muslim captors
to be put in the Haram - concubine chamber.
Shivaji Maharaj was way ahead of his times
in his vision and mission.
But even this time the wily Maratha proved that brain was stronger than the
Shaista Khan came into Maharashtra and started devstating towns, villages
fields, temples, forts and everything that came in his path.
Shaista Establishes his Harem in Shivaji's Devghar (Prayer Room)
To provoke Shivaji, Shaista Khan established his camp in Shivaji's home in
Pune called Lal-Mahal. And to top it up, he put up his Harem in Shivaji's
Devghar (prayer room).
Shaista is Lucky - He Only Loses His Fingers
Shivaji bided his time for many months and one on fine day (night), he with
a select band of Maratha Samurais, sneaked into Pune and into the Lal-Mahal.
He tracked down the sleeping Khan to his bed. The Khan sensing that his time
was up tried jumping out of the window. At that point Shivaji cut off the
Khan's fingers with which he was holding on to the window sill.
For all his belligerence,
Shaista Khan proved to be a coward
when he faced Shivaji Maharaj in person.
The Khan, who was Aurang's (the Mughal Emperor) uncle
miserably tried to jump out
of the window when Shivaji Maharaj came for him!
On the Khan's wife's pleading before Shivaji to spare her husband's life as
she considered Shivaji to be her brother. And so killing her husband would
mean making her a widow, Shivaji spared the Khan's life. This was a mistake
for which Shivaji was to pay dearly later. Shivaji made good his escape from
the Khan's lair, but not before the treacherous Khan ordered his troops to
give chase and try to capture the fleeing Shivaji.
Shaista's Retreat from Maharashtra
The Khan however, decided that enough was enough and returned to Delhi -
without his fingers. This happened in April 1663
The failure of his uncle peeved Aurang to no end and he now sent another
general to subjugate Shivaji. This was Mirza Raja Jai Singh, Aurangzeb's
Hindu general who was also the scion of the house of the Suryavanshi
Kachhawaha's who we saw earlier had ingratiated themselves to the Mughal
rulers by giving away their daughters in marriage to the Mughal Padishah.
(The Moghuls incidentally never returned the favour by giving, or even
offerring, their daughters to the Rajputs!). This Mirza Raja Jaisingh who
came with a powerful force was smarter than Shaista Khan sent earlier by
Aurangzeb. Mirzaji laid siege to Purandar alongwith a systematic loot and
destruction of rural Maharashtra.
The Brave Deed of Murar Baji
When Raja Jai Singh and his general Diler Khan laid siege to the Fort of
Purandar. Murar Baji was the Maratha Fort Commandant at Purandar. To break
the morale of the Maratha troops, Diler Khan launched a viscious attack on
the fort and laid waste the surrounding countryside. The Mughals succeeded
in forcing their way into the outer defenses of Purandar.
But the Marathas were not easily intimidated, they withdrew to the inner
fort (bali-killa) and kept on their attack on the besieging Mughals. One
day, Murar Baji decided to rain hell on the enemy and the Marathas stormed
out of the fort and fell upon the Mughals who were occupying the outer fort.
In face of the Maratha attack, the Mughals broke ranks and fled to their
main camp in the plains below, where Diler Khan was camping.
The Fort of Raigad
was the capital of Shivaji Maharaj.
His coronation ceremony
took place in this fort.
The British and other foreign powers
sent their repesentatives to that ceremony.
Seeing the ferocity of the Maratha attack, Diler Khan, decided to tempt
Murar Baji with an offer of making him a general in the Mughal army if he
betrayed Shivaji. When news of this offer reached Murar Baji, in the midst
of the battle, his rage knew no bounds, and in a rash act he pushed into the
ranks of the Mughal troops, hacking right, left and center towards Diler
Khan and shouted at him that he would reply Diler's offer by cutting off his
head and taking it to Shivaji Maharaj.
Murar Baji had left his own troops behind and was now surrounded by Mughal
troops on all sides, but he could only see Diler, whose head he wanted. This
act was brave but rash and cost Murar Baji his life. Their leader dead, the
Marathas withdrew into the fort. The news of this battle and the passing
away of Murar Baji and the long drawn siege along with the destruction of
the countryside forced Shivaji to reach out for a compromise with Jai Singh
in the interests of the sufferring population of Maharashtra.
The Treaty of Purandar
The treaty of Purandar signed between Mirza Raja Jai Singh and Shivaji
Maharaj had among many conditions, one condition that Shivaji accompany
Mirzaji to Agra. Shivaji decided to go to Agra in 1666.
A Maratha Gunpowder Keg. Shivaji Maharaj not only fought for independence,
but strived to preserve it. He created a ministry of Military Affairs in his
eight ministerial cabinet (Asta-Pradhan Mandal).His Minister of Warfare was
Hambirrao Mohite. Shivaji Maharaj established factories at Raigad and at
other important forts for the manufacture of guns and gunpowder.
Shivaji's Visit to Aurangzeb at Agra
At Agra, when Shivaji presented himself at the Moghul court, Aurangzeb
deliberately insulted him by making him stand behind a lesser noble whom
Shivaji has once defeated in battle. This was a calculated humiliation that
Aurang had arranged for Shivaji. As a result Shivaji left the court in a
huff. This gave Aurangzeb an excuse to declare Shivaji of having committed
the offence of insulting the Mughal court.
Imprisonment of Shivaji
Aurangzeb detained Shivaji in Mirza Raja Jai Singh's house where Shivaji had
put up. Shivaji seems to have read Aurangzeb's mind of having him put to
death. Aurag had made plans to shift Shivaji into the proper Mughal
Shivaji's Escape from Aurang's Clutches
Shivaji struck upon an idea and said that he wanted to make peace with God
by sending fruit and sweetmeats to Brahmins and holy men. To this Aurangzeb
consented. One fine day Shivaji and his son Sambhaji hid himself in two of
the sizable baskets in which fruits and sweetmeats had been packed everyday
and made good their escape from Aurnag's custody. In doing this Shivaji must
have had in mind what had happened to his general Netaji Palkar who after
being captured by the Mughals had been forced to embrace Islam and change
his name to Quli Mohammed Khan. Netaji was forced to serve as a Mughal
soldier in Afghanistan, till he too made good his escape and returned to
Shivaji to reconvert to Hinduism and join the forces of Swaraja once again.
Others were not so lucky, they were made to convert to Islam and some others
were horribly tortured to death - as was to happen later with Shivaji's son
Shambhu Raje or Sambhaji, after Shivaji's death.
Shivaji Maharaj's Seal. Shivaji Maharaj was the first Hindu King to ascend
a throne after a long time. During the Dark Days of Muslim Tyranny, Shivaji
Maharaj was one of the very few (along with the Ranas of Mewad), to issue
his own coinage. Shivaji's coinage was in Sanskrit. The coins were in two
main denominations, the Shivrai made of copper was a lower denomination coin
and the Hon was a gold coin of a higher denomination. To erase the memory of
Shivaji Maharaj, Aurangzeb issued an order after the passing away of Shivaji
Maharaj that all Hons were to be imponded and melted. That Aurang did not
succeed in erazing Shivaji Maharaj's illustruous personality from our memory
is another matter.
Opposition form the Orthodoxy
One important event during this time was the escape of Netaji Palkar from
the Mughals and his return to Maharashtra. Netaji had been captured as a
Prisoner of war by the Mughals and had been forcibly converted to Islam. He
had been given the name Mohammed Quli Khan and was marooned as a fighting
soldier of the Mughal forces in far away Afghanistan. For 20 (Twenty) years
he was forced to stay a Muslim in the Mughal army. But one day he got his
chance to escape and he returned to Maharashtra and went to his Master
Shivaji Maharaj. He asked Shivaji Maharaj to re-convert him to Hinduism and
re-habilitate him honourably in Maratha society. But when Shivaji Maharaj
approached the purohits (Priests) to do the needful, they refused to
re-convert a Muslim convert back to Hinduism. On seeing their obstinate
attitude, Shivaji Maharaj, himself performed the necessary rites to
re-convert Netaji into a Hindu.
Incidentally, Shivaji Maharaj was consistently opposed by the retrograde
orthodoxy throughout his military career. Even before his coronation, they
refused to enthrone him citing various reasons that he was not a Kshatriya
by caste and that he had not performed his thread-ceremony! But the will of
the common people of Maharashtra prevailed and Shivaji Maharaj was duly
crowned by the Pandits from Kashi to become Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Coronation of Shivaji as Chattrapati
After returning to the deccan, Shivaji again raised an army and recaptured
all the forts that he had been made to surrender to the Mughals as per the
treaty of Purandar. In this phase we see the exploits of his brave general
Tanaji Malusare who perished while recapturing the invincible fort of
Kondana from Uday Bhan - the renegade Rajput who was the Mughal commandant
of the fort. After all the forts had been recaptured, Shivaji was pursuaded
by Gaga Bhatt (a brahmin from Benaras) and his mother the ageing Jijabai to
formally crown himself as the king of the Marathas. The coronation took
place at Raigad on the 6th of June 1674.
This is the Coronation place
of Shivaji Maharaj,
from which we have
the title Chattrapati.
Narvir Tanaji's Impossibly Brave Deed
The fort of Kondana, which is today on the outskirts of Pune town was then
an outpost overlooking Pune and the surrounding countryside. It was
strategically placed in the center of a string of forts of Rajgad, Purandar,
and Torna. The capture of Kondana was necessary if Shivaji Maharaj was to
re-establish de facto control over the Pune region.
Recognizing the strategic importance of Kondana, the Mughals had maintained
a battalion of 5000 troops led by Udai Bhan, a relative of Mirza Raja Jai
Singh. The fort was built in such a way that all its approaches were covered
by cannon-fire. Only on turret was not well defended as it was at the top of
a vertical overhanging cliff.
Tanaji decided that this was the only way, he could enter the fort. He
dressed himself as a Gondhali (devotee of the Goddess Bhavani of Tuljapur)
and roamed the surrounding villages. He won the trust of one Mahadev Koli
who was in the service of Udai Bhan. Koli presented the disguished Tanaji to
Udai Bhan, who was suitably impressed by this "devotee" and allowed him free
access to the fort.
This is the sheer cliff
that Tanaji and his brave Mavalas (comrades) scaled
to surprise the Muslim army
that was engrossed in a drunken orgy
on the plateau seen at the top
during a dark night in 1669.
Tanaji carried out a careful surveillance of the fort and at that very night
when he was told that at the overhanging cliff Udai Bhan and all his senior
commanders would be celebrating a usual party with an alcohol and dance
orgy; Tanaji decided that he should seize this opportunity.
With almost all his troops, Udai Bhan had a roaring party on top of the
overhanging cliff. Unknown to them after midnight, Tanaji and his brave
followers who numbered 300 scaled the cliff using ropes tied to a reptile
called Ghorpad. The Ghorpad can stick fast to any surface and a number of
adults can use this force to scale a vertical cliff with the help of a rope,
one end of which is tied to the Ghorpad. Silently Tanaji and his comrades
slunk up to the top of the cliff.
On the other side his uncle Shelar Mama and his brother Suryaji had moved
close to the other gates of the forts with another 300 Mavalas (Maratha
Soldiers). On a signal from Tanaji, all his comrades who has taken up
strategic position all round the celebrating Mughal army, broke into the
party and mercilessly fell upon their enemies. They started slaughtering the
surprised and ill-prepared and drunken Muslim soldiers.
When Udai Bhan saw that Tanaji - the leader of this invading band of
Marathas was no other than the devotee whom he had given permission to visit
the fort, he flew into a mad rage. On seeing Tanaji, Udai Bhan rushed at him
and we are told that for a few fatal seconds, Tanaji started dancing in the
same fashion as he had done as a Gondhali (devotee) when he had met Udai
Bhan earlier in the day. The enraged Udai Bhan lunged at dancing Tanaji and
cut off the arm with which Tanaji was holding his shield. But undaunted
Tanaji used his turban to ward off further thrusts from the blade of Udai
Bhan's sword and continued fighting him for 2 hours in this state with his
wristless left arm bleeding profusely. It is for this feat of Tanaji, that
he is called Narvir - Brave amongst Men.At the end of this ordeal, the
exhausted Tanaji fell to a fatal swish of Udai Bhan's sword. But Udai Bhan
too was throttled by Shelar Mama and thus lost his life.
This is the Monument erected at Simhagad
by Shivaji Maharaj in memory of a brave soldier
who laid down his life for
National Independence.
On this event Shivaji Maharaj
is said to have saidhon this occasion
"Gad aala, paan Simha gela"
(We have won the fort
but have lost the Lion - Tanaji).
The fort of Kondana was renamed as "Simhagad"
in honour of Tanaji's brave deed.
Shivaji Maharaj is said to have said on this occasion "Gad aala, paan Simha
gela" (We have won the fort but have lost the Lion - Tanaji). The fort of
Kondana was renamed as "Simhagad" in honour of Tanaji's brave deed.
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about the subject of the next page of this site that talks about the
Colonial period of Indian history that also marked the end of alien rule in
_________________________________________________ ______
______________________________________________ _____
The script for the above applet has been written by Chintamani Thakur.
A "Nazarana" - The Daughter-in-law of the Muslim Subahdar of Kalyan
During the days after the coronation, many Maratha generals presented
Nazaranas (tribute in kind) to the newly anointed King of Maharashtra. It
was then a practice of the Muslims to abduct any fair maiden and to force
her into the harem as a concubine. (A harem is a term for the living
quarters of abducted women, nominally treated as wives.) On one such
occasion, following the "illustrious" example set by the Muslim aggressors,
a Maratha Sardar also (general) abducted a daughter-in-law of the Muslim
Subahadar of Kalyan, near Mumbai (Kalyan was then under Mughal occupation).
This was one of the many temples that had been destroyed and converted into
a Mosque by the Muslim aggressors Shivaji Maharaj reconverted it into a
temple. Even today, the temple structure displays a mix of Hindu and Muslim
architecture. But in spite of the trying circumstances of religious bigotry
of the Muslim aggressors in which he operated, Shivaji Maharaj never
disrespected the Muslim faith. Whenever a copy of the holy Koran fell into
the hands of Maratha troops, Shivaji Maharaj had given strict instructions
to treat it with utmost respect and hand it over to the local Maulavis
(Muslim priests).
This Sardar presented this "Nazarana" to Shivaji Maharaj, expecting to be
patted on the back for such a "fair" tribute. Shivaji Maharaj's reaction at
this occasion, gives us an insight into the mind of the person who lived 300
years before us. Shivaji not only chided the general, but warned him and all
the other Maratha generals that such a heinous offence would henceforth
attract a penalty of the offender's hands being chopped off. The dazed
general was asked by Shivaji to return with full honours, the
daughter-in-law of the Muslim Subahadar of Kalyan.
The Maratha ballads (Povadas) that describe this event say that on hearing
Shivaji's dialogue in Marathi the teenaged girl is said to have exclaimed
"Ya Allah, yeh aadmi nahin farishta hai. Ees farishtey pe kamyaabi bahal
karna." ("O Lord, this is not an ordinary man but an angel. Bestow success
on this angel.") The Maratha balladeers, while narrating this event say that
"Asseech amuchi aai asatee,sundar roopavati; amhi hee sundar zhalo asato -
vadaley Chattrapati" ("If my mother had been as beautiful, I too would have
been as beautiful - exclaimed Chattrapati"). These dialogues might as well
be a later romanticization of what actually happened. But it proves a
point - Shivaji Maharaj had risen above the attitudes of religious bigotry,
and beastly behaviour that had come to typify the Indian ruling class under
Muslim rule.
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Campaigns of Shivaji
After this Shivaji launched his campaign in Karnatak, which took him up to
Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu. The period from 1674 up his passing away in 1680
was a relatively peaceful period, as the Mughal made no more attempts to
molest the Marathas. Only after the passing away of Shivaji Maharaj did
Aurang again dared to venture into Maharashtra, and then too he did not
entrust the task to any general. He came himself in 1682 and stayed on in
the deccan till his death in 1707.
The Marathas After Shivaji Maharaj - Sambhaji
After the passing away of their illustrious leader, the marathas fell into
relative disarray. Shivaji's eldest son Sambhaji did not prove adequate to
the responsibility of preserving the flame of independence to which his
father had given the initial spark. Sambhaji was extremely fearless and
brave. Maratha chronicles (Bakhars) refer to him as in fact more assertive
and independent than his father. But in addition to all this Sambhaji also
had vices like wine and women. In his eventful life, Shivaji Maharaj did not
seem to have had enough time to groom his successor. Sambhaji's temper had a
short fuse. During Shivaji's life-time itself, he had once quarreled with
his father and had gone over to join the Mughals as one of their Mansabdars.
Subsequently, he realized his folly and came back to his father and
repented. But this act of his deeply hurt his father nad also displayed his
chimerical nature for which he was to pay later with a painful death.
Another view of the Khandoba Temple at Jejuri
- Khandoba, the deity at Jejuri is the fighter God of the Marathas. He is
shown astride a horse and has a angry warlike look. This was reason enough
for the Muslims to repeatedly destroy the temple. Even Aurangzeb attempted
to destroy the temple a second time in 1690. He however was thwarted in this
attempt when a nest of hornets was disturbed by the Mughal soldiers while
trying to attack the temple. The hornets so harrassed the besieging Mughal
soldiers that Aurangzeb was forced to lift the siege and spare the temple.
The Bigoted but God-fearing Aurangzeb is said to have placated the angry
bees by offerring One Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Silver Coins to the
God Khandoba. Even today this place is known as Sava Lakhacha Bhunga.
After the death of Shivaji Maharaj, Sambhaji was crowned as Chattrapati. He
brazenly followed policies detrimental to the fledgling Maratha power. In
this he was given short-sighted advise by his friend Kavi Kalash.
Sambhaji's Assassination
Sambhaji did not falter in battling the Mughals, as well as the Portuguese.
In those days Aurnagzeb had come over to the Deccan. After subjugating the
Bijapur and Golkonda kingdoms, he turned his attention on the Marathas. He
carried on a ceaseless campaign against the Marathas. Sambhaji performed
many daring acts in this guerrilla campaign especially in the Konkan region.
But in spite of his bravery, his short temper and his vices went against
him. One night, when he was passing thru Sangmeshwar with a small band of
bodyguards, he was waylaid by the Mughals and was brought in chains before
On being presented to Aurangzeb, Sambhaji was asked to surrender all his
forts, accept Islam and enter the service of the Mughal Emperor. To this
affront, Sambhaji scronfully replied that he could consider this if
Aurangzeb gave him his daughter in marriage and proclaimed him as the
successor to the Mughal throne! On hearing this Aurang flew into a rage and
decided to torture Sambhaji to death. Sambhaji's eyes were gouged, his
tongue was cut off, followed by his arms and legs. Sambhaji died an inhuman
death, but till the agonizing end he never recanted his faith.
Rajaram, Tarabai and Shahu
After Sambhaji's assassination, his step-brother Rajaram became the king. He
was not especially brave and is said to have been physically weak. During
his time Aurangzeb besieged and captured Raigad. Instead of fighting the
enemy, Rajaram fled from Raigad when the fort was about to be besieged.
Raigad fell into the hands of the Mughals in 1689 when a renegade Maratha
called Suryaji Pisal betrayed the defences of the fort to the besieging
Mughals. During the capture of Raigad, Sambhaji' wife Yesubai and his son
Shahu were taken captive by the Mughals. Rajaram's life as Chattrapati was
spent mostly in fleeing from the Mughal armies. Nevertheless during his
times, the generals like Santaji Ghorpade and Dhanaji Jadhav carried out a
whirlwind guerrilla campaign to harras the Mughal army and never let
Aurangzeb rest in one place. Thus in spite of his presence in the Deccan for
more than 25 years from 1680 to 1707, Aurang could not subsume the flame of
independence lit by Shivaji Maharaj.
A View from the Turrets of Raigad Fort
This fort was invincible.
After the passing away of Shivaji Maharaj in 1680,
the fort could be captured by Aurangzeb in 1689 only when
Suryaji Pisal - a renegade Maratha,
betrayed the defenders and
opened the doors secretly to
let the enemy troops inside at night.
In 1700, Rajaram died of sickness and he was succeeded by his wife Tarabai.
She was the nominal leader of the Marathas from 1700 to 1707, although the
military activities were coordinated by the duo of Santaji and Dhanaji.
Aurang's Death in 1707
When Aurang died in 1707, his son Azamshah who was with him at his deathbed,
proclaimed himself the Mughal Emperor and prepared to battle his elder
brother Muaazam, who was then in Kabul. To ensure that the Marathas came
over to his side, Azamshah released Shahu who was till then held as a
prisoner by the Mughals. Shahu had been a prisoner for 18 years from 1689 up
to 1707. When Shahu staked his claim to the throne, Tarabi was ruling. A
battle between the two was inevitable. This battle fought at Khed went in
favour of Shahu and he became the Chattrapati. He was incidentally the last
de facto Chattrapati of the Marathas.
The Coronation of Shivaji Maharaj
marked the zenith of a career full of daring acts
of personal bravery of this unique personality.
Prime Ministers Peshwas become de facto Kings
During the days of Shahu, his general Dhanaji Jadhav had a very able
accountant named Balaji Vishwanath Bhatt. This accountant rose in Dhanaji's
favour by dint of hard work. His successful track record brought him
visibility in the eyes of Shahu.
On Dhanaji's passing away, Shahu appointed him as his accountant. During
this period, Shahu was attacked by forces loyal to Tarabai. To face this
attack, Shahu appointed Balaji Viswanath Bhatt as a Senakarta (i.e.
Commander). Balaji Viswanath proved to be an able soldier too. This
increased the confidence Shahu had in him and he appointed Balaji Viswanath
as his representative to negotiate with Kanhoji Angre, the Admiral of the
Maratha Navy, who was at that time with Shahu's rival Tarabai. Before,
balaji Viswanath could take up this assignment, he asked Shahu to appoint
him as a Prime Minister or Peshwa. To this request Shahu conceded and Balaji
Vishwanath Bhatt became the Chattrapati's first Peshwa.
Balaji negotiated with Kanhoji Angre and both consented to accept the
other's independent sphere of influence. With Balaji Vishwanath in charge of
the Maratha military and Kanhoji in charge of the Marathas Navy. This
agreement set the course for Balaji Viswanatha's rise as a Peshwa during his
subsequent visit to Delhi with an army of 12,000 Marathas. During this visit
to Delhi, on an invitation from the Syed brothers in their struggle with the
Mughal Emperor Farrukhsiyyar, the Maratha forces led by Balaji Viswanath
clashed with the forces of Mughal Emperor and defeated them. This was the
first Maratha victory over the Mughals in Delhi. This event marks the
asendency of the Marathas in Delhi an asendency that was to last for almost
a century till they were supplanted by the British in 1803.
The Peshwas - Baji Rao, Balaji Baji Rao, Madhav Rao
As we saw above, after Shahu, the de facto executive power passed into the
hands of the hereditary Prime Ministers the Peshwas. Balaji Viawanath Bhatt
was succeeded by his son Baji Rao the first. Baji Rao was a very able and
ambitious soldier and he was the one who consolidated Maratha power in North
The Spread of the Maratha Empire.
The Marathas rose to the status of Imperial Rulers of India. Their rise from
freedom fighters for swarajya to the rulers of Marathi Daulat (Empire) took
place from 1720 to 1761 and lasted till 1803 when they were supplanted by
the British.
Baji Rao died at a relativey young age of 40 in the year 1740. His was
succeeded by his son Balaji Baji Rao. Balaji Baji Rao played a tragic role
in Maratha history and the fissiparous tendencies he let loose ultimately
let to the downfall of the Maratha empire.
His first mistake was to go back on the agreement between his grandfather
Balaji Viswanath Bhatt and Kanhoji Angre according to which the Peshwa was
to have no direct control over the Maratha Navy. He attacked the his own
navy and weakened one arm of the Maratha might.
During his rule, North India was invaded by Ahmed Shah Abdali first in 1756.
Balaji Baji Rao then sent his brother Raghunath Rao along with Malharrao
Holkar to defeat Abdali. Raghunath rao not only defeated Abdali but chased h
im up to the Khyber pass till Attock in Paktoonistan. .
This success of Raghunath Rao aroused the jealousy of Balaji Baji Rao's wife
Gopikabai, who started conspiring against Raghunath Rao to undermine his
influence. This led to corresponding jealousy from Anandibai who was
Ragunath Rao's wife. The unfortunate fallout of this court intrigue ws to
end in the disastrous 3rd battle of Panipat in 1761.Let us see the event
that led to this catastrophe at Panipat.
A Mavla
Maratha soldiers were known as Mavlas
Among them were valiant warriors like Tanaji Malusare,
Murar Baji, Santaji Ghorpade, Baji Prabhu Deshpande, and many others.
Known for their daring bravey
it was they who helped Shivaji Maharaj
lay the foundations of Hindavi Swaraj and
of the Maratha Empire in face of brutal Muslim Tyranny.
But when the Marathas gave up their guerrilla tactics
under haughty and over-confident leaders, the result was PANIPAT
The Persian Invasion of 1740 by Nadir Shah
Some 80 years after Shivaji when the Mughal Empire had been weakened by
repeated Maratha attacks, the Afghan raider Ahmed Shah Durrani (Abdali)
invaded North India. As the Mughals were past their prime and were now
living at the mercy of the Marathas, they did not dare oppose Ahmed Shah.
The task of challenging him was left to the Marathas. The Marathas who then
were on their ascendancy in North India had since the first Persian-Afghan
invasion by Nadir Shah, the king of Persia in 1740, established themselves
as a dominant power in Northern India. The 20 years from 1740 to 1760 saw a
see-saw battle between the Afghans and the Marathas for the domination of
North India.
With the defeat of Mohammed Shah, the Moghul Emperor in 1740 by Nadir Shah
(in whose army Ahmed Shah Abdali was a general), the Mughal power steadily
declined and its place was usurped by the Rohillas who were led by an
ambitious and ruthless chieftain named Najib Khan. Najib's ambition was to
supplant the Moghal Emperor and crown himself as the ruler of India by
capturing Delhi.
The Marathas Liberate Punjab
But the growing power of the Marathas in their northward expansion, stood
between Najib and his ambition. To overcome the Marathas, in 1755, Najib
invited Ahmed Shah Abdali from Afghanistan to help him in defeating the
Marathas and crown himself the ruler of India. In this, he was thwarted by
the Marathas who decisively defeated the Rohillas and Afghans near Delhi in
1756. The defeat was so decisive that Najib Khan surrendered to the Marathas
and became their prisoner. The Maratha forces were led by Shrimant Raghunath
Rao and Malhar Rao Holkar.
After defeating the Afghan-Rohilla forces, the Marathas pursued the Afghans
into the Punjab and beyond up to the Khyber pass. The last frontier of the
Marathas was at Attock in today's NWFP (or Paktoonistan) on the Afghan
border. (This campaign of the Marathas led by Shrimant Raghunath Rao is
called as Raghu's Bharari - i.e. whirlwind campaign.
Thus after nearly 800 after the last Punjabi King Tirlochan Pal Shahi had
been defeated by Mahmud of Ghazni in 1020 C.E. did that part of India come
under Indian rule in 1756 due to the liberation of Punjab by the Marathas.
The Dawn of Swarajya
Shivaji Maharaj gave hope
to the people of Maharashtra in particular
and of India in general by his dream of Hindavi Swaraj.
Maratha Rule gave Indians a sense of self-confidence in themselves
apart from the relief from brutal Muslim Tyranny.
Meanwhile with machinations and trickery, Najib Khan won over Malhar Rao
Holkar and secured his release. On his release Najib started to undermine
the Marathas once again and treacherously killed Dattaji Shinde (eldest
brother of Mahadji Shinde). Najib continued to battle the Shindes in 1757-58
and with his newly found confidence again invited Ahmed Shah Abdali to
invade India.
PANIPAT - A Result of Court Intrigues at Pune
The court intrigues at Shaniwarwada in Pune between Gopikabai (Peshwa Balaji
Baji Rao's wife) and Anandibai (Raghunath Rao's wife) led to the
sidetracking of Raghunath Rao in favour of the Peshwas cousin, Sadashiv Rao
Bhau (along with Viswas Rao the Peshwa's son and successor) as the Supreme
commander of the Maratha forces that were to give battle to Abdali a second
time. It was unfortunate for the Marathas, that due to rivalries, a
successful commander like Raghunath Rao was bypassed in favour of another
Had the Battle of Panipat been won by the Marathas, it would have changed
the subsequent history of India and perhaps if there had been more astute
rulers like Shrimant Thorle Madhav Rao, India's development might have
resembled that of the Asian miracle nation - Japan. (This conjecture is
based on the assumption of a strong domestic political power with a
corollary of wise economic policy to encourage industrial growth as happened
in Japan.)
The 3rd Battle of Panipat
When Abdali launched his second invasion in 1759 the Marathas who after
their successes in 1756 had been hibernating in Maharashtra and Central
India again woke up and in alliance with the Jat King Suraj Mal of Bharatpur
formed an alliance. This alliance led by Shrimant Sadshiv Rao Bhau and
Shrimant Vishwas Rao (the Peshwa Shrimant Balaji Baji Rao's son) won
spectacular victories and captured Delhi and Kunjapura (where the Afghan
treasury and armoury was located). Here the alliance developed cracks due to
the Maratha insistence on not allowing the Jats to loot Delhi. This
ultimately split the alliance and Suraj Mal withdrew from the alliance. The
Marathas consequently marched upto Panipat, but instead of continuing their
attacks to completely defeat the partly defeated Abdali and Najib Khan, they
stayed put at Panipat, blocking the way of the Afghans back to Afghanistan.
Seeing their way back to their homeland blocked, the Afghans now became
restless. They in turn, decided to block the way of the Marathas back into
the Deccan.
Stand-off for one year
This stand-off continued for one whole year from the 14th of January 1760 up
to the 14th of January 1761. This led to the fall in the morale of the
stranded Marathas and ultimatley led to their defeat at Panipat. The Marathi
term "Sankrant Kosalali" meaing "Sankranth has befallen us" comes from this
event. During this stand-off the Afghans cut-off all supplies to the huge
Maratha army. The Afghans with Najib Khan meanwhile also recaptured Delhi
and Kunjpura. On the decisive day of 14th January 1761 (Makar Sankranti),
the Marathas decided to break-through the Afghan blockade and re-enter
Deccan. The disastrous battle saw about one hundred thousand Maratha troops
being slaughtered in a matter of eight hours. But the Afghans too suffered
heavy losses and decided enough was enough and went back to Afghanistan
never to return to India.
The defeat of the Marathas and the withdrawal of the Afghans created a power
vacuum in North India in the period 1761-1790. It was this vacuum that was
filled up by the rising British power. But more of this later.
The Peshwa Shrimant Madhav Rao the first, receiving a petition from a
representative of the British. Madhav Rao, was the last of the astute
Maratha rulers. His rule in the post-Panipat phase consolidated the
weakening Maratha power which was to result in the initial Maratha successes
against the British at the Battle of Talegaon in 1782 (1st Anglo-Maratha
War) and at the Battle of Assaye (2nd Anglo-Maratha War) some years later.
The Sikhs meanwhile united under the leadership of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and
carried on the unfinished task of the Marathas. The Sikh general Jussa Singh
Ahluwalia invaded Abdali's kingdom, defeated Abdali ignominiously and
captured his capital city of Kabul. The saffron flag (Nishan Saheb) then
fluttered over Kabul after a gap of 800 years after Raja Jaya Pal Shahi lost
the city to Sabuktagin in 980 C.E.
Mahadji Shinde was the most successful Maratha General of the post-Panipat
phase. He not only overcame the Rohillas under Najib Khan and the Nawab of
Oudh, but even the Mughal Emperor became a pensioner of Mahadji and received
an annual pension from him. Mahadji collected Chauth from all over North
India in the period 1761 to 1790. He even checkmated the British who had to
concede dominion over north India to him under the Treaty of Salbai.
Mahadji Shinde
Meanwhile in India proper, in the period between 1761 and 1790, the Maratha
power was consolidated by Mahadji Shinde, Nana Phadnavis and Shrimant Madhav
Rao Peshwa. Mahadji Shinde took initiative in military matters and he
successfully checked the British in the first Anglo-Maratha war. Later of
course, the Marathas were to succcumb to the British in after the third
Anglo-Maratha war of 1817.
Nana Phadnavis was machiavellian minister of the Peshwa Shrimant Madhav
Rao. He played a crucial role in the defeat of the British in the first
Anglo-Maratha War at Talegaon 1782 that resulted in the Treaty of Salbai
between the Marathas and the British.
Maratha Rule did not Change the Feudal Relations of Production and
But as far as changing the feudal economic relations were concerned, the
Maratha rule did nothing. The feudal relations remained intact. Politically
speaking too, the Maratha intermission from around 1720 to 1790 was too
brief a period and though the writ of the Marathas ran in the whole of
western India with parts of the north and south under their domination they
could not bring the entire country uniformly under their rule. And in those
parts of the country they ruled, the feudal relations did not undergo any
fundamental change apart from the abolition of the Jazia penal tax levied on
the Hindus by the Muslim rulers and general freedom from religious
persecution of petty Muslim chieftains and representative of the Muslim
monarchy based at Delhi.
The Statue of Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj
at Shivaji Park in Mumbai.
The spirit of Shivaji Maharaj
continues to motivate the people even today.
In other respects the change of rulership from the Muslims to the Marathas
did not represent a departure from the feudal relations of production and
distribution The next stage in socio-economic development and new forms of
landed property came about with the decline of feudal relations and the
medium which brought this about was British colonialism.
This biography of Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is in English. Well researched and authentic documentation by Shri Gajanan Bhaskar Mehendale. I recommend to one and all who love to read the the facts of life of Shivaji Maharaj.
Dr. Madhukar Ambekar.
—John Adams
(Argument in Defense of the Soldiers in the Boston Massacre Trials, December 1770)
WHILE a lot is known about Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, what continues to remain a mystery is the existence of his original swords.Which is why, time and again, the issue returns to haunt those who to try to trace the missing blades.
This time around, it was the information received by home minister L.K. Advani which put the swords back into news. During his five-day tour of Spain last month, Spanish researchers revealed that one of Shivaji's swords, called Bhawani, was made by craftsmen in Toledo, an industrial township which has excelled in the production of weaponry.
"Yes, it can be true because there has been documentary evidence to show that swords had been imported from Spain because of the quality of steel and the mastery of its workers in designing swords and knives," confirms historian Babasaheb Purandare. According to Purandare, Shivaji possessed three swords which were named Bhawani, Jagdamba and Tulja.
Bhawani, it is believed, is now in the custody of Udayraje Bhosale of Satara who is a direct descendent of Shivaji. "But," says historian Ninad Bedekar, "the sword has been inscribed with the name of Shahu Chhatrapati. As such, this leaves room for doubt about whether this is the same sword as used by the Maratha king." There is, however, no controversy about the originality of Jagdamba which was gifted to Edward VII, the Prince of Wales, during his visit to India. It is now a part of the Indian treasure that adorns Buckingham Palace in London. As for Tulja, the scent for that trail was lost a long time back.
"Essentially," elaborates Bedekar, "there is no written description of the swords available anywhere. That makes it difficult to establish the authenticity of the claims made from time to time.
The only written narrative available is that of the sheath which was penned by a Dutchman called Herbet Jagger." It is this unknown factor which has also prompted a few antique collectors to try and make a fast buck by announcing the find of the original sword(s). "The most famous case on record is that of an antique dealer called Modi who, back in 1930, had come across a sword with an inscription that he claimed proved its ownership. He wanted a price of Rs 10,000 (a hefty amount in those days) and there was quite a hue and cry about this case. Eventually, the buyer of that sword and the answer to whether it was really genuine never came to light," recalls Purandare.
Meanwhile, the Toledo angle has excited historians all over again. And Babasaheb Purandare feels that the government should ask the Spanish authorities to provide a detailed account of the manufacturer's markings on Bhawani, so that these can be compared with the sword in the custody of Udayraje Bhosale. "It is so important to get the record straight," says Purandare. Those who swear by Shivaji will no doubt agree that the effort would be worth it.
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real image of shivaji maharaj
अमराठी भाषिकांनाहि प्रेरणा देणारे शिवराय !!!
छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराजांचे कार्य,शौर्य,राजनिती,मुत्सद्दीपणा हे सर्व केवळ महाराष्ट्राच्या चौकटीमध्ये बंदिस्त रहाणे शक्यच नाही.महाराजांचे स्वराज्याचे उद्दीष्ट,त्यामागची भुमिका,येथे एतद्देशियांचे समतेचे ,ममतेचे, सुखाचे हिंदवी स्वराज्य निर्माण व्हावे ही तो प्रभुचीच इच्छा हे महाराजांचे मनोगत महाराष्ट्राबाहेरचे विचारवंतानाहि उमगले होते,आहे.शिवाजी महाराज हे केवळ महाराष्ट्राचेच नेते नव्हते तर ते सर्व भारताचे आदर्श राष्ट्रपुरुष होते अशी भावना भारतीय विचारवंत अन प्रतिभावंत यांच्या मनात शिवकालात अन नंतरहि निर्माण झाली होती अन आजही ती कायम आहे.म्हणुनच मराठी बरोबरच भारताच्या अनेक भाषांमध्ये त्यांच्यावर खंडकाव्ये,
महाकाव्ये आणि स्फुट काव्ये निर्माण झाली.इतर भाषेमध्ये गध्य अन विवेचक चरित्रेहि लिहिली गेली यात महाराजांचे थोरपण लक्षात येते.
परमानंद नेवासकर हे महाकवि तर महाराजांना समकालीनच होते.त्यानी महाराजांचे चरित्र'शिवभारत"हे संस्क्रूतमध्ये लिहिले आहे.त्याच काळात जयराम पिंडे यांनी"पर्णालपर्वतग्रहणाख्यान"मध्ये पन्हाळा घेतला याचे वर्णन केले आहे.
आणखीहि एक संकर्षण सकळकळे यांचे शिवकाव्य प्रकाशात आले आहे.त्यामध्ये चंद्रराव मोरे यांचे पारिपात्य,कल्याण-भिवंडीची मोहिम, अफझलखान वध हे तीन महत्वाचे प्रसंग त्यात वर्णिले आहेत.समर्थानी तर त्यांच्या वेगळ्या वेगळ्या स्वभावाचे,वेगवेगळ्या पैलुंचे सुंदर वर्णन केले आहे.अद्नानदास या शाहिराने अफझलखान वधावर बहाद्दर पोवाडा रचला आहे.रामचंद्रपंत आमात्य हे अष्टप्रधानातील एक प्रधान.त्यानी "आद्न्यापत्रा"मध्ये महाराजांच्या राज्यव्यवस्थेबद्दल अतिशय योग्य शब्दामध्ये वर्णन केले आहे.
भूषण हा प्रख्यात हिंदी (ब्रज भाषेमधिल)कवि.त्याने तर महाराजांच्या मोहिमा प्रत्यक्ष पाहिल्या आहेत.
शिवभुषण अन शिवाबावनी अशी दोन अतिशय सुंदर ब्रज भाषेतिल काव्ये त्याने रचली आहेत.शिवाजी महाराजांच्या १४ गुणांचे वर्णन त्याने एका छंदामध्ये केले आहे.......सुंदरता,गुरूता,प्रभुता,भनि भूषन होत है आदर जामे !
सज्जनाता औ,दयालुता,दिनता,कोमलता झलके प्रजामे !!
दान क्रुपानहु को करिबो,करिबो अभय दिननको बरजामे !
साहसनों रन ठेक,विवेक,इते गुन एक सिवा सरजा मे !!!!
हिंदू धर्म,हिंदू संस्क्रूती,कुळधर्म,कुळाचाराच्या आधारे चालणारी हिंदू परंपरा यांचे रक्षण आपल्या तलवारीच्या जोरावर केल्याचा उल्लेख एका कवनामध्ये करताना तो म्हणतो.....
वेद राखे विदित पुरान राखे सारयुत रामनाम राख्यो अति रसना सुधार मे !
हिंदून की चोटी राखी है सिपाहिनकी,कांधेमे जनेऊ राख्यो माला राखी गरमे !!मिडी राखे मुगल मरोरि राखे पातसाह,वैरी पीसि राखे वरदा राख्यो करमे !
राजन की हद्द राखी तेग बल शिवराज,देवराखे देवल स्वधरम राख्यो घर मे !!!!
अर्थ --शिवजीराजाने आपल्या तलवारीच्या जोरावर वेद आणि पुराणे यांचे संरक्षण केले.सर्वस्वाचे सार असे जे रामनाम ते हिंदूंच्या जिव्हेवर कायम ठेवले.हिंदूंची शेंडी राखली आणि शिपायांची रोटी(ऊपजीविका)चालविली. खांध्यांवरील जानवी अन गळ्यातील माला सुरक्षित ठेवल्या.मोंगलांचे व्यवस्थित मर्दन केले अन बादशहास मुरगाळून टाकले.शत्रूंचे चूर्ण केले.इतके करुन आपल्या हाती वर देण्याचा अधिकार ठेवला.देवळात देव अन घरात कुलधर्म कुलाचार कायम ठेवले.(५१)
बंगालचे संस्क्रूत कवी कालिदास विध्याविनोद "शिवाजी चरितम्"नावाचे काव्य लिहिले असून ते कलकत्त्याच्या संस्क्रूत साहित्य पत्रिकेच्या ११ व्या अंकात प्रकाशित झाले आहे.बंगालमधील श्री.अंबिकादत्त व्यास या महाकवीने प्रगल्भ आणि बाणभट्ट शैलीत"शिवराज विजयम्" नावाचे गध्य चरित्र लिहिले आहे.डॉ.श्री.भा.वर्णेकर या विख्यात संस्क्रूत पंडिताने"श्रीशिवराज्योदरम्" नावचे सर्गबद्ध महाकाव्य लिहिले आहे
बंगालमध्ये गुरुदेव रवींद्रनाथ टागोर यांनी शिछत्रपतिंवर एक दिर्घ कविता लिहून बंगाली तरुणांना शिवाजी महाराजांचा आदर्श ठेवण्याबद्दल आवाहन केले आहे.छिन्न,विघटित भारत एक धर्मराज्य पाशात बांधण्याची महाराज्यांची आकांक्षा त्यांना अनुकरणीय वाटली आहे.ते म्हणतात.- - -...
कोन दूर शताब्देर,कोन एक अख्यात दिवसेनाहि जानि आजि
मराठार कोन शैले अरण्येर अंधकारे बसे हे राजा शिवाजी
तव भाल उदभासिया ए भावना तडित्प्रभावत एसे छिवो नामि
एक धर्मराज्य पाशे खंड छिन्न विक्षिप्त भारत वंदे दिवो आमि !!
श्री.वा.भ.बोरकरांनी याचा सुंदर अनुवाद असा केला आहे----
कवण दूर शतकाच्या कवण्या अश्रुत दिवशी केंव्हा
नाही ठाउके आज कवण मराठी शैली बसला
कानन घन अंधारी प्रभु तुम्ही शिवराज
तडित्प्रभावत एक भावना उजळीत तुमच्या भाळा
स्थिरावली ह्रुदयात छिन्न विखंडित क्षिप्त भारता
सांधित बांधित एक धर्मराज्य पाशात !
श्री.जोगेंद्रनाथ बसू यांचे "शिवाजी" हे खंडकाव्य असेच प्रेरणादायक आहे.महाराजांच्या राज्यव्यवस्थेचे वर्णन करताना ते लिहितात----
द्न्यानी गुणी मंत्री जन अलंक्रुत सभा
धनपूर्ण राजकोष सुखी प्रजागण
रामराज्ये यथा बसे निश्चित निर्भय
स्नेहे प्रेमे बद्ध भ्रुत्य सैनिक सचिव
अर्थ---शिवछत्रपतिंचे राज्य हे रामराज्य होते.द्न्यानी,गुणी,मंत्रीगणानी राजसभा भूषित होती.राजकोषहि भरलेला असून प्रजा सुखी होती.सैनिक मंत्री आणि सेवक स्नेहाच्या पाशाने बांधलेले होते.
शचिन सेन गुप्तांनी बंगाली भाषेत एक नाटक लिहिले आहे." गैरिक पताका " या नाटकाच्या प्रारंभीच भवानी मंदिरात तानाजीला आपला उद्देश सांगतांना महाराज म्हणतात---- "आमि ताइ शक्तिर आराधना कोरछि,आमि तोहरी कोरते चाइछि एमनी एकटा जाति,जार प्रतिटी मानुष सकल अधिकार आयत कोर धरणीर बूके बेडे उठते पारे तारई जन्य आमार राज्येर प्रयोजन" 'गैरिक पताका' मुळे प्रत्येक बंगाली ह्रुदयात शिवाजीराजांची एक ओजस्वी अश्वारुढ मूर्ती स्थापन झाली आहे.सोनार बांगलामध्ये लोकमान्य टिळकांनी शिवजयंती उत्सव सुरु केला.वंग भंग आंदोलन घडवून आणले.
श्री.झवेरचंद मेघाणी हे गुजराथचे एक नावाजलेले कवी त्यानी "हाल रड्डु" या नावाने शिवाजी महाराजांचा एक उत्क्रुष्ट पाळणा लिहिला आहे त्यामधील कांही ओळ अशा----अभमां उगेल चांदलोने जिजाबाइने आव्या बाळ,बाळडानो मात हिंचोळे घणघण डगरा बोले.शिवाजीने नींदरू नावे माता जिजाबाई झुलावे,पेतमां पोटीने सांभाळेली बाळे राम लक्ष्मण नी बात,माताजीने मुखजे दी थी ऊडी एनी ऊंघते दी थी !
अर्थ...आकाशात चंद्र उगवला.आणि जिजाऊंच्या पोटी शिवाजी जन्माला आला.बालकाला जिजाबाई आंदुळते आहे.पण बाजूलाच डोंगराडोंगरात संकटाचा घणघण असा आवाज घुमतो आहे.त्यामुळे शिवबाबाळाला काही झोप लागत नाही.पोटात असतानाच आईच्या तोंडून ऐकलेल्या राम लक्षमणांच्या गोष्टींनी त्याची झोप पार उडाली आहे
श्री.वामन सिताराम मुकादम यांनी गुजराथी मध्ये ५८० पानांचे शिवचरित्र लिहिले आहे.हिन्दी भाषेमध्ये शिवचरित्रावर सहा महाकाव्ये असुन खंडकाव्ये बरीच आहेत.श्री केदारनाथ मिश्र यांचे 'रक्त के अक्षर" हे खंड फारच उदबोधक आहे.डॉ.सुरेन्द्रनाथ सेन यांनी शिवाजी महाराजांची' परकियांनी लिहिलेली चरित्रे 'या नांवाचा ग्रंथ संपादित केला असून त्यात फ्रान्सिस मार्टीन (फ्रेंच),कॉस्मा द गार्डा (पोर्तुगीज)व अन्य डच लेखकांनी लेखकांनी लिहिलेली माहिती एकत्र केली आहे.
खाफीखान हा महाराजांचा कट्टर द्वेष्टा याने महाराजांविषयी फार्सी भाषेत लिहिले आहे " शिवाजीने सर्वकाल स्वराज्याच्या प्रजेचा मान राखण्याचा प्रयत्न केला.लज्जस्पद क्रुत्यांपासून तो सदैव अलिप्त राहिला.मुसलमान स्त्रियांच्या अब्रूंचे त्याने दक्षपणे रक्षणच केले.मुसलमान मुलांचेहि त्याने रक्षण केले.या बाबतीत त्याच्या आद्न्या फार कडक होत्या.जो कोणी या अद्न्यांचा भंग करील त्याला तो कडक शासन करीत असे."
श्री.कोमाराजू वेंकट लक्षणराव हे तेलगू इतिहासकारांचे अग्रणी समजले जातात.त्यांनी तेलगू भाषेतील " शिवभारतम "नावाच्या महाकाव्यामध्ये ते म्हणतात----
धीर ग्रसरमूर्ति हइंदवधरित्री भाग्य सत्यापनम्!
प्रारंभुडु दयागुणाम्बुधी महाराष्ट्रान्वयत्तोम सुंडौ
वीर क्षत्रीय मौली देशमत गोवेदादि रक्षार्पित
धीरम्युंड भवानी भवत्त्तुंड शिवाजी राजु सामान्युडे !!
अर्थ---धीरोदत्तांचा अग्रेसर,हिंदुभूमीच्या भाग्योदयाचा प्रारंभक,दयेचा सागर,महाराष्ट्राच्या चारित्राचे प्रतीक,वीर क्षत्रीय.मौली देश,गायी अन वेद यांचा रक्षणकर्ता,लक्षीचा लाडका अन भवानीचा भक्त शिवाजीराजा असामन्य होता.
कन्नड कवी श्री निवास यानी मावळेगळ नावाचे काव्य रचले आहे,त्यामध्ये ते शिवरायांचे वर्णन असे करतात-----
शिवराय शत्रुरायर गंड शिवरायर हगेयजवराय
तवकित म्लेंच्छर कत्तले तंडके शिवराय चंड मार्तांड !!
अर्थ--शत्रुना पुरुन उरणारा व वैर्यांचा कर्दनकाळ असा हा शिवराय दुर्दात मेंच्छ राज्याच्या अंधकाराचा नाश करुन चंड सूर्याप्रमाणे नभांगणामध्ये तळपत आहे .
श्री.सुब्रह्मण्यम भारती हे तमिळ साहित्याचे पितामह समजले जातात.शिवराय आपल्या सहकार्याना उद्देशून आवाहन करीत आहेत असा प्रसंग कल्पून ते लिहितात--जय जय भवानी!जयजय भारतम्
शनैत्तलेवरघाळ,शिरन्द मंत्रिघाळ
नीरदन पुदलघर,इन निनैवह जादिर!
भारतनाडु पाकैल्लाम तिलकम्
नीरदन पुदलवर इन निनैवह जादिर!
अर्थ---भवानीचा जयजयकार असो,भारताचा जयजयकार असो.माझ्या सेनापतींनो आणि राजकारणी मुस्तद्दी मंत्र्यानो,तुम्ही या भुमीचे सुपुत्र आहात हे विसरु नका.हे या भुमीच्या पाईकांनो,भारतवर्ष हा अलम दुनियेचा सौभाग्य तिलक आहे हेहि विसरु नका.
शिवरायांच्या हयातीतच त्यांच्या विषयीच्या अदभुत कथा आसामपर्यंत पोहोचल्या होत्या.शिवाजीराजांची ही मुर्ती इतिहास संशोधकाना ही श्रध्येय वाटली हे विशेष .सर जदुनाथ सरकार हे सुरवातीला महाराजांचे भक्त नव्हते.ते औरंगजेबाचे चरित्र लिहित होते.शिवाजीराजे हे त्या चरित्रामधील एक प्रकरण होते.पण जसजशी साधन,आधार,माहिती मिळत गेली आणि जदुनाथांनी ती सत्याच्या निकषावर घासून पाहिली तशी तशी त्यांच्या मनात महाराजांची प्रतिमा उजळू लागली,आणि "आधुनिक इतिहासातील युगप्रवर्तक राष्ट्रपुरुष"अशा शब्दामध्ये त्यांनी महाराजांचा गौरव केला.
मराठी भाषेनंतर महाराजांचे पहिले चरित्र(बॉयोग्राफी)ऊर्दूमध्ये लाला लजपतराय यांनी लिहिले.नंतर बहुतेक सर्व भाषांमध्ये त्याचे भाषांतर झाले.पारतंत्राच्याकाली राष्ट्राला प्रेरणा देणे,गलितगात्रांचे मनोधैर्य,आत्मविश्वास जाग्रुत करणे याहेतूने देशभक्तांनी शिवाजीराजांविषयी साहित्य निर्मिती सुरु केली.
नेताजी सुभाषचंद्र बोस यांनी हिंदुस्थानातुन प्रयाण करण्यापुर्वि दिलिप रॉय यांचेशी जे बोलणे झाले ते रॉय यांनी अम्रुतबझार पत्रिका.हिंदुस्थान स्टँन्डर्ड या व्रुत्तपत्रामधुन पसिद्ध झाले आहे.नेताजी रॉय यांना म्हणाले की"आपल्याला शिवाजी महाराजांच्या धोरणाचे अनुकरण करावे लागेल.त्यांनी strategy हा शब्द वापरला आहे.नेताजींनाहि महाराजांचे अनुकरण करावेसे वाटले.
विजयनगरच्या नाशानंतर हिंदुसमाजात निराशा पसरली होती.अनेक वर्षाच्या गुलामगिरीमुळे स्वातंत्र आणि स्वाभिमान यांचा विचार क्षीण झाला होता.सत्ताधिश फक्त मुस्लिमच,हिंदू सत्ताधिश होउच शकणार नाही असा न्युनगंडा निर्माण झाला होता.हिंदूच असे मानत होते की"जगदिश्वरो वा दिल्लिश्वरो" काशीचा जगदिश्वर आणि दिल्लिचा बादशहा...दोनच परमेश्वर.अशा अत्यंत प्रतिकूल परिस्थितीमध्ये शिवरायांनी समतेचे ,ममतेचे,सुखाचे धर्मराज्य निर्माण केले.महाराजांनी केलेली हिंदवी स्वराज्याची स्थापना ही एक अलौकिक घटना होती.भारतीय इतिहासकार जदुनाथ सरकार लिहितात----
The coronation of Chatrapati Shivaji has shown that the tree of hinduism is not really dead,like the Akshaya vatut tree of allahabad.it can risefrom beneath the seemuingly crushing load of centuries of political bondage.it can put forth new leaves and branches can again lift its head upto the skies.
शिवाजी महाराजांच्या राज्याभिषेकाची कल्पना आली की ,श्रीक्षेत्र प्रयागच्या अक्षय वटव्रुक्षाची आठवण होते.जहांगिर बादशहाने हा अक्षय वटव्रुक्ष मुळापासुन तोडुन त्यावर निखारे ठेवले,अशाकरिता की पुन्हा कधीहि त्याव्रुक्षाचा अवशेष कोणाला दिसू नये.पण दहा विस वर्षानी तो वटव्रुक्ष पुन्हा उगवला! त्याच प्रमाणे हिंदुत्वाचा व्रुक्ष अक्षय आहे हे इतक्या शतकानंतरहि शिवाजी महाराजांच्या राज्याभिषेकाने दाखउन दिले.
अत्यंत स्तुत्य लेखनमाला! शिवराय हे केवळ मराठी माणसाचे आणि महाराष्ट्राचे आराध्य दैवत नव्हते तर ते स्वातंत्र्यसंग्रामात सर्वस्वाची आहुती द्यायला सिद्ध् झालेल्या क्रांतिकारकांचेही आराध्य व स्फूर्तिदाते होते.
हुतात्मा भगतसिंग हे काँग्रेसच्या बेळगाव अधिवेशनाला (१९२४?) 'अकाली' या पत्राचे प्रतिनिधी म्हणुन जेव्हा दक्षिणेत आले तेव्हा ते आवर्जुन महाराष्ट्रात आले व रायगडावर जाऊन त्यांनी तेथली माती मस्तकी लावुन स्वातंत्र्याच्या प्रतिज्ञेचा पुनरुच्चार केला होता.
स्वातंत्र्यप्राप्तीसाठी आता देश सोडुन बाहेर पडणे आवश्यक आहे या निष्कर्शाप्रत येताच नेताजी सुभाष यांनी आपल्या तुरुंगवासात बाहेर निसटण्यापूर्वी जदुनाथ सरकार लिखित शिवचरित्रातील 'आग्र्याहुन सुटका' पर्वाची पारायणे केली होती.
मा. बाबासाहेब पुरंदरे यांच्या सहवासात जेव्हा पन्हाळा-विशाळा-प्रतापगड असे भटकायची संधी आली तेव्हा 'प्रतापगडचे युद्ध' जगातील नऊ देशांच्या लष्करी प्रशिक्षण अकादमींमध्ये अभ्यासक्रमात समाविष्ट असल्याची थक्क करणारी माहिती मिळाली होती. कमीत कमी वेळात कमीत कमी माणसांनिशी कमीतकमी युद्धसामग्रीत बलाढ्य शत्रूचा साफ फडशा पाडणारे हे गनिमी काव्याचे युद्ध म्हणजे नियोजन, निर्धार, अभ्यास, निष्ठा व शौर्य यांचे मूर्तिमंत उदाहरण आहे.
कविराज भुषण यांनी शिवबांवर लिहीलेल्या श्री सिवराज भुषण या काव्यातल्या काही ओळी इथे देत आहे. पंडित रत्नाकर त्रिपाठी असे मुळ नाव असलेल्या या उत्तर भारतीय कविने सुरुवातीचा काही काळ औरंगजेबाकडेही चाकरी केली होती. पण तिथे केवळ बादशहाचे गुणगान करणारी काव्येच लिहीण्याची मुभा असल्याने या स्वाभिमानी कविने राजाश्रय नाकारला व पुढे तो शिवरायांची किर्ती ऐकुन तत्कालिन हिंदवी स्वराज्यात आला. केवळ व्यक्तीचे गुणगान करणार नाही म्हणुन औरंगजेबाचा आश्रय सोडलेला हा विलक्षण कवि शिवाजी महाराजांच्या दैवी व्यक्तिमत्वाने एवढा प्रभावीत झाला की त्याने राजांवर एक सोडुन दोन महाकाव्ये लिहीली.
"श्री सिवराज भुषण" आणि "शिव भवानी"
जै जयंति, जै आदि सकति, जै कालि कपर्दिनी
जै मधुकैटभ छलनी, देवि जै महिष बिमर्दिनी !!
इंद्र जिमि जंभपर, वाढव सुअंभपर, रावन सदंभपर
...............................रघुकुल राज है !
पौन बारिबाह पर, संभु रतिनाह पर, ज्यो सहस्त्रबाह पर
...............................राम द्विजराज है !
दावा दृमदंड पर, चीता मृगझुंडपर, भुषण बितुंडपर
..............................जैसे मृगराज है !
तेज तम अंस पर, कान्ह जिमि कंस पर, त्यो मलिच्छ बंस पर
.............................. सेर सिवराज है
.............................. सर्जा सिवराज है !
दशरथ जु के राम, मै वसुदेव के गोपाल !
सोंई प्रगटे साहि के, श्री सिवराज भुपाल !!
सिव हि औरंग जीत सके, और न राजा राव !
हत्थिं मत्थ पर सिंह बिनु, और न घालै घाव !!
औरन को जो जनम है, सो याको यक रोज !
औरनको जो राज है सो, सिर सरजाको मौज !!
जीवन में नर लोग बडों, कवि भुषन भाषत पैज अडो है !
है नर लोगनमें राज बडों,सब राजनमे सिवराज बडों है !!
को दाता ? को रन चढो ? को जग पालनहार...!
कवि भुषन उत्तर दिखो, सिव नृप हरि अवतार..!!
तेरे तेज है सरजा दिनकरसो, दिनकर है तेरे तेज के निकटसो !
तेरो जस है सरजा हिमकरसो, हिमकर है तेरो जस के अकरसो !!
कुंद कहाँ, पयवृंद कहाँ, अरु चंद कहाँ
............................सरजा जस आगे !
बाज कहाँ, मृगराज कहाँ, गजराज कहाँ
........................ तेरे साहसके आगे !!
कवि सिवराज भुषण
पानिपतचे तिसरे युद्ध होऊन आता अडीचशे वर्षे उलटली असली तरी अजूनही पानिपत हा मराठी माणसाच्या जिव्हाळ्याचा विषय आहे. या युद्धात जवळपास चाळीस हजार मराठी योद्धे, तसेच स्त्रिया व पुरुष मरण पावले आणि २२ हजार मराठी युद्धकैदी गुलाम म्हणून अहमदशहा अब्दालीने आपल्याबरोबर अफगाणिस्तानात नेले.
युद्धानंतर मराठी युद्धकैद्यांच्या लांबच लाब रांगा केल्या गेल्या व त्यांना अफगाण सैन्याबरोबर दिल्ली, मथुरा इत्यादी ठिकाणी नेण्यात आले. इतिहासात पानिपतच्या या दुर्दैवी युद्धकैद्यांविषयी जे थोडेफार उल्लेख आढळतात त्यापकी एक उल्लेख सियार उल मुत्ताखिरीन या इतिहासकाराने अशा तऱ्हेने वर्णन केलेला आहे : ‘दु:खी युद्धकैद्यांच्या लांबच लांब रांगा करण्यात आल्या आणि त्यांना थोडे बहुत र्अधकच्चे अन्न व पाणी देण्यात आले. युद्ध संपल्यावर जे काही पुरुष, स्त्रिया आणि लहान मुले वाचली त्यांना गुलाम म्हणून नेण्यात आले. अंदाजे बावीस हजार. त्यातले बरेचसे लोक मोठय़ा हुद्दय़ावरचे होते.’ पानिपतचे युद्ध कसे लढले गेले याविषयी इतिहासात सविस्तर माहिती उपलब्ध आहे; परंतु त्यानंतर मराठी युद्धकैद्यांचे पुढे काय झाले याविषयी काहीच माहिती उपलब्ध नाही.
या युद्धकैद्यांचा पानिपतानंतरचा प्रवास व त्यांच्या वंशजांची सध्याची परिस्थिती याविषयीची माहिती इतिहासाचा एक हौशी संशोधक म्हणून फेसबुकच्या माध्यमातून आणि पानिपतावरील युद्धकैद्यांच्या वंशजांबरोबर केलेल्या संभाषणातून मला मिळाली. पानिपतच्या युद्धानंतर दोन महिन्यांनी.. म्हणजे २० मार्च १७६१ रोजी अहमदशहा अब्दाली अफगाणिस्तानात जाण्यासाठी दिल्लीहून निघाला. त्याच्यासोबत मराठे युद्धकैदीही होते. परत जाताना पंजाबमध्ये शिखांनी या युद्धकैद्यांपकी काही मराठी स्त्रियांना मुक्त केले, अशी इतिहासात नोंद सापडते. पश्चिम पंजाब (पाकिस्तान) ओलांडल्यानंतर बलुचिस्तान प्रांतातील डेरा बुगटी आदी भाग सुरू होतो. पानिपतच्या युद्धात बलुची सन्य अब्दालीच्या बाजूने लढले होते. पानिपत युद्धाच्या एक महिना अगोदर १५,००० बलुची घोडदळ अताईखान याच्या नेतृत्वाखाली अब्दालीला येऊन मिळाले. त्यामुळे अब्दालीची बाजू बळकट झाली होती. पानिपताच्या युद्धापूर्वी तीन वर्षे आधी १७५८ मध्ये अब्दाली आणि बलुचिस्तानचा त्यावेळचा शासक मीर नासीर खान नुरी (कलातचा खान) यांच्यामध्ये एक तह झालेला होता. या तहाच्या अटीनुसार मीर नासीर खान नुरीने अब्दालीला त्याच्या लष्करी कारवायांत सनिक पुरवायचे व त्या बदल्यात अब्दाली मीर नासीर खानाला सन्य ठेवण्यासाठी आíथक मदत करेल असे ठरले होते. अब्दाली जेव्हा पंजाब ओलांडून बलुचिस्तानात परत आला त्यावेळेस कलातच्या खानाने अब्दालीकडे सन्य पुरविण्याच्या बदल्यात आíथक मोबदला मागितला. परंतु अब्दालीला हिन्दुस्थानात फारशी रक्कम खंडणी म्हणून मिळाली नव्हती. कारण दिल्लीचा बादशहा सततच्या आक्रमणांमुळे तसा कफल्लकच झालेला होता. आणि मराठय़ांकडूनदेखील युद्धात हत्ती, घोडे आणि तोफांव्यतिरिक्त काहीच आíथक घबाड पदरात पडले नव्हते. त्यामुळे अब्दालीने मराठा युद्धकैदीच पशांऐवजी मोबदला म्हणून बलोच सरदारांना सुपूर्द केले. मराठा युद्धकैदी बलोच लोकांना देण्याचे दुसरे कारण म्हणजे मराठा युद्धकैद्यांची त्यावेळची शारीरिक अवस्था हीदेखील असू शकते. युद्धकैदी जवळपास दोन-तीन महिने कैदेत होते आणि त्यांना अगदी तुटपुंज्या अन्नपाण्यावर दिवस काढावे लागले होते. अजून बोलन खिंडीसारख्या अतिशय अवघड व दुर्गम भागातून पुढचा प्रवास करायचा होता. अगोदरच मानसिक व शारीरिकदृष्टय़ा खालावलेल्या मराठय़ांना या प्रदेशातून आणखी प्रवास जिवावर बेतला असता. त्यामुळेच अब्दालीने हा पुढचा विचार करून मराठय़ांना बलोच सरदारांना देऊन टाकले. पानिपतात लढलेले बलुची सन्य हे वेगवेगळ्या बलुची जमातींनी बनलेले होते. त्यामुळे मराठे युद्धकैदीही पानिपतात लढलेल्या निरनिराळ्या बलुची जमातींना विभागून देण्यात आले. मराठा युद्धकैद्यांची संख्याही बरीच मोठी होती. आणि सगळ्या मराठय़ांना एकाच ठिकाणी ठेवण्यात मोठा धोकाही होता. त्यामुळे या युद्धकैद्यांना विभागण्याचा निर्णय मीर नासीर खान नुरी याने घेतला.
या युद्धकैद्यांपैकी बुगटी, र्मी, मझारी, रायसानी व गुरचानी इत्यादी बलोच जमातींमध्ये मराठा उपजमात आजही आपली स्वतंत्र ओळख टिकवून आहे. पानिपत युद्धातील त्यावेळच्या मराठा युद्धकैद्यांचे वंशज आज धर्माने मुस्लीम झालेले आहेत खरे; परंतु त्यांना आपल्या मराठीपणाचा रास्त अभिमान आहे. या उपजमातींपकी फक्त बुगटी मराठय़ांविषयीची माहिती उपलब्ध आहे. बुगटी जमातीतील मराठय़ांचे तीन प्रमुख वर्ग पुढीलप्रमाणे- बहुसंख्य मराठा युद्धकैदी हे काल्पर, मसोरी, शांबानी, नोथानी, पिरोजानी आणि रहेजा या बुगटी जमातींमध्ये विभागून देण्यात आले आणि आज हा समाज त्या- त्या बुगटी जमातीच्या नावाने ओळखला जातो. उदा. काल्पर मराठा, नोथानी मराठा, शांबानी मराठा वगरे. आज हा वर्ग समस्त बुगटी मराठी लोकसंख्येच्या सुमारे ८० टक्के आहे. या वर्गाला गुलामगिरीत दिवस काढावे लागले. परंतु १९४४ मध्ये नबाब अकबर खान बुगटी (बुगटी जमातीचे मुख्य सरदार) यांनी मराठय़ांना या गुलामगिरीच्या जाचातून मुक्त केले. १९४४ पर्यंत या मराठा वर्गाला प्रचंड शारीरिक कष्ट व हलाखीचे दिवस काढावे लागले. १९४४ पूर्वी त्यांची मुख्य कामे म्हणजे उंटांची देखभाल करणे, स्वयंपाक करणे, लोहारकाम व इतर छोटी-मोठी कामे करणे हेच असे. बुगटी मालक (आका) आणि त्यांचे मराठा गुलाम यांचे संबंध बऱ्यापकी जिव्हाळ्याचे होते. बुगटी मालक आपल्या कुटुंबाप्रमाणे मराठी गुलामांची देखभाल करीत असे. नियमाला ज्याप्रमाणे अपवाद असतो, त्याप्रमाणे काही बुगटी मालक क्रूरसुद्धा होते व ते मराठा गुलामांना अतिशय वाईट पद्धतीने वागवीत असत असे सांगितले जाते. प्रत्येक बलुची जमातीमध्ये त्यांचे स्वत:चे असे कायदे (जिर्गा) असतात. पूर्वी मराठय़ांना इतर बुगटी जमातींच्या तुलनेत असमान आणि जाचक असे कायदे लागू होते. उदाहरणार्थ, सियाकारी- म्हणजे Honour killing च्या कायद्यानुसार एखाद्या बुगटी व्यक्तीने दुसऱ्या बुगटी व्यक्तीचा वध केला तर वध झालेल्या व्यक्तीच्या कुटुंबाला वध केलेल्या व्यक्तीच्या कुटुंबातील एका सदस्याला मारण्याची मुभा होती. परंतु एखाद्या बुगटी व्यक्तीने मराठा व्यक्तीचा वध केला तर वधास वध हा कायदा त्यांच्या बाबतीत मात्र लागू नव्हता. अपराधी बुगटी व्यक्तीला माफक दंड करून सोडून देण्यात येत असे. याउलट, एखाद्या मराठा व्यक्तीने बुगटी व्यक्तीचा खून केला तर एका वधास दोन वध- असा विरोधाभासी कायदाही अस्तित्वात होता. १९४४ साली हा मराठा समाज गुलामगिरीतून मुक्त झाला व जिर्गातले असमान कायदेही काळानुरूप रद्द करण्यात आले. गुलामगिरीतून मुक्त झाल्यानंतरही काही काळ या वर्गाने त्यांच्या बुगटी मालकांबरोबरच राहणे पसंत केले. कारण इतकी वष्रे गुलामगिरीत राहिल्यानंतर त्यांच्यात एक कमीपणाची भावना होती. अलीकडच्या काळात मात्र हळूहळू हा वर्ग समाजाच्या मुख्य प्रवाहात येत आहे. १९६० नंतर या समाजाने अन्य बुगटी जमातींपेक्षा शिक्षणात बरीच आघाडी घेतली. कारण बाकीचा बुगटी समाज हा त्यांच्या भटक्या जीवनपद्धतीतच अडकून पडलेला होता.
त्यामुळे सरकारी नोकऱ्या तसेच ‘सुई पेट्रोलियम कंपनी’त बहुसंख्येने या मराठा समाजाने आपले बस्तान बसविले. बलुचिस्तानमध्ये गॅस सापडल्यानंतर १९५० च्या दशकात सुई पेट्रोलियम कंपनी सुई येथे सुरू करण्यात आली. सुरुवातीला कामगार, फोरमन म्हणून मराठा समाजाला तिथे कामे मिळाली आणि हळूहळू त्यांच्यापकी काहीजण मॅनेजर, सुपरवायझर अशा पदांवरदेखील पोहोचले. आज हा मराठा समाज काळाशी जमवून घेत स्वत:च्या कर्तृत्वावर प्रगती करतो आहे व सुखात नांदतो आहे, ही निश्चितच दिलासा देणारी गोष्ट आहे. दुसरा साऊ किंवा साहू मराठा समाज (शाहू मराठा). मराठा युद्धकैद्यांपकी हा एकच वर्ग सुरुवातीपासून मुक्त होता. बुगटी प्रांत हा बराचसा कोरडा व वाळवंटी आहे. तेथे शेती केली जात नव्हती. बलुची टोळ्या या भटक्या होत्या आणि शेती करण्याचे कसब त्यांच्याकडे नव्हते. मॅरो तसेच सिआहफ या डेरा बुगटीजवळील काही भागात पाणी उपलब्ध होते. मराठा युद्धकैद्यांपकी ज्यांना शेतीचे चांगले ज्ञान होते अशांना बुगटी सरदाराने या भागात शेती करण्यासाठी अनुमती दिली; जेणेकरून बुगटी लोकांसाठी अन्नधान्याची तरतूद होईल. साहू मराठय़ांनी त्यांचा हा विश्वास सार्थ ठरवला व अतिशय उत्तम प्रकारे शेती केली आणि बलुचिस्तानात प्रथमच शेतीचे तंत्र आणण्यात महत्त्वाची भूमिका बजावली. गहू व बाजरी यासारखी धान्ये ते पिकवीत असत. इतर बुगटी जमाती या त्यांच्या मूळ सरदारांच्या नावाने परिचित आहेत. उदा. रहेजा बुगटी जमातीचे ‘रहेजा’ हे नाव त्यांच्या रहेजा या पूर्वज सरदाराच्या नावावरून ठेवण्यात आले आहे.
तसेच या वर्गाने आपली स्वत:ची स्वतंत्र ओळख निर्माण करण्यासाठी ‘शाहू’ हे नाव छत्रपती शाहूंच्या नावावरून धारण केले. शाहू मराठय़ांच्या गढवानी, रंगवानी, पेशवानी, किलवानी वगरे सात उपशाखा आहेत. या शाखा कशा तयार झाल्या, याबद्दलची माहिती मात्र अजूनही उपलब्ध नाही. परंतु ‘पेशवानी’ हे नाव पेशव्यांशी संबंधित असण्याची दाट शक्यता आहे. शाहू मराठे जरी धर्माने मुस्लीम असले तरी त्यांच्या लग्नातील विधी अजूनही मराठीच पद्धतीने केले जातात. उदा. घाना भरणे, हळद, नवऱ्या मुलाची लग्नाअगोदरची आंघोळ, लग्नात उपरण्याला बांधली जाणारी गाठ बहिणीने पसे उकळल्यावरच सोडवणे, मानलेला भाऊ या पद्धती आजही त्यांच्यात अस्तित्वात आहेत. घरातील एखादी व्यक्ती आजारी असेल तर झाडाला दोरा बांधणे, घरात एखादी नवीन वस्तू घेतली तर तिला सोन्याच्या दागिन्याने ओवाळणे, इ. पद्धती महाराष्ट्रात जरी आज लुप्त होत आल्या असल्या (केवळ काही ग्रामीण भागातच टिकून असल्या) तरी साहू मराठय़ांमध्ये अजूनही त्या प्रचलित आहेत. त्यांच्यामुळे काही मराठी शब्दही बलुची भाषेत आलेले आहेत. उदा.‘आई’ हा शब्द साहू मराठय़ांमध्ये आईला संबोधित करायला अजूनही वापरला जातो. मूळच्या बुगटी समाजानेही हा शब्द स्वीकारला आहे.
स्त्रियांची काही मराठी नावे- कमोल (कमळ), गोदी (‘गोदावरी’चे संक्षिप्त रूप), गौरी, सबुला (सुभद्रा) अजूनही त्यांच्यात वापरली जातात. विनोदाची गोष्ट म्हणजे जसे मराठीत सुनीलचे ‘सुन्या’ असे टोपणनाव होते तसेच अजूनही साहू मराठय़ांमध्ये टोपणनाव ठेवले जाते. उदा. कासीम या नावाचे टोपणनाव ‘कासू’ असे केले जाते. तिसरे- दरुरग मराठा! बुगटी मराठय़ांच्या तीन वर्गापकी हा वर्ग संख्येने सर्वात कमी आहे. हा वर्ग सुरुवातीपासून बुगटी सरदारांशी संबंधित होता व त्यामुळे त्यांना मोठा मान मिळत असे. आज या वर्गातले काही लोक मोठे जमीनदार आहेत. या समाजातील युवकांना शिवाजी महाराजांचा अभिमान आहे. बऱ्याच युवकांच्या फेसबुक प्रोफाइलवर शिवाजी महाराजांचा फोटो दिसतो. या तिन्ही वर्गातील मराठी बांधवांनी इतर बुगटी जमातींपेक्षा शिक्षणात लवकर प्रगती केली. आज या समाजातील लोक इंजिनीअर्स, सरकारी अधिकारी, शिक्षक, प्रोफेसर व उच्चपदस्थ राजकारणी आहेत. त्यांची सांपत्तिक स्थितीही इतर बुगटी समाजापेक्षा चांगली आहे.
१९९५ साली अकबर एस. अहमद (पाकिस्तानी राजनतिक अधिकारी व समाजशास्त्रज्ञ) यांनी लिहिलेल्या एका संशोधनपर निबंधातही या मराठा समाजाचा त्यांच्या पूर्वीच्या बुगटी मालकांपेक्षा अधिक उत्कर्ष झाल्यामुळे एकुणात बुगटी समाजात झालेल्या सामाजिक उलथापालथीची नोंद घेण्यात आली आहे. सध्या डेरा बुगटी गावातील २०,००० लोकसंख्येपकी ३० टक्के म्हणजे ७००० लोक मराठा आहेत. तर सुई शहराच्या ८०,००० लोकसंख्येपकी दहा टक्के लोकसंख्या- म्हणजे ८००० लोक मराठा आहेत. सुई म्युनिसिपल कौन्सिलचे व्हाइस चेअरमन व डेरा बुगटी म्युनिसिपल कौन्सिलचे विरोधी पक्षनेते व १४ सदस्यांपकी सातजण हे मराठा सदस्य आहेत. इतर बुगटी जमातींप्रमाणे मराठा समाजाचा जिर्गादेखील आहे. १९६० च्या दशकात सिल्विया मॅथेसन या ब्रिटिश लेखिकेने लिहिलेल्या ‘टायगर्स ऑफ बलुचिस्तान’ या पुस्तकात बुगटी मराठा समाजाचे उल्लेख आढळतात. लेखिकेचे पती सुई पेट्रोलियम कंपनीत नोकरीला होते. लेखिकेने बुगटी मराठा समाजजीवनाचे वास्तवदर्शी वर्णन या पुस्तकात केले आहे. मट्रा (‘मराठा’ शब्दाचा इंग्रजी अपभ्रंश) लोक रंगाने काळेसावळे, लहान उंचीचे आहेत आणि इतर बुगटी समाजापेक्षा वांशिकदृष्टय़ा भिन्न आहेत. या लेखिकेच्या म्हणण्यानुसार, या मराठा लोकांना १५ व्या शतकात हुमायून बादशहाला जेव्हा मीर चाकूर खान (बुगटी सरदार) याने दिल्लीजवळील युद्धात मदत केली त्यावेळेस बंदी बनवून गुलाम म्हणून येथे आणण्यात आले. परंतु हे साफ चुकीचे वाटते. कारण १५ व्या शतकात मराठा सन्य उत्तरेत गेले होते याबद्दलचे कुठलेही संदर्भ उपलब्ध नाहीत. याव्यतिरिक्त या पुस्तकात मराठा व पठाण गटांमध्ये झालेल्या दंगलीचे, तसेच दोन मराठा पोस्टमन रोज रात्री सुई ते डेरा बुगर्ट व पुन्हा परत असे ६० कि. मी. अंतर पायी कसे चालत जात, आणि एका मराठा गुलाम व्यक्तीने एका अवघड कडय़ावर चढून जाऊन आपल्या मालकाबरोबर लावलेली पज कशी जिंकली आणि त्या बदल्यात स्वत:ची गुलामगिरीतून कशी सुटका करून घेतली, याचे वर्णन केलेले आहे.
१९९० च्या दशकात जेव्हा िहदी चित्रपटांवर पाकिस्तानात बंदी नव्हती, त्यावेळेस डेरा बुगटी येथे ‘तिरंगा’ हा चित्रपट एका चित्रपटगृहात लागला होता. त्यात नाना पाटेकरांनी एका मराठी पोलीस इन्स्पेक्टरची भूमिका केली होती. या चित्रपटात जेव्हा नाना पाटेकर ‘मैं मराठा हूँ. और मराठा मारता हैं या मरता हैं’ हा संवाद म्हणतात, त्यावेळी चित्रपटगृहातील या मराठा प्रेक्षकांनी हर्षांने शिट्टय़ा वाजवत एकच गोंधळ घातला होता. त्यामुळे या समाजाला स्वत:च्या मराठीपणाचा निश्चितच अभिमान आहे हे दिसून येते. बऱ्याच बुगटी मराठा बांधवांनी ‘द ग्रेट मराठा’ ही िहदी सीरियल इंटरनेटवरून डाऊनलोड करून बघितली. बलुची कलाक्षेत्रातही या मराठा समाजाने उत्कृष्ट कामगिरी बजावली आहे. ‘बेबी डॉल’ हे प्रसिद्ध िहदी गीत ज्या बलुची गाण्यावर आधारित आहे, त्या गाण्याचे गायक सब्ज अली बुगटी हे मराठाच आहेत. सब्ज अली बुगटींचे मूळ बलुची गाणे यू-टय़ूबवर ऐकता येऊ शकते. जुन्या काळातील प्रसिद्ध बलुची गाणे ‘लवानी लला’ हे गीत गाणारे जाहरो बुगटी हेदेखील मराठाच होते. डम्बुरा या बलुची वाद्यावर बऱ्याच मराठा कलाकारांची चांगलीच हुकूमत आहे. मात्र आज बुगटी मराठा समाज बुगटी जमातीमध्ये पूर्णपणे मिसळून गेला आहे.
मध्यंतरी बराच काळ लोटल्यामुळे त्यांना मराठी भाषा, त्यांच्या पूर्वजांची नावे आणि इथल्या मूळ गावाचे नाव याबद्दल काहीच ज्ञात नाही. एकंदरीने पानिपतावरील युद्धात झालेली हानी ही आपण समजतो त्यापेक्षा निश्चितच खूप अधिक होती. बहुसंख्य मराठा युद्धकैदी आणि त्यांच्या वंशजांना १८५ वष्रे त्यामुळे गुलामगिरीत दिवस काढावे लागले. आजवरच्या त्यांच्या पिढय़ांतील मराठय़ांची संख्या ही पानिपतात शहीद झालेल्या मराठा सनिकांपेक्षा कितीतरी पटीने जास्त होईल. बुगटी समाजाव्यतिरिक्त इतर बलुची समाजातल्या (र्मी, रायसानी वगरे) मराठा समाजाची आज काय स्थिती आहे, याची निश्चित अशी माहिती उपलब्ध नाही.
बलुचिस्तानात उन्हाळ्यात पारा ५०० से. च्या वर जातो. धुळीची मोठी वादळेही वारंवार होत असतात. अशा खडतर प्रदेशामध्ये टिकून राहून आपल्या पुढच्या पिढय़ांची उत्तम काळजी घेणाऱ्या आणि अद्यापही आपल्या मराठीपणाचा सार्थ अभिमान बाळगणाऱ्या या सहय़ाद्रीच्या कणखर मराठी समाजाचे करावे तितके कौतुक थोडेच आहे. आजची बुगटी मराठय़ांची पिढी सुखात आहे. भारतातील मराठी समाजाने त्यांची दखल घ्यावी अशी त्यांची अपेक्षा आहे. सध्या बलुचिस्तान हा प्रांत पाकिस्तानी लष्कराच्या अमलाखाली आहे. भारत व पाकिस्तान यांच्यातील संबंधही सध्या तितकेसे चांगले नाहीत. त्यामुळे बुगटी मराठा समाजाशी संबंध प्रस्तापित करणे तितकेसे सोपे नाही. भारतातील मराठी समाज या बुगटी बांधवांचे निश्चितच देणे लागतो यात दुमत नाही.
जरी हा समाज स्वत:ला ‘मराठा’ म्हणवत असला तरी तो महाराष्ट्रातील केवळ ‘मराठा’ या जातीशी संबंधित नाही. कारण पानिपतात अठरापगड जातीचे सनिक व सरदार लढले होते. मराठीजन व महाराष्ट्र सरकार यांना या समाजाबद्दल माहिती मिळावी, या हेतूने केलेला हा लेखप्रपंच. भविष्यात आपल्यापासून दुरावलेल्या या मराठीजनांसाठी आपल्याला थोडेबहुत काहीतरी करण्याची इच्छा व्हावी, हीच त्यामागची अपेक्षा.
हिंदुत्व म्हणजे काय? - पूर्ण पुस्तक
लहानमुलांची बडबडगीते इथे मिळतील
Chhatrapati Shivaji was the great warrior of 17th
century, born in India. He started his mission to form a hindu kingdom
(hindavi swarajya) in his early childhood, at the age of fifteen. In his
life he captured & built about 350 hill forts & coastal forts.
He also formed a strong navy to protect costal region of western India.
Today he is called as the father of Indian navy.
He brought revolution in traditional maratha weapons. This development was the only thing, which took Marathas to the victory
Exactly how was Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja's Sword?

Was it been offered by Godess Bhavani?

Exactly how was Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja's Sword?

Maratha Swords are developed by Chh. Shivaji Maharaj, Maratha Swords
are not like other sowrds found in the world. It has a unique
comfortable hilt with a unique pomel.

Was it been offered by Godess Bhavani?

It's a believed that the sword used by
Shivaji Maharaj was presented by Godess Bhawani, but it is a mith. There
is no any evidance found in historical records.How is it depicted in contemporary paintings & sculptures?

This is a famous contemporary painting of Shivaji Maharaj, now at Chh. Shivaji Vastu Sanghrahalay, Mumbai.
It is clearly seen that the sword held by Shivaji Maharaj is straight & hilt of the sword is of Maratha type.

This is a famous contemporary painting of Shivaji Maharaj, now at British Musium, London.
It is clearly seen that the sword held by Shivaji Maharaj is straight & hilt of the sword is of Maratha type.

This is a famous contemporary painting of Shivaji Maharaj, by Mir Mahmmad painted before 1688.
In this painting, the sword of Shivaji Maharaj is
held by his Sardar which is marked above. The sword is of Maratha Type
& straight.

A contemporary stone sculpture at Yadwad, dist.
Dharwad, karnataka in which Shivaji Maharaj is shown holding a sword
which is straight & Maratha Type.

A contemporary stone sculpture at Shrishail
Mallikarjun, Andhra Pradesh which clearly shows Shivaji Maharaj holding a
sword which is straight.
How do historical references & sources give us information about the sword?
famous poet Jairam Pinde from Shivaji's father Shahaji's Royal court
has written a famous Sanskrit poet 'Radha Madhav Vilas Champu' &
'Parnal Parvat Grahan Akhyan' are said to be the most authentic
refrences of Maratha history in which he has mentioned description of
Shahaji's sword which is later given by him to Shivaji Maharaj.
(Refrance : Radha Madhav Vilas Champu, Page No. 99)
(Shivaji Maharaja's Bakhar written by
Chitragupta, Chitnis Bakhar, Shiv-Digvijay Bakhar, Historical records
during Tarabai period)
Shivaji's Original Sword in royal collection Trust,London

One of the sword of Shivaji Maharaj is now in London, in Royal
Collection Trust of Royal family of Britain. This sword was presented by
Shivaji IV of Kolhapur to Prince of Wales in 1875 AD.
The Royal Collection London
Address: Clarence House, St James's Palace, London, SW1 1BA

King Edward VII when Prince of Wales![]()

Is there a statue of Indian hero Chatrapati Shivaji in Vietnam?

Born: 1841
Died: 1910
Reigned: 1901 -10
Died: 1910
Reigned: 1901 -10
- Eldest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
- In 1863 married Princess Alexandra of Denmark; their second son succeeded as King George V after the death of the eldest son, the Duke of Clarence, in 1892
- The first member of the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha dynasty
- Presented with jewelled arms and armour on his visit to India (on behalf of Queen Victoria) in 1875-6
- Commissioned Alfred Gilbert to create the Art Nouveau tomb at Windsor for the Duke of Clarence
- As Prince of Wales lived chiefly at Marlborough House, London and at Sandringham House, Norfolk (purchased in 1862 and soon rebuilt)
- After his accession initiated a major refurbishment and redecoration project at Buckingham Palace
- Gave Osborne House and its estate to the nation in 1902
- Commissioned many items from Fabergé as gifts for Queen Alexandra, including models of animals at Sandringham
Yes there is a Statue of Chathrapati Shivaji Maharajah in HO CHI MI of Vietnam.
They installed it as a tribute to the great King of India.
During the Vietnam War they used to study the guerrilla war tactics from the style of Shivaji
The original mail below is in Marathi. Translation is as follows :-
A small country like Vietnam brought a Mighty USA to it's knees. President of Vietnam was asked by reporters, how could they achieve that feat ?
He replied that " I read the character & deeds of a great King, who inspired me to try his war tacticts against the US Forces..and the success just followed."
When asked who was the King , he replied "Shivaji. " He further added that "had such a King been born in Vietnam, we would have ruled the world " After the death of the said Vietnamese President, he had it inscribed on his tombstone " Shivaji Maharaja's One Mavla, has achived Samadhi " ( Since Shivaji's soldiers belonged to Maval region of Maharashtra, they were called Mavlas )
A few years later the Vietnamese, Lady Foreign Minister visited India, and as per SOP conducted to Red Fort and Gandhi's Samadhi. She asked where is "Shivaji's Samadhi" ? The Govt officials went into a flutter, and replied that " at Raigadh". She expressed her desire to visit the same. On reaching the Samadhi at Raigadh, & paying her tributes, she picked up the soil around the samadhi and and put it into her briefcase. When questioned by reporters, she answered " This soil is of land of braves..once I return to Vietnam, I will mix it with soil of my country, so that brave people like Shivaji will be born there."
वियतनाम एक छोटा सा देश जिसने अमेरिका जैसे बड़े व बलशाली देश
को झुका दिया। लगभग बीस वर्षों तक चले युद्ध में अमेरिका पराजित हुआ।
अमेरिका पर विजय के बाद वियतनाम के राष्ट्रियाध्यक्ष से पत्रकार ने एक
सवाल पूछा। जाहिर सी बात है कि सवाल यही होगा आप युद्ध कैसे जीते
या अमेरिका को कैसे झुका दिया। पर उस प्रश्न का दिया उत्तर सुनकर आप
हैरान रह जायेंगे व आपका सीना भी गर्व से भर जायेगा।
दिया गया उत्तर पढ़िये।
सभी देशों में सबसे शक्तिशाली देश अमेरिका को हराने के लिए मैंने एक
महान राजा का चरित्र पढ़ा। और उस जीवनी से मिली प्रेरणा व
युद्धनिती का प्रयोग कर सरलता से विजय प्राप्त की। आगे पत्रकार ने
पूछा कौन थे वो महान राजा? मित्रों जब मैंने पढ़ा तब जैसे
मेरा सीना गर्व से चौड़ा हो गया आपका का भी सीना गर्व
से भर जायेगा।
वियतनाम के राष्ट्रियाध्यक्ष ने खड़े होकर जवाब
दिया "छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज" महाराजा छत्रपति शिवाजी का नाम
लेते समय उनकी आँखों में एक वीरता भरी चमक थी। आगे उन्होंने
कहा अगर ऐसे राजा ने हमारे देश में जन्म लिया होता तो हमने सारे विश्व
पर राज किया होता। कुछ वर्षों के बाद राष्ट्रियाध्यक्
ष की मृत्यू हुई उसने अपनी समाधी पर लिखवाया "शिवाजी महाराज के एक
शिष्य की समाधी"।
कालांतर में वियतनाम के
विदेशमंत्री भारत के दौरे पर थे। पूर्वनियोजित कार्यक्रमानुसार
उन्हें पहले लालकिला व बाद में गांधीजी की समाधी दिखलाई गई। ये सब
दिखलाते हुए उन्होंने महाराजा शिवाजी की समाधी कहाँ है पूछा?
तब भारत सरकार चकित रह गयी व रायगढ़ का उल्लेख किया। विदेशमंत्री रायगढ़
आये व राजा शिवाजी की समाधी के दर्शन किये।
समाधी के दर्शन लेने के बाद समाधी के पास की मिट्टी उठाई व अपने
बैग में भर ली इस पर पत्रकार ने मिट्टी रखने का कारण पूछा।
मंत्री महोदय ने कहा ये मिट्टी शूरवीरों की है।
इस मिट्टी में एक महान् राजा ने जन्म लिया ये मिट्टी मै अपने देश
की मिट्टी में मिला दूंगा ताकि मेरे देश में
भी ऐसे ही वीर पैदा हो।
यह राजा केवल भारत का गर्व न होकर सम्पूर्ण जग का गर्व
होना चाहिए। अपेक्षा व्यक्त करता हूँ की यह पोस्ट आप बड़े अभिमान के साथ
ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेयर करेंगे।
व्हियेतनाम या लहानग्या देशानं
अमेरिका सारख्या बलाढ्य देशाला
जवळपास वीस वर्ष चाललेल्या या य
व्हियेतनामच्या राष्ट्रध्यक्षा
प्रश्न विचारला साहजिकचं तो यु
असणार अमेरिकेला कसं नमवंल हाच
दिलेलं हे उत्तर वाचा..... "मुळात अमेरिका बलाढ्य देश
मात्र त्याच बलाढ्य
देशाला नमवण्यासाठी मी एका महान
वाचलं होतं आणि त्यातून मिळाले
मी युद्धनितीचा वापर केला आणि स
केला... पुढे पत्रकारानं विचा
होता तो महान राजा? मित्रानों ज
तेव्हा माझी ही छाती चांगलीच
फुगली जशी आता तुमची फुगेल.. तर
व्हियेतनामचे राष्ट्राध्यक्ष जा
आणि छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज असं
पुढे ते म्हणाले की असा राजा जर
जन्माला आला असता तर आज आम्ही ज
असतं. काही वर्षांनंतर राष्ट्
झाला आणि त्यांनी आपल्या समाधी
"शिवाजी महाराजांचा एक मावळा सम
The Marathas - Samurais from Western India
The Marathas are a proud and hardy race who are a sub-set of the wider Hindu
Community. They are first mentioned in Indian history as the stout fighters
in the army of the Chalukya King Pulikeshin who resisted the Southward march
of Emperor Harsha in the 7th century C.E.
- A statue of this great Saint Soldier
seen against the backdrop of
the fort of Raigad,
which was his capital
The Maratha dynasties of the ancient (pre-Muslim) period are the Chalukyas
(500 C.E. to 750C.E.), the Rastrakutas (750 C.E. to 978 C.E. and the Yadavas
or Jadhavs (1175 C.E. to 1318 C.E.).
The Marathas were the first who crossed Malik Kafur's path, when he invaded
the deccan in 1314 C.E. They were then led by the last scion of the Yadava
dynasty - Ramdev Rai Yadava who ruled from Devagiri (today's Daulatabad). In
their first clash with the Muslims; the Marathas lost to the invaders and
accepted the status of being vassals and mercenaries of their Muslim
The Marathas before Shivaji were Mercenaries and revenue Collectors for the
Muslim Rulers
In keeping with the feudal tradition, the Maratha Sardars (Generals), before
Shivaji kept shifting their loyalties from one Muslim ruler to another. And
there were many Muslim rulers like the Adilshahis at Bijapur, the
Nizamshahis at Ahmednagar (Berar), the Qutubshahis at Golkonda (Hyderabad),
Shahji Bhosale, who was Shivaji's father typified this practice of shifting
loyalties from one Muslim overlord to another. He was from time-to-time in
the service of the Mughals, the Adilshahis and the Nizamshahis. The thought
of establishing an independent Maratha-Hindu kingdom, does seem to have
crossed his mind, but he never really got about to doing it successfully.
The germ of this idea however seems to have got rubbed into Shivaji - his
son by Jijabai.
Shivaji Maharaj - the Visionary Saint-Soldier
Shivaji was born in the year 1627 at the Fort of Shivneri in Maharashtra in
Western India.
- The birthplace of Shivaji Maharaj
On the crest of the hill
at the center of this photo
is Shivneri fort.
Shivaji's mother, Jijabai was a direct descendant of the erstwhile Yadav
royal family of Devagiri. She seems to have nursed deep within her mind the
idea of recovering independence from Muslim rule which her Yadav forebears
had lost in the year 1318. Shivaji grew up with these ideas embedded into
him. His childhood stories are those of playing games in which he and his
friends attacked and captured forts held by the enemy.
The Oath of Independence - at Raireshwar
When Shivaji was seventeen, he decided to transform what were till then
simply games to a reality. He and his friends encouraged by Jijabai and his
Guru Dadoji Kondeo; decided to take a formal oath to free the country from
the shackles of Muslim tyranny. This was done in the year 1645 in a dark
cavern housing a small temple to the Hindu God Shiva (locally called
At the cave temple of Raireshwar in the Sayhadris Shivaji and his select
band of teenaged Maratha friends slit their thumbs and poured the blood
oozing from it on the Shiva-linga (Phallus representing the Lord Shiva). By
this act they declared a blood-feud against Mughal tyranny.
Here Shivaji and his select band of teenaged Maratha friends slit their
thumbs and poured the blood oozing from it on the Shiva-linga (Phallus
representing the Lord Shiva). By this act they declared a blood-feud against
Mughal tyranny. This was the beginning of a long and arduous Maratha-Mughal
struggle that went on for the next century and a half to culminate in the
defeat of the Mughals and their replacement by the Marathas as the dominant
power in India when the British came into the scene. (But more of the
British later.)
Shivaji's encounter with Afzal Khan
When Shivaji started his military career by capturing the fortress of
Torana, it sent shockwaves in the Adilshshi court at Bijapur. Here was a
local Hindu chieftain, daring to challenge the might of a Muslim ruler. The
retribution was swift and Adil Shah sent in his most fearsome general named
Afzal Khan to bring back Shivaji dead or alive to Bijapur. Afzal Khan who
was reputed to be more than six feet tall and of a real massive built, set
on his mission and in order to lure Shivaji down into the plains, he
destroyed the Hindu temples at Tuljapur, Pandharpur and Shikhar Shenganapur.
Afzal Goes Up to Pratapgad
This ploy failed to work and Shivaji stuck to his Hill fastness in the
Sahyadris. Shivaji even sent a letter to Afzal Khan praising the legendary
strength of Afzal Khan's powerful arms and his reputed fearlessness. Shivaji
addressed him as his uncle and said that he was afraid to come down to meet
Afzal Khan. Shivaji asked him to come up into the hills to meet him and on
condition that Afzal Khan came with not more than few select soldiers. The
proud Khan felt that the Dekkhan-Ka-Chuha (Rat of the Deccan as the Muslims
scornfully addressed Shivaji) had really chickened out.
Afzal Meets his Nemesis in Shivaji
Khan-Saheb agreed to go up the hills at Pratapgad to meet his nemesis. When
the meeting took place, Afzal Khan embraced Shivaji and with his diminutive
enemy (Shivaji was less than five feet in height) in his grip, Afzal
suddenly pulled out his dagger and tried to stab Shivaji. When Afzal's
dagger could not plunge into Shivaji Maharaj due to the protective armour
which Shivaji was wearing, Afzal tried to throttle him. But the wily Maratha
was more than prepared for this as he had come down not only with full
armour that was hidden by his thick satin robes, but he also had with him
the 'Wagh Nakh' - a sharp weapon resembling tiger claws that could be hidden
in the grip of one's fist. In addition, he had the Bichhwa - curved dagger
hidden in the pocket of his waistcoat.
Shivaji Maharaj thrusts the Wagh-Nakh into Afzal's Abdomen when Afzal tried
to stab and then throttle Shivaji Maharaj. Shivaji Maharaj emerged the
victor in this battle of muscles and wits.
Jiwa Mahalaya
On sensing that the Khan meant to throttle him, Shivaji pierced the tiger
claws deep into Khan's belly and pulled out his intestines. After which
Shivaji repeatedly stabbed him with the bichhwa. The Khan bellowed "Daga"
"Daga" and yelled for Syed Banda, his bodyguard to come to his rescue. When
Syed Banda, also a burly Muslim was about to strike Shivaji with his sword,
Shivaji's bodyguard Jiva Mahalya struck off Banda's upraised arm in the air
This fort was named after the "Pratap" (Act of Valour) of Shivaji Maharaj in
slaying his assailant
- Afzal Khan. This fort is located amdist lofty ranges of the Sahyadris
which soar to a height of 4800 feet above the mean sea level. The fort is
surrounded by deeply forested valleys which were ideal for guerilla warfare
which the Marathas waged against the Muslims to lay the roots of the freedom
struggle and of the Maratha empire.
Santaji Kawji
After this commotion, the bleeding Khan tried to make good his escape and
rushed into his palanquin. As the palanquin bearers set off with the fleeing
Khan, Santaji Kawji, another of Shivaji's select warriors cut-off the feet
of the bearers and Khans' palanquin, with its load of Khansaab fell to the
ground. Santaji Kawji, then finished off the task of sending Khan to his
final resting place. Khan's army which was waiting in the valley was
ruthlessly massacred by the Marathas who were hiding behind every crevice
and bush in the densely wooded jungles around the Pratapgad fort. At the
place where this encounter took place on 10th November 1659 between Shivaji
Maharaj and the Khan, there stands today a Kabar (grave) erected by Shivaji
for the departed Khan's soul to rest in peace.
Bijapur Stymied
The result of this dramatic encounter was that the Bijapur ruler panicked
and after that never posed a serious threat to the growing Maratha power.
The next Muslim power which Shivaji turned to was that of the Mughals. Here
was the real challenge for Shivaji. The Bijapur rulers were a provincial
power, while the Mughals were an power of imperial dimensions whose writ ran
almost all over Northern India.
The Siege of Panhalgad
Despite this defeat, Bijapur's Adil Shah made one last attempt to check
Shivaji by sending another general named Siddhi Jouhar against him. Siddhi
besiged Panhalgad where Shivaji was camping. The seige went on for some
months, from summer till the monsoons. But Shivaji Maharaj slipped out of
Panhalgad and reached safely at Vishalgad.
The Brave Deed of Baji Prabhu Deshpande
It is during this escape that Baji Prabhu Deshpande held the pursuing enemy
troops at a narrow pass called Ghod Khind. Baji Prabhu immortalized himself
by laying down his life but ensured that his Master reached safely at
Vishalgad. This narrow pass is today known as Pawan Khind i.e. a Holy Pass.
Made holy by Baji Prabhu's memorably brave deed.
Encounter with Shaista Khan - Aurangzeb's Uncle
The next Khan to come down 'literally' before Shivaji was Shaista Khan. On
hearing Shivaji's depredations, Aurangzeb was furious and wanted to
desperately crush this infidel upstart. He sent his uncle maternal Shaista
Khan with a large and powerful army to checkmate Shivaji.
He set an example
of religious tolerance
in an age when
conversion at the point of the sword
was the norm.
He defended the honour of womenfolk
in an age when
captured women of the enemy
were considered to be the rightful property
by their Muslim captors
to be put in the Haram - concubine chamber.
Shivaji Maharaj was way ahead of his times
in his vision and mission.
But even this time the wily Maratha proved that brain was stronger than the
Shaista Khan came into Maharashtra and started devstating towns, villages
fields, temples, forts and everything that came in his path.
Shaista Establishes his Harem in Shivaji's Devghar (Prayer Room)
To provoke Shivaji, Shaista Khan established his camp in Shivaji's home in
Pune called Lal-Mahal. And to top it up, he put up his Harem in Shivaji's
Devghar (prayer room).
Shaista is Lucky - He Only Loses His Fingers
Shivaji bided his time for many months and one on fine day (night), he with
a select band of Maratha Samurais, sneaked into Pune and into the Lal-Mahal.
He tracked down the sleeping Khan to his bed. The Khan sensing that his time
was up tried jumping out of the window. At that point Shivaji cut off the
Khan's fingers with which he was holding on to the window sill.
For all his belligerence,
Shaista Khan proved to be a coward
when he faced Shivaji Maharaj in person.
The Khan, who was Aurang's (the Mughal Emperor) uncle
miserably tried to jump out
of the window when Shivaji Maharaj came for him!
On the Khan's wife's pleading before Shivaji to spare her husband's life as
she considered Shivaji to be her brother. And so killing her husband would
mean making her a widow, Shivaji spared the Khan's life. This was a mistake
for which Shivaji was to pay dearly later. Shivaji made good his escape from
the Khan's lair, but not before the treacherous Khan ordered his troops to
give chase and try to capture the fleeing Shivaji.
Shaista's Retreat from Maharashtra
The Khan however, decided that enough was enough and returned to Delhi -
without his fingers. This happened in April 1663
The failure of his uncle peeved Aurang to no end and he now sent another
general to subjugate Shivaji. This was Mirza Raja Jai Singh, Aurangzeb's
Hindu general who was also the scion of the house of the Suryavanshi
Kachhawaha's who we saw earlier had ingratiated themselves to the Mughal
rulers by giving away their daughters in marriage to the Mughal Padishah.
(The Moghuls incidentally never returned the favour by giving, or even
offerring, their daughters to the Rajputs!). This Mirza Raja Jaisingh who
came with a powerful force was smarter than Shaista Khan sent earlier by
Aurangzeb. Mirzaji laid siege to Purandar alongwith a systematic loot and
destruction of rural Maharashtra.
The Brave Deed of Murar Baji
When Raja Jai Singh and his general Diler Khan laid siege to the Fort of
Purandar. Murar Baji was the Maratha Fort Commandant at Purandar. To break
the morale of the Maratha troops, Diler Khan launched a viscious attack on
the fort and laid waste the surrounding countryside. The Mughals succeeded
in forcing their way into the outer defenses of Purandar.
But the Marathas were not easily intimidated, they withdrew to the inner
fort (bali-killa) and kept on their attack on the besieging Mughals. One
day, Murar Baji decided to rain hell on the enemy and the Marathas stormed
out of the fort and fell upon the Mughals who were occupying the outer fort.
In face of the Maratha attack, the Mughals broke ranks and fled to their
main camp in the plains below, where Diler Khan was camping.
The Fort of Raigad
was the capital of Shivaji Maharaj.
His coronation ceremony
took place in this fort.
The British and other foreign powers
sent their repesentatives to that ceremony.
Seeing the ferocity of the Maratha attack, Diler Khan, decided to tempt
Murar Baji with an offer of making him a general in the Mughal army if he
betrayed Shivaji. When news of this offer reached Murar Baji, in the midst
of the battle, his rage knew no bounds, and in a rash act he pushed into the
ranks of the Mughal troops, hacking right, left and center towards Diler
Khan and shouted at him that he would reply Diler's offer by cutting off his
head and taking it to Shivaji Maharaj.
Murar Baji had left his own troops behind and was now surrounded by Mughal
troops on all sides, but he could only see Diler, whose head he wanted. This
act was brave but rash and cost Murar Baji his life. Their leader dead, the
Marathas withdrew into the fort. The news of this battle and the passing
away of Murar Baji and the long drawn siege along with the destruction of
the countryside forced Shivaji to reach out for a compromise with Jai Singh
in the interests of the sufferring population of Maharashtra.
The Treaty of Purandar
The treaty of Purandar signed between Mirza Raja Jai Singh and Shivaji
Maharaj had among many conditions, one condition that Shivaji accompany
Mirzaji to Agra. Shivaji decided to go to Agra in 1666.
A Maratha Gunpowder Keg. Shivaji Maharaj not only fought for independence,
but strived to preserve it. He created a ministry of Military Affairs in his
eight ministerial cabinet (Asta-Pradhan Mandal).His Minister of Warfare was
Hambirrao Mohite. Shivaji Maharaj established factories at Raigad and at
other important forts for the manufacture of guns and gunpowder.
Shivaji's Visit to Aurangzeb at Agra
At Agra, when Shivaji presented himself at the Moghul court, Aurangzeb
deliberately insulted him by making him stand behind a lesser noble whom
Shivaji has once defeated in battle. This was a calculated humiliation that
Aurang had arranged for Shivaji. As a result Shivaji left the court in a
huff. This gave Aurangzeb an excuse to declare Shivaji of having committed
the offence of insulting the Mughal court.
Imprisonment of Shivaji
Aurangzeb detained Shivaji in Mirza Raja Jai Singh's house where Shivaji had
put up. Shivaji seems to have read Aurangzeb's mind of having him put to
death. Aurag had made plans to shift Shivaji into the proper Mughal
Shivaji's Escape from Aurang's Clutches
Shivaji struck upon an idea and said that he wanted to make peace with God
by sending fruit and sweetmeats to Brahmins and holy men. To this Aurangzeb
consented. One fine day Shivaji and his son Sambhaji hid himself in two of
the sizable baskets in which fruits and sweetmeats had been packed everyday
and made good their escape from Aurnag's custody. In doing this Shivaji must
have had in mind what had happened to his general Netaji Palkar who after
being captured by the Mughals had been forced to embrace Islam and change
his name to Quli Mohammed Khan. Netaji was forced to serve as a Mughal
soldier in Afghanistan, till he too made good his escape and returned to
Shivaji to reconvert to Hinduism and join the forces of Swaraja once again.
Others were not so lucky, they were made to convert to Islam and some others
were horribly tortured to death - as was to happen later with Shivaji's son
Shambhu Raje or Sambhaji, after Shivaji's death.
Shivaji Maharaj's Seal. Shivaji Maharaj was the first Hindu King to ascend
a throne after a long time. During the Dark Days of Muslim Tyranny, Shivaji
Maharaj was one of the very few (along with the Ranas of Mewad), to issue
his own coinage. Shivaji's coinage was in Sanskrit. The coins were in two
main denominations, the Shivrai made of copper was a lower denomination coin
and the Hon was a gold coin of a higher denomination. To erase the memory of
Shivaji Maharaj, Aurangzeb issued an order after the passing away of Shivaji
Maharaj that all Hons were to be imponded and melted. That Aurang did not
succeed in erazing Shivaji Maharaj's illustruous personality from our memory
is another matter.
Opposition form the Orthodoxy
One important event during this time was the escape of Netaji Palkar from
the Mughals and his return to Maharashtra. Netaji had been captured as a
Prisoner of war by the Mughals and had been forcibly converted to Islam. He
had been given the name Mohammed Quli Khan and was marooned as a fighting
soldier of the Mughal forces in far away Afghanistan. For 20 (Twenty) years
he was forced to stay a Muslim in the Mughal army. But one day he got his
chance to escape and he returned to Maharashtra and went to his Master
Shivaji Maharaj. He asked Shivaji Maharaj to re-convert him to Hinduism and
re-habilitate him honourably in Maratha society. But when Shivaji Maharaj
approached the purohits (Priests) to do the needful, they refused to
re-convert a Muslim convert back to Hinduism. On seeing their obstinate
attitude, Shivaji Maharaj, himself performed the necessary rites to
re-convert Netaji into a Hindu.
Incidentally, Shivaji Maharaj was consistently opposed by the retrograde
orthodoxy throughout his military career. Even before his coronation, they
refused to enthrone him citing various reasons that he was not a Kshatriya
by caste and that he had not performed his thread-ceremony! But the will of
the common people of Maharashtra prevailed and Shivaji Maharaj was duly
crowned by the Pandits from Kashi to become Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Coronation of Shivaji as Chattrapati
After returning to the deccan, Shivaji again raised an army and recaptured
all the forts that he had been made to surrender to the Mughals as per the
treaty of Purandar. In this phase we see the exploits of his brave general
Tanaji Malusare who perished while recapturing the invincible fort of
Kondana from Uday Bhan - the renegade Rajput who was the Mughal commandant
of the fort. After all the forts had been recaptured, Shivaji was pursuaded
by Gaga Bhatt (a brahmin from Benaras) and his mother the ageing Jijabai to
formally crown himself as the king of the Marathas. The coronation took
place at Raigad on the 6th of June 1674.
This is the Coronation place
of Shivaji Maharaj,
from which we have
the title Chattrapati.
Narvir Tanaji's Impossibly Brave Deed
The fort of Kondana, which is today on the outskirts of Pune town was then
an outpost overlooking Pune and the surrounding countryside. It was
strategically placed in the center of a string of forts of Rajgad, Purandar,
and Torna. The capture of Kondana was necessary if Shivaji Maharaj was to
re-establish de facto control over the Pune region.
Recognizing the strategic importance of Kondana, the Mughals had maintained
a battalion of 5000 troops led by Udai Bhan, a relative of Mirza Raja Jai
Singh. The fort was built in such a way that all its approaches were covered
by cannon-fire. Only on turret was not well defended as it was at the top of
a vertical overhanging cliff.
Tanaji decided that this was the only way, he could enter the fort. He
dressed himself as a Gondhali (devotee of the Goddess Bhavani of Tuljapur)
and roamed the surrounding villages. He won the trust of one Mahadev Koli
who was in the service of Udai Bhan. Koli presented the disguished Tanaji to
Udai Bhan, who was suitably impressed by this "devotee" and allowed him free
access to the fort.
This is the sheer cliff
that Tanaji and his brave Mavalas (comrades) scaled
to surprise the Muslim army
that was engrossed in a drunken orgy
on the plateau seen at the top
during a dark night in 1669.
Tanaji carried out a careful surveillance of the fort and at that very night
when he was told that at the overhanging cliff Udai Bhan and all his senior
commanders would be celebrating a usual party with an alcohol and dance
orgy; Tanaji decided that he should seize this opportunity.
With almost all his troops, Udai Bhan had a roaring party on top of the
overhanging cliff. Unknown to them after midnight, Tanaji and his brave
followers who numbered 300 scaled the cliff using ropes tied to a reptile
called Ghorpad. The Ghorpad can stick fast to any surface and a number of
adults can use this force to scale a vertical cliff with the help of a rope,
one end of which is tied to the Ghorpad. Silently Tanaji and his comrades
slunk up to the top of the cliff.
On the other side his uncle Shelar Mama and his brother Suryaji had moved
close to the other gates of the forts with another 300 Mavalas (Maratha
Soldiers). On a signal from Tanaji, all his comrades who has taken up
strategic position all round the celebrating Mughal army, broke into the
party and mercilessly fell upon their enemies. They started slaughtering the
surprised and ill-prepared and drunken Muslim soldiers.
When Udai Bhan saw that Tanaji - the leader of this invading band of
Marathas was no other than the devotee whom he had given permission to visit
the fort, he flew into a mad rage. On seeing Tanaji, Udai Bhan rushed at him
and we are told that for a few fatal seconds, Tanaji started dancing in the
same fashion as he had done as a Gondhali (devotee) when he had met Udai
Bhan earlier in the day. The enraged Udai Bhan lunged at dancing Tanaji and
cut off the arm with which Tanaji was holding his shield. But undaunted
Tanaji used his turban to ward off further thrusts from the blade of Udai
Bhan's sword and continued fighting him for 2 hours in this state with his
wristless left arm bleeding profusely. It is for this feat of Tanaji, that
he is called Narvir - Brave amongst Men.At the end of this ordeal, the
exhausted Tanaji fell to a fatal swish of Udai Bhan's sword. But Udai Bhan
too was throttled by Shelar Mama and thus lost his life.
This is the Monument erected at Simhagad
by Shivaji Maharaj in memory of a brave soldier
who laid down his life for
National Independence.
On this event Shivaji Maharaj
is said to have saidhon this occasion
"Gad aala, paan Simha gela"
(We have won the fort
but have lost the Lion - Tanaji).
The fort of Kondana was renamed as "Simhagad"
in honour of Tanaji's brave deed.
Shivaji Maharaj is said to have said on this occasion "Gad aala, paan Simha
gela" (We have won the fort but have lost the Lion - Tanaji). The fort of
Kondana was renamed as "Simhagad" in honour of Tanaji's brave deed.
(You have completed viewing half of this page. If you would like to have a
sneak preview into the next page, before you continue viewing the rest of
this page, you may roll your mouse over the frame below to see the pictures
about the subject of the next page of this site that talks about the
Colonial period of Indian history that also marked the end of alien rule in
The script for the above applet has been written by Chintamani Thakur.
A "Nazarana" - The Daughter-in-law of the Muslim Subahdar of Kalyan
During the days after the coronation, many Maratha generals presented
Nazaranas (tribute in kind) to the newly anointed King of Maharashtra. It
was then a practice of the Muslims to abduct any fair maiden and to force
her into the harem as a concubine. (A harem is a term for the living
quarters of abducted women, nominally treated as wives.) On one such
occasion, following the "illustrious" example set by the Muslim aggressors,
a Maratha Sardar also (general) abducted a daughter-in-law of the Muslim
Subahadar of Kalyan, near Mumbai (Kalyan was then under Mughal occupation).
This was one of the many temples that had been destroyed and converted into
a Mosque by the Muslim aggressors Shivaji Maharaj reconverted it into a
temple. Even today, the temple structure displays a mix of Hindu and Muslim
architecture. But in spite of the trying circumstances of religious bigotry
of the Muslim aggressors in which he operated, Shivaji Maharaj never
disrespected the Muslim faith. Whenever a copy of the holy Koran fell into
the hands of Maratha troops, Shivaji Maharaj had given strict instructions
to treat it with utmost respect and hand it over to the local Maulavis
(Muslim priests).
This Sardar presented this "Nazarana" to Shivaji Maharaj, expecting to be
patted on the back for such a "fair" tribute. Shivaji Maharaj's reaction at
this occasion, gives us an insight into the mind of the person who lived 300
years before us. Shivaji not only chided the general, but warned him and all
the other Maratha generals that such a heinous offence would henceforth
attract a penalty of the offender's hands being chopped off. The dazed
general was asked by Shivaji to return with full honours, the
daughter-in-law of the Muslim Subahadar of Kalyan.
The Maratha ballads (Povadas) that describe this event say that on hearing
Shivaji's dialogue in Marathi the teenaged girl is said to have exclaimed
"Ya Allah, yeh aadmi nahin farishta hai. Ees farishtey pe kamyaabi bahal
karna." ("O Lord, this is not an ordinary man but an angel. Bestow success
on this angel.") The Maratha balladeers, while narrating this event say that
"Asseech amuchi aai asatee,sundar roopavati; amhi hee sundar zhalo asato -
vadaley Chattrapati" ("If my mother had been as beautiful, I too would have
been as beautiful - exclaimed Chattrapati"). These dialogues might as well
be a later romanticization of what actually happened. But it proves a
point - Shivaji Maharaj had risen above the attitudes of religious bigotry,
and beastly behaviour that had come to typify the Indian ruling class under
Muslim rule.
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Campaigns of Shivaji
After this Shivaji launched his campaign in Karnatak, which took him up to
Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu. The period from 1674 up his passing away in 1680
was a relatively peaceful period, as the Mughal made no more attempts to
molest the Marathas. Only after the passing away of Shivaji Maharaj did
Aurang again dared to venture into Maharashtra, and then too he did not
entrust the task to any general. He came himself in 1682 and stayed on in
the deccan till his death in 1707.
The Marathas After Shivaji Maharaj - Sambhaji
After the passing away of their illustrious leader, the marathas fell into
relative disarray. Shivaji's eldest son Sambhaji did not prove adequate to
the responsibility of preserving the flame of independence to which his
father had given the initial spark. Sambhaji was extremely fearless and
brave. Maratha chronicles (Bakhars) refer to him as in fact more assertive
and independent than his father. But in addition to all this Sambhaji also
had vices like wine and women. In his eventful life, Shivaji Maharaj did not
seem to have had enough time to groom his successor. Sambhaji's temper had a
short fuse. During Shivaji's life-time itself, he had once quarreled with
his father and had gone over to join the Mughals as one of their Mansabdars.
Subsequently, he realized his folly and came back to his father and
repented. But this act of his deeply hurt his father nad also displayed his
chimerical nature for which he was to pay later with a painful death.
Another view of the Khandoba Temple at Jejuri
- Khandoba, the deity at Jejuri is the fighter God of the Marathas. He is
shown astride a horse and has a angry warlike look. This was reason enough
for the Muslims to repeatedly destroy the temple. Even Aurangzeb attempted
to destroy the temple a second time in 1690. He however was thwarted in this
attempt when a nest of hornets was disturbed by the Mughal soldiers while
trying to attack the temple. The hornets so harrassed the besieging Mughal
soldiers that Aurangzeb was forced to lift the siege and spare the temple.
The Bigoted but God-fearing Aurangzeb is said to have placated the angry
bees by offerring One Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Silver Coins to the
God Khandoba. Even today this place is known as Sava Lakhacha Bhunga.
After the death of Shivaji Maharaj, Sambhaji was crowned as Chattrapati. He
brazenly followed policies detrimental to the fledgling Maratha power. In
this he was given short-sighted advise by his friend Kavi Kalash.
Sambhaji's Assassination
Sambhaji did not falter in battling the Mughals, as well as the Portuguese.
In those days Aurnagzeb had come over to the Deccan. After subjugating the
Bijapur and Golkonda kingdoms, he turned his attention on the Marathas. He
carried on a ceaseless campaign against the Marathas. Sambhaji performed
many daring acts in this guerrilla campaign especially in the Konkan region.
But in spite of his bravery, his short temper and his vices went against
him. One night, when he was passing thru Sangmeshwar with a small band of
bodyguards, he was waylaid by the Mughals and was brought in chains before
On being presented to Aurangzeb, Sambhaji was asked to surrender all his
forts, accept Islam and enter the service of the Mughal Emperor. To this
affront, Sambhaji scronfully replied that he could consider this if
Aurangzeb gave him his daughter in marriage and proclaimed him as the
successor to the Mughal throne! On hearing this Aurang flew into a rage and
decided to torture Sambhaji to death. Sambhaji's eyes were gouged, his
tongue was cut off, followed by his arms and legs. Sambhaji died an inhuman
death, but till the agonizing end he never recanted his faith.
Rajaram, Tarabai and Shahu
After Sambhaji's assassination, his step-brother Rajaram became the king. He
was not especially brave and is said to have been physically weak. During
his time Aurangzeb besieged and captured Raigad. Instead of fighting the
enemy, Rajaram fled from Raigad when the fort was about to be besieged.
Raigad fell into the hands of the Mughals in 1689 when a renegade Maratha
called Suryaji Pisal betrayed the defences of the fort to the besieging
Mughals. During the capture of Raigad, Sambhaji' wife Yesubai and his son
Shahu were taken captive by the Mughals. Rajaram's life as Chattrapati was
spent mostly in fleeing from the Mughal armies. Nevertheless during his
times, the generals like Santaji Ghorpade and Dhanaji Jadhav carried out a
whirlwind guerrilla campaign to harras the Mughal army and never let
Aurangzeb rest in one place. Thus in spite of his presence in the Deccan for
more than 25 years from 1680 to 1707, Aurang could not subsume the flame of
independence lit by Shivaji Maharaj.
A View from the Turrets of Raigad Fort
This fort was invincible.
After the passing away of Shivaji Maharaj in 1680,
the fort could be captured by Aurangzeb in 1689 only when
Suryaji Pisal - a renegade Maratha,
betrayed the defenders and
opened the doors secretly to
let the enemy troops inside at night.
In 1700, Rajaram died of sickness and he was succeeded by his wife Tarabai.
She was the nominal leader of the Marathas from 1700 to 1707, although the
military activities were coordinated by the duo of Santaji and Dhanaji.
Aurang's Death in 1707
When Aurang died in 1707, his son Azamshah who was with him at his deathbed,
proclaimed himself the Mughal Emperor and prepared to battle his elder
brother Muaazam, who was then in Kabul. To ensure that the Marathas came
over to his side, Azamshah released Shahu who was till then held as a
prisoner by the Mughals. Shahu had been a prisoner for 18 years from 1689 up
to 1707. When Shahu staked his claim to the throne, Tarabi was ruling. A
battle between the two was inevitable. This battle fought at Khed went in
favour of Shahu and he became the Chattrapati. He was incidentally the last
de facto Chattrapati of the Marathas.
The Coronation of Shivaji Maharaj
marked the zenith of a career full of daring acts
of personal bravery of this unique personality.
Prime Ministers Peshwas become de facto Kings
During the days of Shahu, his general Dhanaji Jadhav had a very able
accountant named Balaji Vishwanath Bhatt. This accountant rose in Dhanaji's
favour by dint of hard work. His successful track record brought him
visibility in the eyes of Shahu.
On Dhanaji's passing away, Shahu appointed him as his accountant. During
this period, Shahu was attacked by forces loyal to Tarabai. To face this
attack, Shahu appointed Balaji Viswanath Bhatt as a Senakarta (i.e.
Commander). Balaji Viswanath proved to be an able soldier too. This
increased the confidence Shahu had in him and he appointed Balaji Viswanath
as his representative to negotiate with Kanhoji Angre, the Admiral of the
Maratha Navy, who was at that time with Shahu's rival Tarabai. Before,
balaji Viswanath could take up this assignment, he asked Shahu to appoint
him as a Prime Minister or Peshwa. To this request Shahu conceded and Balaji
Vishwanath Bhatt became the Chattrapati's first Peshwa.
Balaji negotiated with Kanhoji Angre and both consented to accept the
other's independent sphere of influence. With Balaji Vishwanath in charge of
the Maratha military and Kanhoji in charge of the Marathas Navy. This
agreement set the course for Balaji Viswanatha's rise as a Peshwa during his
subsequent visit to Delhi with an army of 12,000 Marathas. During this visit
to Delhi, on an invitation from the Syed brothers in their struggle with the
Mughal Emperor Farrukhsiyyar, the Maratha forces led by Balaji Viswanath
clashed with the forces of Mughal Emperor and defeated them. This was the
first Maratha victory over the Mughals in Delhi. This event marks the
asendency of the Marathas in Delhi an asendency that was to last for almost
a century till they were supplanted by the British in 1803.
The Peshwas - Baji Rao, Balaji Baji Rao, Madhav Rao
As we saw above, after Shahu, the de facto executive power passed into the
hands of the hereditary Prime Ministers the Peshwas. Balaji Viawanath Bhatt
was succeeded by his son Baji Rao the first. Baji Rao was a very able and
ambitious soldier and he was the one who consolidated Maratha power in North
The Spread of the Maratha Empire.
The Marathas rose to the status of Imperial Rulers of India. Their rise from
freedom fighters for swarajya to the rulers of Marathi Daulat (Empire) took
place from 1720 to 1761 and lasted till 1803 when they were supplanted by
the British.
Baji Rao died at a relativey young age of 40 in the year 1740. His was
succeeded by his son Balaji Baji Rao. Balaji Baji Rao played a tragic role
in Maratha history and the fissiparous tendencies he let loose ultimately
let to the downfall of the Maratha empire.
His first mistake was to go back on the agreement between his grandfather
Balaji Viswanath Bhatt and Kanhoji Angre according to which the Peshwa was
to have no direct control over the Maratha Navy. He attacked the his own
navy and weakened one arm of the Maratha might.
During his rule, North India was invaded by Ahmed Shah Abdali first in 1756.
Balaji Baji Rao then sent his brother Raghunath Rao along with Malharrao
Holkar to defeat Abdali. Raghunath rao not only defeated Abdali but chased h
im up to the Khyber pass till Attock in Paktoonistan. .
This success of Raghunath Rao aroused the jealousy of Balaji Baji Rao's wife
Gopikabai, who started conspiring against Raghunath Rao to undermine his
influence. This led to corresponding jealousy from Anandibai who was
Ragunath Rao's wife. The unfortunate fallout of this court intrigue ws to
end in the disastrous 3rd battle of Panipat in 1761.Let us see the event
that led to this catastrophe at Panipat.
A Mavla
Maratha soldiers were known as Mavlas
Among them were valiant warriors like Tanaji Malusare,
Murar Baji, Santaji Ghorpade, Baji Prabhu Deshpande, and many others.
Known for their daring bravey
it was they who helped Shivaji Maharaj
lay the foundations of Hindavi Swaraj and
of the Maratha Empire in face of brutal Muslim Tyranny.
But when the Marathas gave up their guerrilla tactics
under haughty and over-confident leaders, the result was PANIPAT
The Persian Invasion of 1740 by Nadir Shah
Some 80 years after Shivaji when the Mughal Empire had been weakened by
repeated Maratha attacks, the Afghan raider Ahmed Shah Durrani (Abdali)
invaded North India. As the Mughals were past their prime and were now
living at the mercy of the Marathas, they did not dare oppose Ahmed Shah.
The task of challenging him was left to the Marathas. The Marathas who then
were on their ascendancy in North India had since the first Persian-Afghan
invasion by Nadir Shah, the king of Persia in 1740, established themselves
as a dominant power in Northern India. The 20 years from 1740 to 1760 saw a
see-saw battle between the Afghans and the Marathas for the domination of
North India.
With the defeat of Mohammed Shah, the Moghul Emperor in 1740 by Nadir Shah
(in whose army Ahmed Shah Abdali was a general), the Mughal power steadily
declined and its place was usurped by the Rohillas who were led by an
ambitious and ruthless chieftain named Najib Khan. Najib's ambition was to
supplant the Moghal Emperor and crown himself as the ruler of India by
capturing Delhi.
The Marathas Liberate Punjab
But the growing power of the Marathas in their northward expansion, stood
between Najib and his ambition. To overcome the Marathas, in 1755, Najib
invited Ahmed Shah Abdali from Afghanistan to help him in defeating the
Marathas and crown himself the ruler of India. In this, he was thwarted by
the Marathas who decisively defeated the Rohillas and Afghans near Delhi in
1756. The defeat was so decisive that Najib Khan surrendered to the Marathas
and became their prisoner. The Maratha forces were led by Shrimant Raghunath
Rao and Malhar Rao Holkar.
After defeating the Afghan-Rohilla forces, the Marathas pursued the Afghans
into the Punjab and beyond up to the Khyber pass. The last frontier of the
Marathas was at Attock in today's NWFP (or Paktoonistan) on the Afghan
border. (This campaign of the Marathas led by Shrimant Raghunath Rao is
called as Raghu's Bharari - i.e. whirlwind campaign.
Thus after nearly 800 after the last Punjabi King Tirlochan Pal Shahi had
been defeated by Mahmud of Ghazni in 1020 C.E. did that part of India come
under Indian rule in 1756 due to the liberation of Punjab by the Marathas.
The Dawn of Swarajya
Shivaji Maharaj gave hope
to the people of Maharashtra in particular
and of India in general by his dream of Hindavi Swaraj.
Maratha Rule gave Indians a sense of self-confidence in themselves
apart from the relief from brutal Muslim Tyranny.
Meanwhile with machinations and trickery, Najib Khan won over Malhar Rao
Holkar and secured his release. On his release Najib started to undermine
the Marathas once again and treacherously killed Dattaji Shinde (eldest
brother of Mahadji Shinde). Najib continued to battle the Shindes in 1757-58
and with his newly found confidence again invited Ahmed Shah Abdali to
invade India.
PANIPAT - A Result of Court Intrigues at Pune
The court intrigues at Shaniwarwada in Pune between Gopikabai (Peshwa Balaji
Baji Rao's wife) and Anandibai (Raghunath Rao's wife) led to the
sidetracking of Raghunath Rao in favour of the Peshwas cousin, Sadashiv Rao
Bhau (along with Viswas Rao the Peshwa's son and successor) as the Supreme
commander of the Maratha forces that were to give battle to Abdali a second
time. It was unfortunate for the Marathas, that due to rivalries, a
successful commander like Raghunath Rao was bypassed in favour of another
Had the Battle of Panipat been won by the Marathas, it would have changed
the subsequent history of India and perhaps if there had been more astute
rulers like Shrimant Thorle Madhav Rao, India's development might have
resembled that of the Asian miracle nation - Japan. (This conjecture is
based on the assumption of a strong domestic political power with a
corollary of wise economic policy to encourage industrial growth as happened
in Japan.)
The 3rd Battle of Panipat
When Abdali launched his second invasion in 1759 the Marathas who after
their successes in 1756 had been hibernating in Maharashtra and Central
India again woke up and in alliance with the Jat King Suraj Mal of Bharatpur
formed an alliance. This alliance led by Shrimant Sadshiv Rao Bhau and
Shrimant Vishwas Rao (the Peshwa Shrimant Balaji Baji Rao's son) won
spectacular victories and captured Delhi and Kunjapura (where the Afghan
treasury and armoury was located). Here the alliance developed cracks due to
the Maratha insistence on not allowing the Jats to loot Delhi. This
ultimately split the alliance and Suraj Mal withdrew from the alliance. The
Marathas consequently marched upto Panipat, but instead of continuing their
attacks to completely defeat the partly defeated Abdali and Najib Khan, they
stayed put at Panipat, blocking the way of the Afghans back to Afghanistan.
Seeing their way back to their homeland blocked, the Afghans now became
restless. They in turn, decided to block the way of the Marathas back into
the Deccan.
Stand-off for one year
This stand-off continued for one whole year from the 14th of January 1760 up
to the 14th of January 1761. This led to the fall in the morale of the
stranded Marathas and ultimatley led to their defeat at Panipat. The Marathi
term "Sankrant Kosalali" meaing "Sankranth has befallen us" comes from this
event. During this stand-off the Afghans cut-off all supplies to the huge
Maratha army. The Afghans with Najib Khan meanwhile also recaptured Delhi
and Kunjpura. On the decisive day of 14th January 1761 (Makar Sankranti),
the Marathas decided to break-through the Afghan blockade and re-enter
Deccan. The disastrous battle saw about one hundred thousand Maratha troops
being slaughtered in a matter of eight hours. But the Afghans too suffered
heavy losses and decided enough was enough and went back to Afghanistan
never to return to India.
The defeat of the Marathas and the withdrawal of the Afghans created a power
vacuum in North India in the period 1761-1790. It was this vacuum that was
filled up by the rising British power. But more of this later.
The Peshwa Shrimant Madhav Rao the first, receiving a petition from a
representative of the British. Madhav Rao, was the last of the astute
Maratha rulers. His rule in the post-Panipat phase consolidated the
weakening Maratha power which was to result in the initial Maratha successes
against the British at the Battle of Talegaon in 1782 (1st Anglo-Maratha
War) and at the Battle of Assaye (2nd Anglo-Maratha War) some years later.
The Sikhs meanwhile united under the leadership of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and
carried on the unfinished task of the Marathas. The Sikh general Jussa Singh
Ahluwalia invaded Abdali's kingdom, defeated Abdali ignominiously and
captured his capital city of Kabul. The saffron flag (Nishan Saheb) then
fluttered over Kabul after a gap of 800 years after Raja Jaya Pal Shahi lost
the city to Sabuktagin in 980 C.E.
Mahadji Shinde was the most successful Maratha General of the post-Panipat
phase. He not only overcame the Rohillas under Najib Khan and the Nawab of
Oudh, but even the Mughal Emperor became a pensioner of Mahadji and received
an annual pension from him. Mahadji collected Chauth from all over North
India in the period 1761 to 1790. He even checkmated the British who had to
concede dominion over north India to him under the Treaty of Salbai.
Mahadji Shinde
Meanwhile in India proper, in the period between 1761 and 1790, the Maratha
power was consolidated by Mahadji Shinde, Nana Phadnavis and Shrimant Madhav
Rao Peshwa. Mahadji Shinde took initiative in military matters and he
successfully checked the British in the first Anglo-Maratha war. Later of
course, the Marathas were to succcumb to the British in after the third
Anglo-Maratha war of 1817.
Nana Phadnavis was machiavellian minister of the Peshwa Shrimant Madhav
Rao. He played a crucial role in the defeat of the British in the first
Anglo-Maratha War at Talegaon 1782 that resulted in the Treaty of Salbai
between the Marathas and the British.
Maratha Rule did not Change the Feudal Relations of Production and
But as far as changing the feudal economic relations were concerned, the
Maratha rule did nothing. The feudal relations remained intact. Politically
speaking too, the Maratha intermission from around 1720 to 1790 was too
brief a period and though the writ of the Marathas ran in the whole of
western India with parts of the north and south under their domination they
could not bring the entire country uniformly under their rule. And in those
parts of the country they ruled, the feudal relations did not undergo any
fundamental change apart from the abolition of the Jazia penal tax levied on
the Hindus by the Muslim rulers and general freedom from religious
persecution of petty Muslim chieftains and representative of the Muslim
monarchy based at Delhi.
The Statue of Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj
at Shivaji Park in Mumbai.
The spirit of Shivaji Maharaj
continues to motivate the people even today.
In other respects the change of rulership from the Muslims to the Marathas
did not represent a departure from the feudal relations of production and
distribution The next stage in socio-economic development and new forms of
landed property came about with the decline of feudal relations and the
medium which brought this about was British colonialism.
Shivaji Maharaj’s Proposed Monument would look like this……….!!!

Few widely circulated photos………………..

!!! Shivrayanche Aathavave Rupe…... Shivrayancha Aathavava Pratap !!!
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The details of the book
His Life and Times
Gajanan Bhaskar Mehendale
“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes,
our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion,
they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
reverence Shivaji commands in Maharashtra is no less than that accorded
to divinity. He is an object of fascination, even adulation, to every
Maharashtrian Hindu from his childhood. He easily ranks among
the Great Captains of the world, that he was an equally able and humane
administrator and astute statesman. What he accomplished has influenced
the course of Indian history for more than three centuries since his
About the Author
Gajanan Bhaskar Mehendale earned his Masters in Defence Studies from the University of Pune.
During the 1971 Bangladesh War, he worked as a war correspondent.
Thereafter, he engaged himself in studying history with an emphasis on the life of Shivaji. His Marathi volumes of Shivaji’s biography have been widely acclaimed. Living in Pune, he is an active member of the Bharat Itihas Samshodhak Mandal.
present volume is an outcome of his 30 years of research, based on
primary sources, and will provide the readers new insights about the
King’s Life and Times.
1 India in Shivaji’s Times
2 The Mughals and Other Muslim Rulers in Shivaji’s Times
3 European Colonies in India
4 Shahji
5 Early Career of Shivaji
6 The Elimination of Afzal Khan
7 War on Two Fronts
8 Jai Singh’s Campaigns against Shivaji and the Adilshah
9 Shivaji’s Visit to Agra
10 The Interlude
11 Shivaji’s Civil and Military Administration
12 Offensive against the Mughals
13 Offensive against the Adilshahi Sultanate
14 Coronation
15 All-out Offensive
16 The Karnataka Campaign
17 The Khanderi Campaign
18 Last Triumph and Death
19 Statesmanship And Generalship Of Shivaji
I Sources on the Life of Shivaji 642
II Sir Jadunath Sarkar’s Critique of Marathi
Documents of Shivaji’s Times: A review 660
III Shivaji and Saints 674
IV Birth Date of Shivaji
V Shivaji’s Family
VI Shivaji’s Literacy
VII A Spurious Farman
VIII Imprisonment of Rajapur Factors
IX Who Wrote the Letter of Remonstrance Against the Jizya?
X Portraits of Shivaji
XI Coinage in Shivaji’s Times
XII Weights and Measures
XIII Notes on Maps
Please forgive us if your have already booked your copy.
Madhav Joshi
Mob. 09969496634
6, Rajdurga, second Floor,
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THANE (w)—402 602
Maharashatra, India.
Desperately Seeking Shivaji’s Sword
WHILE a lot is known about Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, what continues to remain a mystery is the existence of his original swords.Which is why, time and again, the issue returns to haunt those who to try to trace the missing blades.
This time around, it was the information received by home minister L.K. Advani which put the swords back into news. During his five-day tour of Spain last month, Spanish researchers revealed that one of Shivaji's swords, called Bhawani, was made by craftsmen in Toledo, an industrial township which has excelled in the production of weaponry.
"Yes, it can be true because there has been documentary evidence to show that swords had been imported from Spain because of the quality of steel and the mastery of its workers in designing swords and knives," confirms historian Babasaheb Purandare. According to Purandare, Shivaji possessed three swords which were named Bhawani, Jagdamba and Tulja.
Bhawani, it is believed, is now in the custody of Udayraje Bhosale of Satara who is a direct descendent of Shivaji. "But," says historian Ninad Bedekar, "the sword has been inscribed with the name of Shahu Chhatrapati. As such, this leaves room for doubt about whether this is the same sword as used by the Maratha king." There is, however, no controversy about the originality of Jagdamba which was gifted to Edward VII, the Prince of Wales, during his visit to India. It is now a part of the Indian treasure that adorns Buckingham Palace in London. As for Tulja, the scent for that trail was lost a long time back.
"Essentially," elaborates Bedekar, "there is no written description of the swords available anywhere. That makes it difficult to establish the authenticity of the claims made from time to time.
The only written narrative available is that of the sheath which was penned by a Dutchman called Herbet Jagger." It is this unknown factor which has also prompted a few antique collectors to try and make a fast buck by announcing the find of the original sword(s). "The most famous case on record is that of an antique dealer called Modi who, back in 1930, had come across a sword with an inscription that he claimed proved its ownership. He wanted a price of Rs 10,000 (a hefty amount in those days) and there was quite a hue and cry about this case. Eventually, the buyer of that sword and the answer to whether it was really genuine never came to light," recalls Purandare.
Meanwhile, the Toledo angle has excited historians all over again. And Babasaheb Purandare feels that the government should ask the Spanish authorities to provide a detailed account of the manufacturer's markings on Bhawani, so that these can be compared with the sword in the custody of Udayraje Bhosale. "It is so important to get the record straight," says Purandare. Those who swear by Shivaji will no doubt agree that the effort would be worth it.
Searches related to original photo of shivaji maharaj
original photo of shivaji maharaj sword
chatrapati shivaji maharaj original photo
original photo of chatrapati shivaji maharaj
rare photos of shivaji maharaj
sambhaji maharaj original photo
shivaji maharaj photo hd
shivaji maharaj old images
real image of shivaji maharaj
अमराठी भाषिकांनाहि प्रेरणा देणारे शिवराय !!!
छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराजांचे कार्य,शौर्य,राजनिती,मुत्सद्दीपणा हे सर्व केवळ महाराष्ट्राच्या चौकटीमध्ये बंदिस्त रहाणे शक्यच नाही.महाराजांचे स्वराज्याचे उद्दीष्ट,त्यामागची भुमिका,येथे एतद्देशियांचे समतेचे ,ममतेचे, सुखाचे हिंदवी स्वराज्य निर्माण व्हावे ही तो प्रभुचीच इच्छा हे महाराजांचे मनोगत महाराष्ट्राबाहेरचे विचारवंतानाहि उमगले होते,आहे.शिवाजी महाराज हे केवळ महाराष्ट्राचेच नेते नव्हते तर ते सर्व भारताचे आदर्श राष्ट्रपुरुष होते अशी भावना भारतीय विचारवंत अन प्रतिभावंत यांच्या मनात शिवकालात अन नंतरहि निर्माण झाली होती अन आजही ती कायम आहे.म्हणुनच मराठी बरोबरच भारताच्या अनेक भाषांमध्ये त्यांच्यावर खंडकाव्ये,
महाकाव्ये आणि स्फुट काव्ये निर्माण झाली.इतर भाषेमध्ये गध्य अन विवेचक चरित्रेहि लिहिली गेली यात महाराजांचे थोरपण लक्षात येते.
परमानंद नेवासकर हे महाकवि तर महाराजांना समकालीनच होते.त्यानी महाराजांचे चरित्र'शिवभारत"हे संस्क्रूतमध्ये लिहिले आहे.त्याच काळात जयराम पिंडे यांनी"पर्णालपर्वतग्रहणाख्यान"मध्ये पन्हाळा घेतला याचे वर्णन केले आहे.
आणखीहि एक संकर्षण सकळकळे यांचे शिवकाव्य प्रकाशात आले आहे.त्यामध्ये चंद्रराव मोरे यांचे पारिपात्य,कल्याण-भिवंडीची मोहिम, अफझलखान वध हे तीन महत्वाचे प्रसंग त्यात वर्णिले आहेत.समर्थानी तर त्यांच्या वेगळ्या वेगळ्या स्वभावाचे,वेगवेगळ्या पैलुंचे सुंदर वर्णन केले आहे.अद्नानदास या शाहिराने अफझलखान वधावर बहाद्दर पोवाडा रचला आहे.रामचंद्रपंत आमात्य हे अष्टप्रधानातील एक प्रधान.त्यानी "आद्न्यापत्रा"मध्ये महाराजांच्या राज्यव्यवस्थेबद्दल अतिशय योग्य शब्दामध्ये वर्णन केले आहे.
भूषण हा प्रख्यात हिंदी (ब्रज भाषेमधिल)कवि.त्याने तर महाराजांच्या मोहिमा प्रत्यक्ष पाहिल्या आहेत.
शिवभुषण अन शिवाबावनी अशी दोन अतिशय सुंदर ब्रज भाषेतिल काव्ये त्याने रचली आहेत.शिवाजी महाराजांच्या १४ गुणांचे वर्णन त्याने एका छंदामध्ये केले आहे.......सुंदरता,गुरूता,प्रभुता,भनि भूषन होत है आदर जामे !
सज्जनाता औ,दयालुता,दिनता,कोमलता झलके प्रजामे !!
दान क्रुपानहु को करिबो,करिबो अभय दिननको बरजामे !
साहसनों रन ठेक,विवेक,इते गुन एक सिवा सरजा मे !!!!
हिंदू धर्म,हिंदू संस्क्रूती,कुळधर्म,कुळाचाराच्या आधारे चालणारी हिंदू परंपरा यांचे रक्षण आपल्या तलवारीच्या जोरावर केल्याचा उल्लेख एका कवनामध्ये करताना तो म्हणतो.....
वेद राखे विदित पुरान राखे सारयुत रामनाम राख्यो अति रसना सुधार मे !
हिंदून की चोटी राखी है सिपाहिनकी,कांधेमे जनेऊ राख्यो माला राखी गरमे !!मिडी राखे मुगल मरोरि राखे पातसाह,वैरी पीसि राखे वरदा राख्यो करमे !
राजन की हद्द राखी तेग बल शिवराज,देवराखे देवल स्वधरम राख्यो घर मे !!!!
अर्थ --शिवजीराजाने आपल्या तलवारीच्या जोरावर वेद आणि पुराणे यांचे संरक्षण केले.सर्वस्वाचे सार असे जे रामनाम ते हिंदूंच्या जिव्हेवर कायम ठेवले.हिंदूंची शेंडी राखली आणि शिपायांची रोटी(ऊपजीविका)चालविली. खांध्यांवरील जानवी अन गळ्यातील माला सुरक्षित ठेवल्या.मोंगलांचे व्यवस्थित मर्दन केले अन बादशहास मुरगाळून टाकले.शत्रूंचे चूर्ण केले.इतके करुन आपल्या हाती वर देण्याचा अधिकार ठेवला.देवळात देव अन घरात कुलधर्म कुलाचार कायम ठेवले.(५१)
बंगालचे संस्क्रूत कवी कालिदास विध्याविनोद "शिवाजी चरितम्"नावाचे काव्य लिहिले असून ते कलकत्त्याच्या संस्क्रूत साहित्य पत्रिकेच्या ११ व्या अंकात प्रकाशित झाले आहे.बंगालमधील श्री.अंबिकादत्त व्यास या महाकवीने प्रगल्भ आणि बाणभट्ट शैलीत"शिवराज विजयम्" नावाचे गध्य चरित्र लिहिले आहे.डॉ.श्री.भा.वर्णेकर या विख्यात संस्क्रूत पंडिताने"श्रीशिवराज्योदरम्" नावचे सर्गबद्ध महाकाव्य लिहिले आहे
बंगालमध्ये गुरुदेव रवींद्रनाथ टागोर यांनी शिछत्रपतिंवर एक दिर्घ कविता लिहून बंगाली तरुणांना शिवाजी महाराजांचा आदर्श ठेवण्याबद्दल आवाहन केले आहे.छिन्न,विघटित भारत एक धर्मराज्य पाशात बांधण्याची महाराज्यांची आकांक्षा त्यांना अनुकरणीय वाटली आहे.ते म्हणतात.- - -...
कोन दूर शताब्देर,कोन एक अख्यात दिवसेनाहि जानि आजि
मराठार कोन शैले अरण्येर अंधकारे बसे हे राजा शिवाजी
तव भाल उदभासिया ए भावना तडित्प्रभावत एसे छिवो नामि
एक धर्मराज्य पाशे खंड छिन्न विक्षिप्त भारत वंदे दिवो आमि !!
श्री.वा.भ.बोरकरांनी याचा सुंदर अनुवाद असा केला आहे----
कवण दूर शतकाच्या कवण्या अश्रुत दिवशी केंव्हा
नाही ठाउके आज कवण मराठी शैली बसला
कानन घन अंधारी प्रभु तुम्ही शिवराज
तडित्प्रभावत एक भावना उजळीत तुमच्या भाळा
स्थिरावली ह्रुदयात छिन्न विखंडित क्षिप्त भारता
सांधित बांधित एक धर्मराज्य पाशात !
श्री.जोगेंद्रनाथ बसू यांचे "शिवाजी" हे खंडकाव्य असेच प्रेरणादायक आहे.महाराजांच्या राज्यव्यवस्थेचे वर्णन करताना ते लिहितात----
द्न्यानी गुणी मंत्री जन अलंक्रुत सभा
धनपूर्ण राजकोष सुखी प्रजागण
रामराज्ये यथा बसे निश्चित निर्भय
स्नेहे प्रेमे बद्ध भ्रुत्य सैनिक सचिव
अर्थ---शिवछत्रपतिंचे राज्य हे रामराज्य होते.द्न्यानी,गुणी,मंत्रीगणानी राजसभा भूषित होती.राजकोषहि भरलेला असून प्रजा सुखी होती.सैनिक मंत्री आणि सेवक स्नेहाच्या पाशाने बांधलेले होते.
शचिन सेन गुप्तांनी बंगाली भाषेत एक नाटक लिहिले आहे." गैरिक पताका " या नाटकाच्या प्रारंभीच भवानी मंदिरात तानाजीला आपला उद्देश सांगतांना महाराज म्हणतात---- "आमि ताइ शक्तिर आराधना कोरछि,आमि तोहरी कोरते चाइछि एमनी एकटा जाति,जार प्रतिटी मानुष सकल अधिकार आयत कोर धरणीर बूके बेडे उठते पारे तारई जन्य आमार राज्येर प्रयोजन" 'गैरिक पताका' मुळे प्रत्येक बंगाली ह्रुदयात शिवाजीराजांची एक ओजस्वी अश्वारुढ मूर्ती स्थापन झाली आहे.सोनार बांगलामध्ये लोकमान्य टिळकांनी शिवजयंती उत्सव सुरु केला.वंग भंग आंदोलन घडवून आणले.
श्री.झवेरचंद मेघाणी हे गुजराथचे एक नावाजलेले कवी त्यानी "हाल रड्डु" या नावाने शिवाजी महाराजांचा एक उत्क्रुष्ट पाळणा लिहिला आहे त्यामधील कांही ओळ अशा----अभमां उगेल चांदलोने जिजाबाइने आव्या बाळ,बाळडानो मात हिंचोळे घणघण डगरा बोले.शिवाजीने नींदरू नावे माता जिजाबाई झुलावे,पेतमां पोटीने सांभाळेली बाळे राम लक्ष्मण नी बात,माताजीने मुखजे दी थी ऊडी एनी ऊंघते दी थी !
अर्थ...आकाशात चंद्र उगवला.आणि जिजाऊंच्या पोटी शिवाजी जन्माला आला.बालकाला जिजाबाई आंदुळते आहे.पण बाजूलाच डोंगराडोंगरात संकटाचा घणघण असा आवाज घुमतो आहे.त्यामुळे शिवबाबाळाला काही झोप लागत नाही.पोटात असतानाच आईच्या तोंडून ऐकलेल्या राम लक्षमणांच्या गोष्टींनी त्याची झोप पार उडाली आहे
श्री.वामन सिताराम मुकादम यांनी गुजराथी मध्ये ५८० पानांचे शिवचरित्र लिहिले आहे.हिन्दी भाषेमध्ये शिवचरित्रावर सहा महाकाव्ये असुन खंडकाव्ये बरीच आहेत.श्री केदारनाथ मिश्र यांचे 'रक्त के अक्षर" हे खंड फारच उदबोधक आहे.डॉ.सुरेन्द्रनाथ सेन यांनी शिवाजी महाराजांची' परकियांनी लिहिलेली चरित्रे 'या नांवाचा ग्रंथ संपादित केला असून त्यात फ्रान्सिस मार्टीन (फ्रेंच),कॉस्मा द गार्डा (पोर्तुगीज)व अन्य डच लेखकांनी लेखकांनी लिहिलेली माहिती एकत्र केली आहे.
खाफीखान हा महाराजांचा कट्टर द्वेष्टा याने महाराजांविषयी फार्सी भाषेत लिहिले आहे " शिवाजीने सर्वकाल स्वराज्याच्या प्रजेचा मान राखण्याचा प्रयत्न केला.लज्जस्पद क्रुत्यांपासून तो सदैव अलिप्त राहिला.मुसलमान स्त्रियांच्या अब्रूंचे त्याने दक्षपणे रक्षणच केले.मुसलमान मुलांचेहि त्याने रक्षण केले.या बाबतीत त्याच्या आद्न्या फार कडक होत्या.जो कोणी या अद्न्यांचा भंग करील त्याला तो कडक शासन करीत असे."
श्री.कोमाराजू वेंकट लक्षणराव हे तेलगू इतिहासकारांचे अग्रणी समजले जातात.त्यांनी तेलगू भाषेतील " शिवभारतम "नावाच्या महाकाव्यामध्ये ते म्हणतात----
धीर ग्रसरमूर्ति हइंदवधरित्री भाग्य सत्यापनम्!
प्रारंभुडु दयागुणाम्बुधी महाराष्ट्रान्वयत्तोम सुंडौ
वीर क्षत्रीय मौली देशमत गोवेदादि रक्षार्पित
धीरम्युंड भवानी भवत्त्तुंड शिवाजी राजु सामान्युडे !!
अर्थ---धीरोदत्तांचा अग्रेसर,हिंदुभूमीच्या भाग्योदयाचा प्रारंभक,दयेचा सागर,महाराष्ट्राच्या चारित्राचे प्रतीक,वीर क्षत्रीय.मौली देश,गायी अन वेद यांचा रक्षणकर्ता,लक्षीचा लाडका अन भवानीचा भक्त शिवाजीराजा असामन्य होता.
कन्नड कवी श्री निवास यानी मावळेगळ नावाचे काव्य रचले आहे,त्यामध्ये ते शिवरायांचे वर्णन असे करतात-----
शिवराय शत्रुरायर गंड शिवरायर हगेयजवराय
तवकित म्लेंच्छर कत्तले तंडके शिवराय चंड मार्तांड !!
अर्थ--शत्रुना पुरुन उरणारा व वैर्यांचा कर्दनकाळ असा हा शिवराय दुर्दात मेंच्छ राज्याच्या अंधकाराचा नाश करुन चंड सूर्याप्रमाणे नभांगणामध्ये तळपत आहे .
श्री.सुब्रह्मण्यम भारती हे तमिळ साहित्याचे पितामह समजले जातात.शिवराय आपल्या सहकार्याना उद्देशून आवाहन करीत आहेत असा प्रसंग कल्पून ते लिहितात--जय जय भवानी!जयजय भारतम्
शनैत्तलेवरघाळ,शिरन्द मंत्रिघाळ
नीरदन पुदलघर,इन निनैवह जादिर!
भारतनाडु पाकैल्लाम तिलकम्
नीरदन पुदलवर इन निनैवह जादिर!
अर्थ---भवानीचा जयजयकार असो,भारताचा जयजयकार असो.माझ्या सेनापतींनो आणि राजकारणी मुस्तद्दी मंत्र्यानो,तुम्ही या भुमीचे सुपुत्र आहात हे विसरु नका.हे या भुमीच्या पाईकांनो,भारतवर्ष हा अलम दुनियेचा सौभाग्य तिलक आहे हेहि विसरु नका.
शिवरायांच्या हयातीतच त्यांच्या विषयीच्या अदभुत कथा आसामपर्यंत पोहोचल्या होत्या.शिवाजीराजांची ही मुर्ती इतिहास संशोधकाना ही श्रध्येय वाटली हे विशेष .सर जदुनाथ सरकार हे सुरवातीला महाराजांचे भक्त नव्हते.ते औरंगजेबाचे चरित्र लिहित होते.शिवाजीराजे हे त्या चरित्रामधील एक प्रकरण होते.पण जसजशी साधन,आधार,माहिती मिळत गेली आणि जदुनाथांनी ती सत्याच्या निकषावर घासून पाहिली तशी तशी त्यांच्या मनात महाराजांची प्रतिमा उजळू लागली,आणि "आधुनिक इतिहासातील युगप्रवर्तक राष्ट्रपुरुष"अशा शब्दामध्ये त्यांनी महाराजांचा गौरव केला.
मराठी भाषेनंतर महाराजांचे पहिले चरित्र(बॉयोग्राफी)ऊर्दूमध्ये लाला लजपतराय यांनी लिहिले.नंतर बहुतेक सर्व भाषांमध्ये त्याचे भाषांतर झाले.पारतंत्राच्याकाली राष्ट्राला प्रेरणा देणे,गलितगात्रांचे मनोधैर्य,आत्मविश्वास जाग्रुत करणे याहेतूने देशभक्तांनी शिवाजीराजांविषयी साहित्य निर्मिती सुरु केली.
नेताजी सुभाषचंद्र बोस यांनी हिंदुस्थानातुन प्रयाण करण्यापुर्वि दिलिप रॉय यांचेशी जे बोलणे झाले ते रॉय यांनी अम्रुतबझार पत्रिका.हिंदुस्थान स्टँन्डर्ड या व्रुत्तपत्रामधुन पसिद्ध झाले आहे.नेताजी रॉय यांना म्हणाले की"आपल्याला शिवाजी महाराजांच्या धोरणाचे अनुकरण करावे लागेल.त्यांनी strategy हा शब्द वापरला आहे.नेताजींनाहि महाराजांचे अनुकरण करावेसे वाटले.
विजयनगरच्या नाशानंतर हिंदुसमाजात निराशा पसरली होती.अनेक वर्षाच्या गुलामगिरीमुळे स्वातंत्र आणि स्वाभिमान यांचा विचार क्षीण झाला होता.सत्ताधिश फक्त मुस्लिमच,हिंदू सत्ताधिश होउच शकणार नाही असा न्युनगंडा निर्माण झाला होता.हिंदूच असे मानत होते की"जगदिश्वरो वा दिल्लिश्वरो" काशीचा जगदिश्वर आणि दिल्लिचा बादशहा...दोनच परमेश्वर.अशा अत्यंत प्रतिकूल परिस्थितीमध्ये शिवरायांनी समतेचे ,ममतेचे,सुखाचे धर्मराज्य निर्माण केले.महाराजांनी केलेली हिंदवी स्वराज्याची स्थापना ही एक अलौकिक घटना होती.भारतीय इतिहासकार जदुनाथ सरकार लिहितात----
The coronation of Chatrapati Shivaji has shown that the tree of hinduism is not really dead,like the Akshaya vatut tree of allahabad.it can risefrom beneath the seemuingly crushing load of centuries of political bondage.it can put forth new leaves and branches can again lift its head upto the skies.
शिवाजी महाराजांच्या राज्याभिषेकाची कल्पना आली की ,श्रीक्षेत्र प्रयागच्या अक्षय वटव्रुक्षाची आठवण होते.जहांगिर बादशहाने हा अक्षय वटव्रुक्ष मुळापासुन तोडुन त्यावर निखारे ठेवले,अशाकरिता की पुन्हा कधीहि त्याव्रुक्षाचा अवशेष कोणाला दिसू नये.पण दहा विस वर्षानी तो वटव्रुक्ष पुन्हा उगवला! त्याच प्रमाणे हिंदुत्वाचा व्रुक्ष अक्षय आहे हे इतक्या शतकानंतरहि शिवाजी महाराजांच्या राज्याभिषेकाने दाखउन दिले.
अत्यंत स्तुत्य लेखनमाला! शिवराय हे केवळ मराठी माणसाचे आणि महाराष्ट्राचे आराध्य दैवत नव्हते तर ते स्वातंत्र्यसंग्रामात सर्वस्वाची आहुती द्यायला सिद्ध् झालेल्या क्रांतिकारकांचेही आराध्य व स्फूर्तिदाते होते.
हुतात्मा भगतसिंग हे काँग्रेसच्या बेळगाव अधिवेशनाला (१९२४?) 'अकाली' या पत्राचे प्रतिनिधी म्हणुन जेव्हा दक्षिणेत आले तेव्हा ते आवर्जुन महाराष्ट्रात आले व रायगडावर जाऊन त्यांनी तेथली माती मस्तकी लावुन स्वातंत्र्याच्या प्रतिज्ञेचा पुनरुच्चार केला होता.
स्वातंत्र्यप्राप्तीसाठी आता देश सोडुन बाहेर पडणे आवश्यक आहे या निष्कर्शाप्रत येताच नेताजी सुभाष यांनी आपल्या तुरुंगवासात बाहेर निसटण्यापूर्वी जदुनाथ सरकार लिखित शिवचरित्रातील 'आग्र्याहुन सुटका' पर्वाची पारायणे केली होती.
मा. बाबासाहेब पुरंदरे यांच्या सहवासात जेव्हा पन्हाळा-विशाळा-प्रतापगड असे भटकायची संधी आली तेव्हा 'प्रतापगडचे युद्ध' जगातील नऊ देशांच्या लष्करी प्रशिक्षण अकादमींमध्ये अभ्यासक्रमात समाविष्ट असल्याची थक्क करणारी माहिती मिळाली होती. कमीत कमी वेळात कमीत कमी माणसांनिशी कमीतकमी युद्धसामग्रीत बलाढ्य शत्रूचा साफ फडशा पाडणारे हे गनिमी काव्याचे युद्ध म्हणजे नियोजन, निर्धार, अभ्यास, निष्ठा व शौर्य यांचे मूर्तिमंत उदाहरण आहे.
कविराज भुषण यांनी शिवबांवर लिहीलेल्या श्री सिवराज भुषण या काव्यातल्या काही ओळी इथे देत आहे. पंडित रत्नाकर त्रिपाठी असे मुळ नाव असलेल्या या उत्तर भारतीय कविने सुरुवातीचा काही काळ औरंगजेबाकडेही चाकरी केली होती. पण तिथे केवळ बादशहाचे गुणगान करणारी काव्येच लिहीण्याची मुभा असल्याने या स्वाभिमानी कविने राजाश्रय नाकारला व पुढे तो शिवरायांची किर्ती ऐकुन तत्कालिन हिंदवी स्वराज्यात आला. केवळ व्यक्तीचे गुणगान करणार नाही म्हणुन औरंगजेबाचा आश्रय सोडलेला हा विलक्षण कवि शिवाजी महाराजांच्या दैवी व्यक्तिमत्वाने एवढा प्रभावीत झाला की त्याने राजांवर एक सोडुन दोन महाकाव्ये लिहीली.
"श्री सिवराज भुषण" आणि "शिव भवानी"
जै जयंति, जै आदि सकति, जै कालि कपर्दिनी
जै मधुकैटभ छलनी, देवि जै महिष बिमर्दिनी !!
इंद्र जिमि जंभपर, वाढव सुअंभपर, रावन सदंभपर
...............................रघुकुल राज है !
पौन बारिबाह पर, संभु रतिनाह पर, ज्यो सहस्त्रबाह पर
...............................राम द्विजराज है !
दावा दृमदंड पर, चीता मृगझुंडपर, भुषण बितुंडपर
..............................जैसे मृगराज है !
तेज तम अंस पर, कान्ह जिमि कंस पर, त्यो मलिच्छ बंस पर
.............................. सेर सिवराज है
.............................. सर्जा सिवराज है !
दशरथ जु के राम, मै वसुदेव के गोपाल !
सोंई प्रगटे साहि के, श्री सिवराज भुपाल !!
सिव हि औरंग जीत सके, और न राजा राव !
हत्थिं मत्थ पर सिंह बिनु, और न घालै घाव !!
औरन को जो जनम है, सो याको यक रोज !
औरनको जो राज है सो, सिर सरजाको मौज !!
जीवन में नर लोग बडों, कवि भुषन भाषत पैज अडो है !
है नर लोगनमें राज बडों,सब राजनमे सिवराज बडों है !!
को दाता ? को रन चढो ? को जग पालनहार...!
कवि भुषन उत्तर दिखो, सिव नृप हरि अवतार..!!
तेरे तेज है सरजा दिनकरसो, दिनकर है तेरे तेज के निकटसो !
तेरो जस है सरजा हिमकरसो, हिमकर है तेरो जस के अकरसो !!
कुंद कहाँ, पयवृंद कहाँ, अरु चंद कहाँ
............................सरजा जस आगे !
बाज कहाँ, मृगराज कहाँ, गजराज कहाँ
........................ तेरे साहसके आगे !!
कवि सिवराज भुषण
कथा.. पानिपतच्या मराठा यद्धकैद्यांची!
#आवर्जून_वाचा![]() |
Maratha in Pakistan |
पानिपतचे तिसरे युद्ध होऊन आता अडीचशे वर्षे उलटली असली तरी अजूनही पानिपत हा मराठी माणसाच्या जिव्हाळ्याचा विषय आहे. या युद्धात जवळपास चाळीस हजार मराठी योद्धे, तसेच स्त्रिया व पुरुष मरण पावले आणि २२ हजार मराठी युद्धकैदी गुलाम म्हणून अहमदशहा अब्दालीने आपल्याबरोबर अफगाणिस्तानात नेले.
युद्धानंतर मराठी युद्धकैद्यांच्या लांबच लाब रांगा केल्या गेल्या व त्यांना अफगाण सैन्याबरोबर दिल्ली, मथुरा इत्यादी ठिकाणी नेण्यात आले. इतिहासात पानिपतच्या या दुर्दैवी युद्धकैद्यांविषयी जे थोडेफार उल्लेख आढळतात त्यापकी एक उल्लेख सियार उल मुत्ताखिरीन या इतिहासकाराने अशा तऱ्हेने वर्णन केलेला आहे : ‘दु:खी युद्धकैद्यांच्या लांबच लांब रांगा करण्यात आल्या आणि त्यांना थोडे बहुत र्अधकच्चे अन्न व पाणी देण्यात आले. युद्ध संपल्यावर जे काही पुरुष, स्त्रिया आणि लहान मुले वाचली त्यांना गुलाम म्हणून नेण्यात आले. अंदाजे बावीस हजार. त्यातले बरेचसे लोक मोठय़ा हुद्दय़ावरचे होते.’ पानिपतचे युद्ध कसे लढले गेले याविषयी इतिहासात सविस्तर माहिती उपलब्ध आहे; परंतु त्यानंतर मराठी युद्धकैद्यांचे पुढे काय झाले याविषयी काहीच माहिती उपलब्ध नाही.
या युद्धकैद्यांचा पानिपतानंतरचा प्रवास व त्यांच्या वंशजांची सध्याची परिस्थिती याविषयीची माहिती इतिहासाचा एक हौशी संशोधक म्हणून फेसबुकच्या माध्यमातून आणि पानिपतावरील युद्धकैद्यांच्या वंशजांबरोबर केलेल्या संभाषणातून मला मिळाली. पानिपतच्या युद्धानंतर दोन महिन्यांनी.. म्हणजे २० मार्च १७६१ रोजी अहमदशहा अब्दाली अफगाणिस्तानात जाण्यासाठी दिल्लीहून निघाला. त्याच्यासोबत मराठे युद्धकैदीही होते. परत जाताना पंजाबमध्ये शिखांनी या युद्धकैद्यांपकी काही मराठी स्त्रियांना मुक्त केले, अशी इतिहासात नोंद सापडते. पश्चिम पंजाब (पाकिस्तान) ओलांडल्यानंतर बलुचिस्तान प्रांतातील डेरा बुगटी आदी भाग सुरू होतो. पानिपतच्या युद्धात बलुची सन्य अब्दालीच्या बाजूने लढले होते. पानिपत युद्धाच्या एक महिना अगोदर १५,००० बलुची घोडदळ अताईखान याच्या नेतृत्वाखाली अब्दालीला येऊन मिळाले. त्यामुळे अब्दालीची बाजू बळकट झाली होती. पानिपताच्या युद्धापूर्वी तीन वर्षे आधी १७५८ मध्ये अब्दाली आणि बलुचिस्तानचा त्यावेळचा शासक मीर नासीर खान नुरी (कलातचा खान) यांच्यामध्ये एक तह झालेला होता. या तहाच्या अटीनुसार मीर नासीर खान नुरीने अब्दालीला त्याच्या लष्करी कारवायांत सनिक पुरवायचे व त्या बदल्यात अब्दाली मीर नासीर खानाला सन्य ठेवण्यासाठी आíथक मदत करेल असे ठरले होते. अब्दाली जेव्हा पंजाब ओलांडून बलुचिस्तानात परत आला त्यावेळेस कलातच्या खानाने अब्दालीकडे सन्य पुरविण्याच्या बदल्यात आíथक मोबदला मागितला. परंतु अब्दालीला हिन्दुस्थानात फारशी रक्कम खंडणी म्हणून मिळाली नव्हती. कारण दिल्लीचा बादशहा सततच्या आक्रमणांमुळे तसा कफल्लकच झालेला होता. आणि मराठय़ांकडूनदेखील युद्धात हत्ती, घोडे आणि तोफांव्यतिरिक्त काहीच आíथक घबाड पदरात पडले नव्हते. त्यामुळे अब्दालीने मराठा युद्धकैदीच पशांऐवजी मोबदला म्हणून बलोच सरदारांना सुपूर्द केले. मराठा युद्धकैदी बलोच लोकांना देण्याचे दुसरे कारण म्हणजे मराठा युद्धकैद्यांची त्यावेळची शारीरिक अवस्था हीदेखील असू शकते. युद्धकैदी जवळपास दोन-तीन महिने कैदेत होते आणि त्यांना अगदी तुटपुंज्या अन्नपाण्यावर दिवस काढावे लागले होते. अजून बोलन खिंडीसारख्या अतिशय अवघड व दुर्गम भागातून पुढचा प्रवास करायचा होता. अगोदरच मानसिक व शारीरिकदृष्टय़ा खालावलेल्या मराठय़ांना या प्रदेशातून आणखी प्रवास जिवावर बेतला असता. त्यामुळेच अब्दालीने हा पुढचा विचार करून मराठय़ांना बलोच सरदारांना देऊन टाकले. पानिपतात लढलेले बलुची सन्य हे वेगवेगळ्या बलुची जमातींनी बनलेले होते. त्यामुळे मराठे युद्धकैदीही पानिपतात लढलेल्या निरनिराळ्या बलुची जमातींना विभागून देण्यात आले. मराठा युद्धकैद्यांची संख्याही बरीच मोठी होती. आणि सगळ्या मराठय़ांना एकाच ठिकाणी ठेवण्यात मोठा धोकाही होता. त्यामुळे या युद्धकैद्यांना विभागण्याचा निर्णय मीर नासीर खान नुरी याने घेतला.
या युद्धकैद्यांपैकी बुगटी, र्मी, मझारी, रायसानी व गुरचानी इत्यादी बलोच जमातींमध्ये मराठा उपजमात आजही आपली स्वतंत्र ओळख टिकवून आहे. पानिपत युद्धातील त्यावेळच्या मराठा युद्धकैद्यांचे वंशज आज धर्माने मुस्लीम झालेले आहेत खरे; परंतु त्यांना आपल्या मराठीपणाचा रास्त अभिमान आहे. या उपजमातींपकी फक्त बुगटी मराठय़ांविषयीची माहिती उपलब्ध आहे. बुगटी जमातीतील मराठय़ांचे तीन प्रमुख वर्ग पुढीलप्रमाणे- बहुसंख्य मराठा युद्धकैदी हे काल्पर, मसोरी, शांबानी, नोथानी, पिरोजानी आणि रहेजा या बुगटी जमातींमध्ये विभागून देण्यात आले आणि आज हा समाज त्या- त्या बुगटी जमातीच्या नावाने ओळखला जातो. उदा. काल्पर मराठा, नोथानी मराठा, शांबानी मराठा वगरे. आज हा वर्ग समस्त बुगटी मराठी लोकसंख्येच्या सुमारे ८० टक्के आहे. या वर्गाला गुलामगिरीत दिवस काढावे लागले. परंतु १९४४ मध्ये नबाब अकबर खान बुगटी (बुगटी जमातीचे मुख्य सरदार) यांनी मराठय़ांना या गुलामगिरीच्या जाचातून मुक्त केले. १९४४ पर्यंत या मराठा वर्गाला प्रचंड शारीरिक कष्ट व हलाखीचे दिवस काढावे लागले. १९४४ पूर्वी त्यांची मुख्य कामे म्हणजे उंटांची देखभाल करणे, स्वयंपाक करणे, लोहारकाम व इतर छोटी-मोठी कामे करणे हेच असे. बुगटी मालक (आका) आणि त्यांचे मराठा गुलाम यांचे संबंध बऱ्यापकी जिव्हाळ्याचे होते. बुगटी मालक आपल्या कुटुंबाप्रमाणे मराठी गुलामांची देखभाल करीत असे. नियमाला ज्याप्रमाणे अपवाद असतो, त्याप्रमाणे काही बुगटी मालक क्रूरसुद्धा होते व ते मराठा गुलामांना अतिशय वाईट पद्धतीने वागवीत असत असे सांगितले जाते. प्रत्येक बलुची जमातीमध्ये त्यांचे स्वत:चे असे कायदे (जिर्गा) असतात. पूर्वी मराठय़ांना इतर बुगटी जमातींच्या तुलनेत असमान आणि जाचक असे कायदे लागू होते. उदाहरणार्थ, सियाकारी- म्हणजे Honour killing च्या कायद्यानुसार एखाद्या बुगटी व्यक्तीने दुसऱ्या बुगटी व्यक्तीचा वध केला तर वध झालेल्या व्यक्तीच्या कुटुंबाला वध केलेल्या व्यक्तीच्या कुटुंबातील एका सदस्याला मारण्याची मुभा होती. परंतु एखाद्या बुगटी व्यक्तीने मराठा व्यक्तीचा वध केला तर वधास वध हा कायदा त्यांच्या बाबतीत मात्र लागू नव्हता. अपराधी बुगटी व्यक्तीला माफक दंड करून सोडून देण्यात येत असे. याउलट, एखाद्या मराठा व्यक्तीने बुगटी व्यक्तीचा खून केला तर एका वधास दोन वध- असा विरोधाभासी कायदाही अस्तित्वात होता. १९४४ साली हा मराठा समाज गुलामगिरीतून मुक्त झाला व जिर्गातले असमान कायदेही काळानुरूप रद्द करण्यात आले. गुलामगिरीतून मुक्त झाल्यानंतरही काही काळ या वर्गाने त्यांच्या बुगटी मालकांबरोबरच राहणे पसंत केले. कारण इतकी वष्रे गुलामगिरीत राहिल्यानंतर त्यांच्यात एक कमीपणाची भावना होती. अलीकडच्या काळात मात्र हळूहळू हा वर्ग समाजाच्या मुख्य प्रवाहात येत आहे. १९६० नंतर या समाजाने अन्य बुगटी जमातींपेक्षा शिक्षणात बरीच आघाडी घेतली. कारण बाकीचा बुगटी समाज हा त्यांच्या भटक्या जीवनपद्धतीतच अडकून पडलेला होता.
त्यामुळे सरकारी नोकऱ्या तसेच ‘सुई पेट्रोलियम कंपनी’त बहुसंख्येने या मराठा समाजाने आपले बस्तान बसविले. बलुचिस्तानमध्ये गॅस सापडल्यानंतर १९५० च्या दशकात सुई पेट्रोलियम कंपनी सुई येथे सुरू करण्यात आली. सुरुवातीला कामगार, फोरमन म्हणून मराठा समाजाला तिथे कामे मिळाली आणि हळूहळू त्यांच्यापकी काहीजण मॅनेजर, सुपरवायझर अशा पदांवरदेखील पोहोचले. आज हा मराठा समाज काळाशी जमवून घेत स्वत:च्या कर्तृत्वावर प्रगती करतो आहे व सुखात नांदतो आहे, ही निश्चितच दिलासा देणारी गोष्ट आहे. दुसरा साऊ किंवा साहू मराठा समाज (शाहू मराठा). मराठा युद्धकैद्यांपकी हा एकच वर्ग सुरुवातीपासून मुक्त होता. बुगटी प्रांत हा बराचसा कोरडा व वाळवंटी आहे. तेथे शेती केली जात नव्हती. बलुची टोळ्या या भटक्या होत्या आणि शेती करण्याचे कसब त्यांच्याकडे नव्हते. मॅरो तसेच सिआहफ या डेरा बुगटीजवळील काही भागात पाणी उपलब्ध होते. मराठा युद्धकैद्यांपकी ज्यांना शेतीचे चांगले ज्ञान होते अशांना बुगटी सरदाराने या भागात शेती करण्यासाठी अनुमती दिली; जेणेकरून बुगटी लोकांसाठी अन्नधान्याची तरतूद होईल. साहू मराठय़ांनी त्यांचा हा विश्वास सार्थ ठरवला व अतिशय उत्तम प्रकारे शेती केली आणि बलुचिस्तानात प्रथमच शेतीचे तंत्र आणण्यात महत्त्वाची भूमिका बजावली. गहू व बाजरी यासारखी धान्ये ते पिकवीत असत. इतर बुगटी जमाती या त्यांच्या मूळ सरदारांच्या नावाने परिचित आहेत. उदा. रहेजा बुगटी जमातीचे ‘रहेजा’ हे नाव त्यांच्या रहेजा या पूर्वज सरदाराच्या नावावरून ठेवण्यात आले आहे.
तसेच या वर्गाने आपली स्वत:ची स्वतंत्र ओळख निर्माण करण्यासाठी ‘शाहू’ हे नाव छत्रपती शाहूंच्या नावावरून धारण केले. शाहू मराठय़ांच्या गढवानी, रंगवानी, पेशवानी, किलवानी वगरे सात उपशाखा आहेत. या शाखा कशा तयार झाल्या, याबद्दलची माहिती मात्र अजूनही उपलब्ध नाही. परंतु ‘पेशवानी’ हे नाव पेशव्यांशी संबंधित असण्याची दाट शक्यता आहे. शाहू मराठे जरी धर्माने मुस्लीम असले तरी त्यांच्या लग्नातील विधी अजूनही मराठीच पद्धतीने केले जातात. उदा. घाना भरणे, हळद, नवऱ्या मुलाची लग्नाअगोदरची आंघोळ, लग्नात उपरण्याला बांधली जाणारी गाठ बहिणीने पसे उकळल्यावरच सोडवणे, मानलेला भाऊ या पद्धती आजही त्यांच्यात अस्तित्वात आहेत. घरातील एखादी व्यक्ती आजारी असेल तर झाडाला दोरा बांधणे, घरात एखादी नवीन वस्तू घेतली तर तिला सोन्याच्या दागिन्याने ओवाळणे, इ. पद्धती महाराष्ट्रात जरी आज लुप्त होत आल्या असल्या (केवळ काही ग्रामीण भागातच टिकून असल्या) तरी साहू मराठय़ांमध्ये अजूनही त्या प्रचलित आहेत. त्यांच्यामुळे काही मराठी शब्दही बलुची भाषेत आलेले आहेत. उदा.‘आई’ हा शब्द साहू मराठय़ांमध्ये आईला संबोधित करायला अजूनही वापरला जातो. मूळच्या बुगटी समाजानेही हा शब्द स्वीकारला आहे.
स्त्रियांची काही मराठी नावे- कमोल (कमळ), गोदी (‘गोदावरी’चे संक्षिप्त रूप), गौरी, सबुला (सुभद्रा) अजूनही त्यांच्यात वापरली जातात. विनोदाची गोष्ट म्हणजे जसे मराठीत सुनीलचे ‘सुन्या’ असे टोपणनाव होते तसेच अजूनही साहू मराठय़ांमध्ये टोपणनाव ठेवले जाते. उदा. कासीम या नावाचे टोपणनाव ‘कासू’ असे केले जाते. तिसरे- दरुरग मराठा! बुगटी मराठय़ांच्या तीन वर्गापकी हा वर्ग संख्येने सर्वात कमी आहे. हा वर्ग सुरुवातीपासून बुगटी सरदारांशी संबंधित होता व त्यामुळे त्यांना मोठा मान मिळत असे. आज या वर्गातले काही लोक मोठे जमीनदार आहेत. या समाजातील युवकांना शिवाजी महाराजांचा अभिमान आहे. बऱ्याच युवकांच्या फेसबुक प्रोफाइलवर शिवाजी महाराजांचा फोटो दिसतो. या तिन्ही वर्गातील मराठी बांधवांनी इतर बुगटी जमातींपेक्षा शिक्षणात लवकर प्रगती केली. आज या समाजातील लोक इंजिनीअर्स, सरकारी अधिकारी, शिक्षक, प्रोफेसर व उच्चपदस्थ राजकारणी आहेत. त्यांची सांपत्तिक स्थितीही इतर बुगटी समाजापेक्षा चांगली आहे.
१९९५ साली अकबर एस. अहमद (पाकिस्तानी राजनतिक अधिकारी व समाजशास्त्रज्ञ) यांनी लिहिलेल्या एका संशोधनपर निबंधातही या मराठा समाजाचा त्यांच्या पूर्वीच्या बुगटी मालकांपेक्षा अधिक उत्कर्ष झाल्यामुळे एकुणात बुगटी समाजात झालेल्या सामाजिक उलथापालथीची नोंद घेण्यात आली आहे. सध्या डेरा बुगटी गावातील २०,००० लोकसंख्येपकी ३० टक्के म्हणजे ७००० लोक मराठा आहेत. तर सुई शहराच्या ८०,००० लोकसंख्येपकी दहा टक्के लोकसंख्या- म्हणजे ८००० लोक मराठा आहेत. सुई म्युनिसिपल कौन्सिलचे व्हाइस चेअरमन व डेरा बुगटी म्युनिसिपल कौन्सिलचे विरोधी पक्षनेते व १४ सदस्यांपकी सातजण हे मराठा सदस्य आहेत. इतर बुगटी जमातींप्रमाणे मराठा समाजाचा जिर्गादेखील आहे. १९६० च्या दशकात सिल्विया मॅथेसन या ब्रिटिश लेखिकेने लिहिलेल्या ‘टायगर्स ऑफ बलुचिस्तान’ या पुस्तकात बुगटी मराठा समाजाचे उल्लेख आढळतात. लेखिकेचे पती सुई पेट्रोलियम कंपनीत नोकरीला होते. लेखिकेने बुगटी मराठा समाजजीवनाचे वास्तवदर्शी वर्णन या पुस्तकात केले आहे. मट्रा (‘मराठा’ शब्दाचा इंग्रजी अपभ्रंश) लोक रंगाने काळेसावळे, लहान उंचीचे आहेत आणि इतर बुगटी समाजापेक्षा वांशिकदृष्टय़ा भिन्न आहेत. या लेखिकेच्या म्हणण्यानुसार, या मराठा लोकांना १५ व्या शतकात हुमायून बादशहाला जेव्हा मीर चाकूर खान (बुगटी सरदार) याने दिल्लीजवळील युद्धात मदत केली त्यावेळेस बंदी बनवून गुलाम म्हणून येथे आणण्यात आले. परंतु हे साफ चुकीचे वाटते. कारण १५ व्या शतकात मराठा सन्य उत्तरेत गेले होते याबद्दलचे कुठलेही संदर्भ उपलब्ध नाहीत. याव्यतिरिक्त या पुस्तकात मराठा व पठाण गटांमध्ये झालेल्या दंगलीचे, तसेच दोन मराठा पोस्टमन रोज रात्री सुई ते डेरा बुगर्ट व पुन्हा परत असे ६० कि. मी. अंतर पायी कसे चालत जात, आणि एका मराठा गुलाम व्यक्तीने एका अवघड कडय़ावर चढून जाऊन आपल्या मालकाबरोबर लावलेली पज कशी जिंकली आणि त्या बदल्यात स्वत:ची गुलामगिरीतून कशी सुटका करून घेतली, याचे वर्णन केलेले आहे.
१९९० च्या दशकात जेव्हा िहदी चित्रपटांवर पाकिस्तानात बंदी नव्हती, त्यावेळेस डेरा बुगटी येथे ‘तिरंगा’ हा चित्रपट एका चित्रपटगृहात लागला होता. त्यात नाना पाटेकरांनी एका मराठी पोलीस इन्स्पेक्टरची भूमिका केली होती. या चित्रपटात जेव्हा नाना पाटेकर ‘मैं मराठा हूँ. और मराठा मारता हैं या मरता हैं’ हा संवाद म्हणतात, त्यावेळी चित्रपटगृहातील या मराठा प्रेक्षकांनी हर्षांने शिट्टय़ा वाजवत एकच गोंधळ घातला होता. त्यामुळे या समाजाला स्वत:च्या मराठीपणाचा निश्चितच अभिमान आहे हे दिसून येते. बऱ्याच बुगटी मराठा बांधवांनी ‘द ग्रेट मराठा’ ही िहदी सीरियल इंटरनेटवरून डाऊनलोड करून बघितली. बलुची कलाक्षेत्रातही या मराठा समाजाने उत्कृष्ट कामगिरी बजावली आहे. ‘बेबी डॉल’ हे प्रसिद्ध िहदी गीत ज्या बलुची गाण्यावर आधारित आहे, त्या गाण्याचे गायक सब्ज अली बुगटी हे मराठाच आहेत. सब्ज अली बुगटींचे मूळ बलुची गाणे यू-टय़ूबवर ऐकता येऊ शकते. जुन्या काळातील प्रसिद्ध बलुची गाणे ‘लवानी लला’ हे गीत गाणारे जाहरो बुगटी हेदेखील मराठाच होते. डम्बुरा या बलुची वाद्यावर बऱ्याच मराठा कलाकारांची चांगलीच हुकूमत आहे. मात्र आज बुगटी मराठा समाज बुगटी जमातीमध्ये पूर्णपणे मिसळून गेला आहे.
मध्यंतरी बराच काळ लोटल्यामुळे त्यांना मराठी भाषा, त्यांच्या पूर्वजांची नावे आणि इथल्या मूळ गावाचे नाव याबद्दल काहीच ज्ञात नाही. एकंदरीने पानिपतावरील युद्धात झालेली हानी ही आपण समजतो त्यापेक्षा निश्चितच खूप अधिक होती. बहुसंख्य मराठा युद्धकैदी आणि त्यांच्या वंशजांना १८५ वष्रे त्यामुळे गुलामगिरीत दिवस काढावे लागले. आजवरच्या त्यांच्या पिढय़ांतील मराठय़ांची संख्या ही पानिपतात शहीद झालेल्या मराठा सनिकांपेक्षा कितीतरी पटीने जास्त होईल. बुगटी समाजाव्यतिरिक्त इतर बलुची समाजातल्या (र्मी, रायसानी वगरे) मराठा समाजाची आज काय स्थिती आहे, याची निश्चित अशी माहिती उपलब्ध नाही.
बलुचिस्तानात उन्हाळ्यात पारा ५०० से. च्या वर जातो. धुळीची मोठी वादळेही वारंवार होत असतात. अशा खडतर प्रदेशामध्ये टिकून राहून आपल्या पुढच्या पिढय़ांची उत्तम काळजी घेणाऱ्या आणि अद्यापही आपल्या मराठीपणाचा सार्थ अभिमान बाळगणाऱ्या या सहय़ाद्रीच्या कणखर मराठी समाजाचे करावे तितके कौतुक थोडेच आहे. आजची बुगटी मराठय़ांची पिढी सुखात आहे. भारतातील मराठी समाजाने त्यांची दखल घ्यावी अशी त्यांची अपेक्षा आहे. सध्या बलुचिस्तान हा प्रांत पाकिस्तानी लष्कराच्या अमलाखाली आहे. भारत व पाकिस्तान यांच्यातील संबंधही सध्या तितकेसे चांगले नाहीत. त्यामुळे बुगटी मराठा समाजाशी संबंध प्रस्तापित करणे तितकेसे सोपे नाही. भारतातील मराठी समाज या बुगटी बांधवांचे निश्चितच देणे लागतो यात दुमत नाही.
जरी हा समाज स्वत:ला ‘मराठा’ म्हणवत असला तरी तो महाराष्ट्रातील केवळ ‘मराठा’ या जातीशी संबंधित नाही. कारण पानिपतात अठरापगड जातीचे सनिक व सरदार लढले होते. मराठीजन व महाराष्ट्र सरकार यांना या समाजाबद्दल माहिती मिळावी, या हेतूने केलेला हा लेखप्रपंच. भविष्यात आपल्यापासून दुरावलेल्या या मराठीजनांसाठी आपल्याला थोडेबहुत काहीतरी करण्याची इच्छा व्हावी, हीच त्यामागची अपेक्षा.
हिंदुत्व म्हणजे काय? - पूर्ण पुस्तक
ताजमहाल : द ट्रू स्टोरी’ (शिवाचे एक प्राचीन मंदिर ).. Please read it
शिवाजी महाराजांचा शाळेतला इतिहास पुन्हा वाचा
आतंकवादी आयसिसचे भविष्य आधीच सांगितले होते ह्या आंधळ्या ज्योतिषी बाईने
मराठी अभिनेत्रींचे फोटो
Shivaji Maharaj Family Tree
लहानमुलांची बडबडगीते इथे मिळतील
Marathi baamnya no, Shivaji maharajanchya ni marathyancha navavar, Bhakrivar kiti divas POAT BHARNAAR? भूषण हा प्रख्यात हिंदी (ब्रज भाषेमधिल)कवि.त्याने तर महाराजांच्या मोहिमा प्रत्यक्ष पाहिल्या आहेत.
ReplyDeleteशिवभुषण अन शिवाबावनी अशी दोन अतिशय सुंदर ब्रज भाषेतिल काव्ये त्याने रचली आहेत.शिवाजी महाराजांच्या १४ गुणांचे वर्णन त्याने एका छंदामध्ये केले आहे.......!Kavi bhushan yancha tyane assa ullekh ka kela?
सांग जगाला ओरडुन
ReplyDeleteमी मावळा आहे शिवबाचा…
माय मराठीचा लेक मी
आशीर्वाद मां जिजाऊचा
अभिमान मला भगव्याचा
गर्व आहे मराठा जातीचा
सांग जगाला ओरडुन …..
भीती न कुणा शैतानाची
शिवबा पाठीशी आहे उभा
पाठीवरी वार काय करता
जीवा समोरी आहे उभा
सांग जगाला ओरडुन…….
उठतील जे हात शिवरायांकडे
वरच्या वर उडवून देऊ
प्राण गेला तरी चालेल
पुन्हा जन्म राजेसाठी घेऊ
सांग जगाला ओरडुन…….
Many photos are not original,but recent drawings taken from internet,specially first 2 photos.
ReplyDeleteMany photos are not original,but recent drawings taken from internet,specially first 2 photos.
ReplyDeleteReally loved this post. It was nice to read this post with interesting and useful information. Many thanks for sharing it.
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