Monday, November 30, 2015

6:54 PM

Sex on wedding night – good or bad?

Question: I am getting married soon, and it's an arranged one. I know my fiancee since March, but we have never met. Also, though we talk but we have never discussed sex. She is a well-educated, typical Indian girl. But, I don't know how I should start the conversation on sex. Is it okay to have sex on the wedding night with her? Please help. - By Anonymous

Answer : Thank you for voicing out a concern that haunts many of us. While the wedding night is mentioned as an awaited moment, it can often become a matter of anxiety and nervousness for couples. Perhaps, your confusion is valid and it shows your genuine care. It is good to see that you are concerned about your relationship and your would-be wife, and not forcing things onto her and yourself.

It seems that you have managed to develop a friendly and respectful relationship with your fiancee, which is commendable. While mutual respect and trust have been developed between you two, you can now subtly begin to initiate a conversation around sex. I assume that it must also be a thought in her mind that she is not able to voice out yet. Perhaps, your slight initiation would also allow her to express her concerns and wishes. It is always healthy to be able to openly share your anxieties and desires about such sensitive themes, since there is no other way your partner can know about it.

Surely, it is difficult to initiate a conversation around sex with your partner, but it is equally important. While your wedding is round the corner, it must be a concern for both of you and a conversation will lessen the anxiety on the wedding day. Perhaps, you can begin by asking her how she wants the wedding and the wedding night to be. The idea is to be able to open a space for free conversation around this theme.

To your question, "whether it is good to have sex on the wedding night"; I can only say that there is no good or bad to this. Surely, the wedding night is something that gets imprinted in our minds; however, sex is not the only thing it is dependent on. I feel that the cultural fascination around the wedding night has made it very rudimentary and obvious. However, what is important to remember is that your wedding night is what you want it to be. It can be about sex or about late night chit-chats or a good cuddled sleep or perhaps, a combination of them all. The point being that your wedding night is something that you want it to be and not what you think is 'good' or 'must'.
6:52 PM

Wedding photoshoots get steamier and intimate

Wedding photoshoots are becoming bolder with couples asking for boudoir, nude/semi-nude and honeymoon shoots to capture intimate moments

A magical wedding photo shoot is on the checklist of every about-to-be-married couple now and in order to have the most unique shoot, Delhi couples are getting quite adventurous, if wedding photographers are to be believed. They tell us that until recently, unusual wedding shoots meant underwater shoots, shoots at haunted locations or while trying out adventure sports. But now, would-be brides and grooms are taking things a step further and are asking for boudoir or nude/semi-nude shoots. City-based photographers share many recent examples where couples have approached them with a request for a bedroom, honeymoon or a boudoir shoot. While most photographers turn down these "uncomfortable" requests, there are a few who agree to them. West Delhi-based photographer Neeraj Agnihotri says, "These kind of requests are quite frequent. Instead of turning them down, I try to understand what they are looking for and then suggest something that I'm not uncomfortable with but also meets their requirement."

Boudoir albums as a pre-wedding gift to the fiance have become quite popular and every wedding season, we get two-three such requests. When it comes to bold themes, it is mostly the brides who come up with interesting ideas. We recently had a client who discussed in detail what she was looking for in her boudoir shoot. We have female photographers also for such shoots - Gulzar Sethi, who has a studio in east Delhi "Just last week, I met a lady from Chennai who wanted boudoir photos as a part of her pre-wedding shoot. She wanted to gift that album to her would-be husband. Then, a few days back, a guy in my office requested a semi-nude shoot. Bedroom shoots are becoming quite common now. There is no vulgarity or skin show in such pictures. They are merely shot to convey a sense of intimacy," says Neeraj. Gurgaon-based Arjun Mahajan got a request from a couple to accompany them on their honeymoon and he was willing to travel as "it would have been fun and unusual, but it could not materialise." He shares another 'bizarre' experience, saying, "I was shooting a wedding in Delhi and when there was a break between the varmala and pheras, the couple asked me to accompany them to a locked room. They then started doing 'things' and although they were clothed, I felt uncomfortable. I told them this, but they asked me to continue clicking. A few minutes later, the groom's sister, who was with her husband, knocked on the door. I hoped that it would bring the bride and groom to a halt, but the groom's sister just said, 'You two can't have all the fun alone.' Then I had to shoot both couples!"

South Delhi-based Rishabh Sood said he once had a meeting with a client who initially was too shy to even discuss the matter with him. "He had not discussed it with his fiancee and was hesitant to even talk to me. He asked me if I could chat with him for some time, so that he'd become more comfortable. Eventually, he disclosed his idea about the shoot. I don't have any problem in doing such shoots if the couple is comfortable with it. These kinds of requests come from couples looking for destination weddings," he says. Amit Puri adds, "A few months ago, I got a request from a Delhi couple for a pre-wedding shoot. The guy told me that he wanted an intimate, personal shoot in the hotel room and the pool. At first, I thought it was a prank, but then I checked his Facebook profile and it was all legit. Such a shoot is out of my comfort zone, so I politely declined. Still, to this day, he sends me texts asking if I would reconsider." The number of requests for boudoir shoots of would-be brides has gone up in the past year, according to photographers. The boudoir album is emerging as a popular wedding gift from the bride to the groom. In some cases, the bride does a strip tease, while in others, she poses in little or no clothes in a bedroom. It is, of course, organised secretly and those photos are not shared with anyone other than the groom. "Every wedding season, we get two-three such requests. Boudoir albums as a pre-wedding gift to the fiance is gaining popularity and brides are no longer shy about approaching photographers. In fact, when it comes to bold themes in wedding shoots, it is usually brides who come up with interesting ideas. We recently had a client who was very open to discussing in detail what she was looking forward to in her boudoir shoot and how she wanted it to be done. We have female photographers as well, who can be sent for such shoots," says Gulzar Sethi, who has a photography studio in East Delhi. Another photographer based in Vasant Kunj, Mahima Bhatia, adds, "I also received a request for boudoir photography and I was quite excited about it, as it gives me a chance to do something different. I have even heard that couples are asking for nude shoots. I remember seeing another photographer's post on Facebook about how he got a similar request."
6:27 PM

गुजराती शादी Gujarati Lagna

इटली के शहर फ्लोरेंस में गुजराती अरबपति बिजनेसमैन योगेश मेहता के बेटे रोहन मेहता शुक्रवार को विवाह बंधन में बंध गए। रोहन की शादी इटली में ही फैशन कंपनी चलाने वाली रोहनी के साथ हुई। फाइव स्टार होटल में तीन दिन तक चली इस शादी में देश-विदेश के 500 से अधिक मेहमान शामिल हुए। शादी में 140 करोड़ रुपए खर्च हुए। आपको बताते चलें कि मूल गुजरात के योगेश महेता गल्फ देशों के टॉप 25 अरबपतियों में शामिल हैं।
हाथी पर सवार होकर बारात निकालने की नहीं मिली अनुमति:
सूत्रों से मिली जानकारी के अनुसार योगेश महेता हाथी पर बैठकर बारात निकालना चाहते थे, लेकिन प्रशासन ने लोगों की सुरक्षा और एनिमल वेलफेयर को ध्यान में रखते हुए इसकी अनुमति नहीं दी। शादी का रिसेप्शन शनिवार को आर्नो रिवर के पास स्थित फाइव स्टार होटल में आयोजित हुआ। शादी गुजराती रीति-रिवाजों के अनुसार ही हुई।

कौन हैं योगेश मेहता
मूल गुजरात के 51 वर्षीय योगेश महेता 28 वर्ष की उम्र में दुबई पहुंचे थे। यहां सबसे पहले उन्होंने ‘पेट्रोकेम मिडिल ईस्ट’ नामक कंपनी की स्थापना की। कुछ सालों बाद पेट्रोकेम यूके के साथ पार्टनरशिप की। इसके बाद कंपनी का विस्तार दुबई, भारत, यूके और बेल्जियम सहित दर्जनों देशों में किया। वर्तमान में योगेश महेता 623 मिलियन डॉलर की संपत्ति के मालिक हैं। योगेश से मिली जानकारी के अनुसार, उनके बेटे रोहन भी जल्द ही बिजनेस संभाल लेंगे। रोहन फिलहाल बोस्टन की नॉर्थ ईस्टर्न यूनिवर्सिटी में बिजनेस में बीए कर रहे हैं।

 गुजराती शादी
मैं गुजरात से हूँ और हमारे यहाँ शादियाँ के पहले "संजी" होता है. हिंदी में इसे "संगीत" कहते हैं. संजी की रात औरतें और आदमी मिल कर गरबा करते हैं और गाना गातें हैं. घर के बच्चे इस रात नाच गाना तैयार कर के सब के सामने पेश करते हैं और घर के बुजुर्ग भी नाचते और गाते हैं. किसी भी शादी में यह रात मेरा सब से मन पसंद रात होता है. पिछले साल मेरी चचेरी बेहेन की शादी में मैं और मेरे भाई बेहेन ने मिल कर एक नाच पेश किया. दूल्हा और दुल्हन ने हमारा नाच बहुत पसंद किया और बहुत खुश थे. उस रात मेरे पिता जी और उनके भाई बेहेन भी साथ साथ गाये और नाचे. इसलिए मुझे संजी इतना पसंद है क्यूंकि यह मौका था पूरे परिवार को साथ वक़्त गुजारने का. जब मेरे बड़े भाई की शादी होगी मैं संजी में खूब नाचूंगी और सब को भी नाच्वऊंगी.

गुजरात के कच्छ में एक करोड़पति लड़की ने एक मजदुर लड़के से शादी कर एक मिसाल साबित की है। केन्या के नैरोबी में रह रहे गुजरात के पटेल परिवार की लड़की ने अफ्रिकन युवक के साथ शादी कर ली है। यह खबर इन दिनों केन्या के मीडिया की सुर्खियों में छाई हुई है। वहीं, युवती के परिजन ने इस मामले में अफ्रिकन युवक के खिलाफ शिकायत दर्ज कराई है, और गुजरात के पटेल समाज ने भी इसका विरोध किया है।

मूल गुजरात की सारिका पटेल (24) एक धनाढ्य परिवार से है, जबकि तिमोथी खामला (25) नैरोबी में मजदूरी करता है। गुजरात और नैरोबी में जहां सारिका के आलीशान बंगले हैं, वहीं तिमोथी एक झोपड़ी में रहता है। सोशल मीडिया में भी यह न्यूज वायरल हो चुकी है। बताया जाता है कि सारिका और तिमोथी ने लगभग एक महीने पहले ही नैरोबी से भागकर शादी कर ली थी। शादी के समय तिमोथी के साथ मजदूरी करने वाले दर्जनों लोग भी इनके साथ थे। सारिका ने अपने परिजन की मर्जी के खिलाफ उससे शादी की है और अब वह उसके साथ ही रहना चाहती है।

एक गुजराती शादी में बहुत कुछ होता है। शादी से पहले भी बहुत होता है। सगाई, मंडप महूरत, गृह शांति, पीठी, मेहँदी, और गरबा होते है। सब महमान ये सब पर नहीं आते है और इन सब की निमंत्रण अलग अलग हैं।

सगाई पर सारे महमान आते है। बहुत बार, सगाई लड़का का घर में होता है। लड़की का परिवार मिठाइयाँ और भेंट लेकर आता है। लड़का और लड़की के महमान सगाई पर आते हैं।

मंडप महूरत में गणेश पूजा होता है। दोनों लड़की और लड़का के घर में अलग-अलग से होता है। गणेश एक "remover of obstacles" है और इस पूजा होता है इस लिए क्योंकि लड़का और लड़की चाहते हैं की शादी में कुछ समस्या न हो।

गृह शान्ति एक और पूजा है, लेकिन इस में, दोनों, लड़की और लड़का आते हैं। पंडित-जी एक शुभ दिन पर पूजा करता है।

पीठी लड़का और लड़की का घर में अलग-अलग से होता है। पीठी में लड़की और लड़की हल्दी का पेस्ट में नहाते हैं।

महंदी लड़की की विधि है। लड़की के हाथों पर कुछ लोग महंदी लगाता है। यह शादी से एक-दो दिन पहले होता है।

गुजरती लोग गरबा भी करते हैं। शादी से एक दिन पहले होता है। इस में, लड़का और लड़की का सब महमान आते हैं। सब नाचते है और शादी के लिए तैयार होते हैं।

गुजराती शादी बहुत मजेदार होते हैं।

हाल ही में मीडिया में खबरें आई थी कि मशहूर टीवी सीरियल "तारक मेहता का उल्टा चश्मा" की दया भाभी यानि दिशा वाकानी 22 नवम्बर को गुजराती बिजनेसमैन से शादी करने वाली हैं। यह खबरें सही साबित हुई और जेठा की दया यानि दिशा वाकानी ने गुजराती बिजनेसमैन से शादी रचा ली।

टीवी सीरियल की "तारक मेहता का उल्टा चश्मा" की दया भाभी पहले अपनी बॉलीवुड में किस्मत अजमा चुकी हैं और उन्होंने कई हिट फिल्मों जैसे देवदास, मंगल पांडे : द राइजिंग, सी कंपनी और जोधा अकबर जैसी फिल्मों में काम कर चुकी हैं लेकिन उनकी एक कलाकार के रूप में असली पहचान मशहूर टीवी सीरियल "तारक मेहता का उल्टा चश्मा" से बनी है।

दया भाभी यानि दिशा वाकानी और गुजराती बिजनेसमैन की शादी को सभी अरेंज मैरिज बता रहे हैं। खबर यह भी है कि दिशा वाकानी यानि दया भाभी के ससुराल वालों ने यह विनती की थी कि दिशा वाकानी और गुजराती बिजनेसमैन की शादी को गुपचुप तरीके से किया जाए जिससे मीडिया से दूर रह सकें और शांति से यह विवाह संमन्न हो जाए।

दिशा वाकानी के परिवार वालों ने दिशा वाकानी के ससुराल वालों की इस रिक्वेस्ट को स्वीकार कर लिया और ऎसा ही हुआ यह विवाह गुपचुप तरीके से संपन्न हो गया। इस खास मौके पर काफी कम लोगों को आमंत्रित किया गया, जिसमें केवल कुछ नजदीकी दोस्त और रिश्तेदार ही शामिल थे।

रिपोटों की मानें तो "तारक मेहता" की टीम तक को भी इस शादी में आमंत्रित नहीं किया गया, जिस शो ने उन्हें सबसे ज्यादा पहचान दिलाई है। वैसे, खबर है कि 26 नवंबर को रिसेप्शन पार्टी रखी जाएगी, जिसमें सभी दोस्तों और रिश्तेदारों को बुलाने की तैयारी है।

जाने माने टीवी एक्टर रुसलान मुमताज ने वैलेन्टाइंस डे पर अपनी गर्लफ्रेंड निराली मेहता से कोर्ट मैरिज करने के बाद एक बार फिर से शादी की और दोस्तों को पार्टी दी। इन दोनों ने दूसरी बार शादी हिंदू पारंपरिक तरीके से की। ये शादी और रिसेप्शन 2 मार्च को हुआ। इसमें रुसलान और निराली के परिजनों के साथ उनके दोस्त भी शामिल हुए। रुसलान इन दिनों टीवी सीरियल जी ले जरा में मुख्य भूमिका में नजर आ रहे हैं। उनके इस रोल को काफी पसंद भी किया जा रहा है। उनकी पत्नी निराली वेल्थ मैनेजर हैं।

आपको बता दें कि रुसलान वैलेन्टाइंस डे पर कोर्ट मैरिज करने से ठीक पहले भी शूटिंग में बिजी थे। हालांकि वह अपने शो के सेट से कोर्ट रूम तक सही समय पर कोर्ट पहुंच गए थे। शादी के समारोह में रुसलान ने सफेद रंग की शेरवानी और लाल रंग की पगड़ी पहनी थी। वो अपनी दुल्हन को लाल रंग के लहंगे में घर लेकर आए। रुसलान की शादी और पार्टी में नच बलिए के विजेता ऋतविक धनजानी, टीवी एक्टर नकुल मेहता और डांस गुरु श्यामक डावर समेत कई हस्तियां मौजूद रहीं।

Thursday, November 19, 2015

4:53 PM

Gujarati lagna patrika matter kankotri and lagnotri

 gujarati lagna patrika matter


લગ્ન ની કંકોત્રી અને લગ્નોત્રી.


હવે મહુરત જોઈને લગ્નની તારીખ નક્કી થાય છે અને તે મુજબ ડીઝાઈન પસંદ કરી કંકોત્રી છપાવાય છે.અને નીચે નમુના ની કંકોત્રી આપી છે જેમાં સામાન્ય રીતે આ પ્રમાણેનું લખાણ હોવું જોઈએ.વર અને કન્યા તેમ જ માતા-પિતાના નામ કાલ્પનિક છે.અન્ય લોકો પોતાના વર-કન્યા તેમજ અન્ય સગાઓના નામ લખવા.

પાન નં:૧

૧  માંગલિક પ્રસંગો: 

તા ૨૦૧૨,મંગળવાર.

ગણેશ સ્થાપન : સવારે –  ૯ થી ૧૦ કલાકે.                             

મંડપારોપણ:    સવારે –  ૦૯-૧૫ થી ૧૦-૩૦કલાકે.

તા – ૨૦૧૨ બુધવાર.

હસ્ત-મેળાપ:બપોરે – ૧૧:૩૦ કલાકે

( અથવા ગોધુલિક સમય એટલેકે સાંજનો સમય)

ભોજન સમારંભ :બપોરે – ૧૨ થી ૨:૩૦

       રહેઠાણ                                                      લગ્ન સ્થળ

૨૦,પ્રગતિ સોસાઈટી,                                         રમુજીલાલ હોલ,

કિડ્ઝી સ્કુલની સામે,                                         મણીનગર

પાલડી,અમદાવાદ.                                           અમદાવાદ.

પીન ——

 વ્હાલી બહેનના લગ્નમાં  ઉમંગથી આવકારવા તૈયાર ,


પાન નં:૨.


               સહર્ષ જણાવવાનું કે,અમારા ઇષ્ટદેવ શ્રી હાટકેશ અને મા અંબાની અસીમ  કૃપાથી,

        ચિ.આશકા.( ફાલ્ગુની અને વિપુલ વસાવડાની સુપુત્રી)                                     ના શુભ લગ્ન,

        ચિ.મયુર.(શ્રીમતી અનસુયાબેન અને શ્રી અનિલભાઈ મહેતાના સુપુત્ર)

        ની સાથે,

 વિક્રમ સંવત ૨૦૬૯ ના કારતક સુદ પૂનમ,બુધવાર

    તા —- ૨૦૧૨ ના રોજ નિર્ધાર્યા છે.

       તો આ શુભ પ્રસંગે નવદંપતિને  આશીર્વાદ આપવા આપ સૌ જરૂરથી પધારશો.


માર્કંડ રાય (દાદા)


ત્યારબાદ સામસામે કાકા,કાકી-ફઈ-ફુઆ જેટલા હોય તેમના નામ.

કંકોત્રી છપાઈને આવ્યા પછી સારું મૂરત જોઈ સહુ પહેલી કંકોત્રી હાટકેશ-અંબાજી અને ગોર મહારાજને લખાય છે.

ત્યાર બાદ,વડીલો અને મોસાળને લખાય છે.આજના જમાનામાં દુરથ આવનાર સગાંઓને અગાઉથી જાણ કરવી જોઈએ જેથી ટ્રેન નું રિઝર્વેશન કરાવી સરી રીતે લોકો હાજર રહી શકે.

વેવાઈ પક્ષમાં કન્યાનો ભાઈ રૂબરૂ જઈ હાથોહાથ લગ્ન-પત્રિકા આપવા જાય છે.                 

(આ લગ્ન- પત્રિકામાં વર,કન્યા અને તેમના રહેઠાણ અને નામો કાલ્પનિક છે.સમય અને તિથિ વગેરે પણ કાલ્પનિક છે તો તમારે પોતાના પ્રમાણે નામ-અટક-તિથિ વગેરે લખવાં)

શુભ વિવાહ લગ્ન પત્રિકા

શ્રી ગણેશાય નમ:II

વધૂ-વરૌ                                                   ઉભયો:

ચિરંજીવિનૌ                                              સંબંધીનોર્ગેહે

સદાસુખીનૌ                                              શીર્યશોવિધા-

ચ ભૂયાસ્તામ                                             વિત્તમાયુષ્યં


(૧) શ્રી કુલદેવતાયૈ નમ:II સ જયતિ સિંધુરવદનો દેવો યત્પાદપંકજસ્મરણમ્II વારસરમણીરીવ તમસાંમ રાશિન્નાશયતી વિઘ્નાનામII

(૨) સ્વસ્તિ શ્રીસૌરવ્યદાત્રી સુતજયનની તુષ્ટિપુષ્ટિ પ્રદાત્રી માન્ગ્લ્યોત્સાહકત્રિઁ ગતમદસત્કર્મણાં વ્યગ્જયિત્રીII

(૩) નાનાપસંદ્વિધાત્રી ધનકુલયશસામાયુષોર્ધયિત્રીરિષ્ટIપહિઘ્નહન્ત્રીગુણગુણવસતી

લીખ્યતે લગ્ન પત્રીII 

(૪) ગણાધિપો ગુરુશ્રેય ગોત્રજા ભારતો ગ્રહ:સર્વે કલ્યાણ મિચ્છન્તુ યસ્યૌષા લગ્ન-પત્રિકાII

(૩) કલ્યાણી દીવાયણી સુલલિતાં કાંતિ: કલાનાંનિધિ લક્ષ્મીક્ષમામાતનયો બુધ્શ્વબુદ્ધિતાં જીવ શ્રીરંજી વિત્તામII સામ્રાજ્યમ ભ્રગુજોર્ક જો વિજયતામ રાહુ બલોત્કર્શતા કેતુર્યચ્છતિ વાંછિત ફલમીદમ પન્નીયદીયા કૃતII

(૪)લલાટ પટ્ટ લિખિતમ વિધાત્રા ષષ્ઠી દિને યાક્ષ્રર માલીકાંચII તાં લગ્નપત્રી પ્રગટં વિંધતે દીપોયથાવ્સ્તુ ગૃહાઘ્નાકારેII

(૫)બ્રહ્મા કરોતુ દીર્ઘાયુ:II વિષ્ણુ કરોતુ સંપદામII હરો રક્ષતુ ગાત્રાણીIIયસ્યૌષા લગ્ન પત્રિકાII

શિશિર ઋતૌ માસોત્તમે શ્રી મહા માસે કૃષ્ણ પક્ષે પંચમી તિથૌ ૧૧ ૫૨ મી.પરં લગ્ન તિથૌ શ્રી શનિ  વાસરે તારીખ ૧૦-૨-૨૦૧૨ નક્ષત્ર વિશાખા પરંલગ્ન નક્ષત્ર વૃદ્ધિ યોગ —ક—મી. પરં લગ્ન યોગેII

તત્કાલીકે —કરણે એવં પંચાંગ સુધ્ધાવય દિને શુંભ ભવતું II

મંડપ મુહુર્ત મહાવદ ૦૯-૨-૨૦૧૨  પ્રાત: ૯:૩૦–ક.

સ્વસ્તિ શ્રી અમદાવાદ  મહાશુભ સ્થાને સર્વ શુભોપયાંલાયક શ્રીયુત રા.રા. નીલભાઈ શાખે  મહેતા તસ્યગૃહે સુભાર્યા અનસુયાબહેન તસ્ય: કુક્ષીપુત્રરત્ન મયુર નામ્ને વરાય એતાન શ્રી વડોદરા સ્થાને લિખિત વિપુલ શાખે વસાવડા તસ્યગ્રુહે સુભાર્યા શ્રીમતી ફાલ્ગુનીબહેન તસ્યા કુક્ષીપુત્રી આશકા નામ્ની કન્યા ઉભર્યો: પાi`ગ્રહણં શુભં ભવતું

વર નામ: મયુર.                                    કન્યા નામ:આશકા

વર રાશિ—–                                       કન્યારાશિ:—

સૂર્ય—-ચંદ્ર—                                       ગુરુ—

મંડપમુહુર્ત સમય—-                                ચંદ્ર   

ગ્રહશાંતિ સમય—-                                  હસ્ત-મેળાપ સમય

                                                          વિદાય સમય

ઇન્દ્ર ઇન્દ્રાણીસૌભાગ્ય                          બ્રહ્મા સાવિત્રી સૌભાગ્ય

સૌભાગ્ય કૃષ્ણ રુક્મણી                         સૌભાગ્ય શિવ-પાર્વતી

સ્વસ્તિ સ્તુતે કુશલમસ્તુ ચિરાયુરસ્તુ II   ગોવાજિ હસ્તિ ધનધાન્ય સમૃદ્ધિરસ્તુII

ઐશ્વર્યમસ્તુ બાલમસ્તુદિયુ: સયોસ્તુ II    વંશેસ દૈવ ભવતાં હરિભક્તિ વરસ્તII

Sunday, November 15, 2015

7:28 PM

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7:11 PM

Vidya Balan Saree Collection with Blouse of Sabyasachi

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5:28 PM

The law and the religion both do not permit a Muslim man to perform another marriage as of a right by defeating and delaying the rights of his first wife

The family court, in an unprecedented order, has restrained a Muslim US-returned paediatrician from marrying for the second time till he settles the rights and dues of his wife.

"The law and the religion both do not permit a Muslim man to perform another marriage as of a right by defeating and delaying the rights of his first wife," said Judge Swati Chauhan in her May 13 order. Worli resident Dr Akbar Khan (name changed) is directed "not to perform another marriage" till the January 30, 2015 order to grant his estranged wife Sakina (name changed) alternate accommodation is complied with. And, until her prayer for maintenance is not "heard, decided and fully complied with".

Sakina (34) had moved the court after finding that Akbar (45) had posted an ad on an online matrimonial website that he is "desirous of marrying an unmarried young girl in the age group of 18-25 years". She apprehended that Akbar's remarriage would "frustrate and defeat her lawful rights".

The couple married on May 27, 2001 and the next month moved to the US where four sons, between 12 and 4 years, were born. Frictions arose between them even before the family shifted back to Mumbai in September 2011 and into a leased flat in Versova.

Sakina had initially approached the family court in Bandra for custody of her three older children saying Akbar without her consent had snatched them from her. She claimed that the landlord had asked her to vacate the flat in July 2014. She pointed out that the Akbar had not complied with the court's earlier order to allow her access to her 3 sons and alternate accommodation. She urged that Akbar be directed not to marry another woman till her rights are adjudicated upon.

Akbar's advocate argued that his client had divorced Sakina, who had accepted the talaq as she had not challenged it. He said the parties are governed under the Muslim Personal Law and therefore a husband cannot be restricted from exercising his right to perform four marriages.

Sakina's advocate Neelofar Akhtar countered that a husband can be restricted under the law and religion if he is defeating the rights of his first wife. She argued that the widely accepted perception of four marriages is nothing but an "end product of misrepresentation of the holy Quran". Akhtar cited the surah nisa ayat 3 and 129 saying Muslim men are permitted to enter into four marriages but it is after compliance of certain stipulations which serve as injunction.

Judge Chauhan said that from a careful reading of its English version, it is understood that Muslim men are preached that they can marry for the second time only if they are able to be equitable to both the women. "In the same breath the surah nisa further states that practically this is not possible and therefore second marriage should not be contracted because it will cause injustice," she added.

Chauhan said various authors and authoritative writings have discouraged polygamy and stringent conditions were imposed on men even during the lifetime of Prophet Mohammad. The judge said Akbar's "conduct is absolutely against the injunction of the Holy Quran", as he has "shown least care towards the issue of food, clothing, maintenance and accommodation of the petitioner".

Chauhan also took note of the Supreme Court's February 2015 judgment in Khursheed Ahmad Khan versus State of UP case, which Akhtar again relied upon, which held that a practice cannot acquire religious sanction just because it is permitted and even the practice of having more wives than one can be regulated or prohibited in the interest of public order, morality and health.

The judge noted that despite the order for providing suitable accommodation for Sakina and her 4-year-old son, Akbar has kept her away from the matrimonial home and her 3 sons strategically. He has also not provided her with any maintenance and "very conveniently" remained absent for the hearings. "In such a situation, if the respondent performs another marriage, the rights of the petitioner would definitely be defeated," the judge said, concluding that "it is a fit case" to pass the direction.
5:19 PM

Marriage Registration under the Hindu Marriage Act or the Special Marriage Act

​How to register your marriage

While women spend a lot of time and energy planning the perfect wedding, they ignore an important detail that is aimed at their own protection. They forget about the paperwork formalising the union— the marriage certificate. An essential document establishing the marital status of a couple, it was made mandatory by the Supreme Court, in 2006, for every couple, irrespective of religion.

The idea behind the compulsory registration of marriage is to ensure that women are not left high and dry if they are deserted by their husbands. The certificate means the man cannot deny being married and avoiding alimony and maintenance. The procedure for registration is simple. Depending on your religion, you can either register under the Hindu Marriage Act or the Special Marriage Act, which differ in some respects. One, the Hindu Marriage Act sets a minimum age limit of 21 years for the groom and 18 years for the bride, while the latter places a minimum age limit of 21 years for both the partners. Two, the Hindu Marriage Act only allows you to register your marriage, not solemnise it. On the other hand, the Special Marriage Act serves both purposes. Let's consider the steps you need to take under the two Acts.

Hindu Marriage Act

To register under this Act, both the partners need to be Hindus. The first step is to apply to the sub-registrar under whose jurisdiction the marriage took place. Alternatively, you can apply to the registrar of the place where either spouse stayed for at least six months before marriage. Both partners need to fill the relevant application form, sign it, and submit it, along with photocopies of the necessary documents , such as age proof and address proof (see box). For proof of marriage, submit a certificate from the priest who solemnised the marriage. Keep in mind that both parties will need to disclose their previous marital status, if any. All the documents should be attested by a gazetted officer. Lastly, you will have to deposit a fee with the cashier and attach the receipt with the form.

Once the application has been submitted and the documents verified , the concerned officer will assign a date for registration, when the marriage certificate will be issued . The people who have converted to Hinduism also come under the purview of the Act, but will have to provide a certificate of conversion from the priest who solemnised the marriage, along with relevant documents.

Special Marriage Act

This Act covers both marriage solemnising and registration, and requires the same documents as prescribed under the Hindu Marriage Act. However, the procedure is complex. To begin with, both the parties have to give a 30-day notice to the sub-registrar in whose jurisdiction at least one spouse has resided . If you are marrying under this Act, you won't need to submit a wedding card and the priest's certificate, and the registration will take place after the wedding. If you are married, include the wedding card, if possible. The fee is again 100-200 .

One copy of the notice is put up on the sub-registrar's office board, and another is sent by registered post to both the partners. If either spouse is residing in another subregistrar's area, a copy has to be sent to him for similar publication. If there is no objection, say, from divorced spouses, the marriage is registered one month from the date of publication of the notice. In case of objection, the marriage officer conducts an enquiry and the marriage is registered after the enquiry concludes.

Document checklist

Application form signed by husband and wife. Evidence of date of birth. Proof of residence. Affidavit by both the parties, stating place and date of marriage, date of birth, marital status at the time of marriage , and nationalities. Passport-sized photographs of both and one marriage photograph. Marriage invitation card, if available. Certificate from the priest who solemnised the marriage. Certificate of conversion if either party is a convert, from the priest who solemnised the marriage. Affirmation that the parties are not related to each other within the prohibited degree of relationship. Attested copy of the divorce decree, if applicable, and death certificate of spouse if a partner is a widow or a widower.

Marriage registrations to go online from next month

Couples seeking to register their marriage under the new law - which makes it mandatory to do so within 60 days of the wedding - will soon be able to just go online. From applying for registration and uploading of documents, the process will be similar to the one followed for passport applications. An appointment slot for the final registration will be given and the couple required to visit the marriage registrar at the office of the sub-divisional magistrate for completion of the process.

The revenue department of Delhi government is aiming at a mid-September launch for the e-district project, beginning with north district, under which marriage registration will be the first service to go online. The state intends to issue digitised certificates in the long run.

Trial run of the new portal is on, and within the next one year, more services will be added. The e-district project is aimed at rooting out touts and middlemen and ending the chaos at the district offices. According to Delhi's divisional commissioner Dharampal for those who do not have access to the internet, the district offices will have e-district kiosks.

"The e-district project envisages integrated and seamless electronic delivery of citizen services by the district administration through re-engineering and automation of work flow, online verification of citizen data and integration across participating departments," explains Dharampal. He says the ultimate goal is to provide digitally signed certificates which can be authenticated online and facilitate capacity building and infrastructure improvement at district, tehsil and block levels. "The e-district will facilitate citizens to apply and access progress details through internet, IVRS and mobile phones," says Dharampal.

Besides marriage registration, the other services of revenue department proposed to be brought under the e-district portal include certificates for birth, death, SC/STC and OBC, nationality, domicile, handicap, income, lal dora and surviving member. Ration cards issued by the food and civil supplies department will be next in line. The social welfare department's applications for pension for the old, widows and handicapped persons will also be brought to this portal.

The UID-Adhaar number will be the basis for all applications and the data will be used to link up with other departments on the e-district platform.

Taking TOI through the e-district portal's trial run, deputy commissioner of north district Mona Sreenivas elaborated on the work flow. "The marriage registration process will involve logging on to the e-district portal just as one does for the railway ticket booking by making a login Id and password. The application for marriage registration will show up and the applicant will be guided through simplified fields. For instance, as a check to prevent registration of under-age couples, the form does not accept an age below 18 years," said the DC.

There will be a provision to upload all documents which will have to be self-attested. Once the submission process is complete, the applicant will be given an appointment slot with the registrar. Finally, an acknowledgement will be sent through sms, e-mail or a physical printout in case it is generated from the e-district kiosks proposed to be set up in the district offices.

The final registration won't take long since the registrar will already have all the documents, explains Sreenivas. However, at the introduction stage, the applicants will be asked to submit the hard copies of their documents as well.

Marriage registration to become mandatory

The Rajya Sabha on Tuesday passed a bill to make registration of marriages, irrespective of religion, mandatory under the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969, which currently only regulates registration of births and deaths.

The amendment to the bill seeks to amend the Act to include the registration of marriages within its purview.

The Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Bill, 2012, which was passed by voice vote, defines marriage to include marriage solemnized between a male and female belonging to any caste or religion. It also includes re-marriage.

Marriages already registered under the Anand Marriage Act, state laws or any other existing law are not required to be registered under the Bill.

Moving the amendment bill for consideration and passing, the law minister Kapil Sibal said the government will file a review petition in the Supreme Court against its earlier order in 2006 where it had sought to scrutinize the law after it was passed by Parliament.

"The Supreme Court had rendered this judgment in 2006 that the law once passed in Parliament must be placed before the court for scrutiny. We are not entirely happy with this direction...We will be filing a review petition. This part of judgment should be expunged," Sibal said.

Noting that there were enormous benefits of registering marriages, the minister said people should not be penalized for not doing the registration. There is "enough leeway" in the Act and state governments are free to make rules. The Bill is not quasi-judicial power for determining whether marriages are valid or invalid, he said in response to the debate on the bill.

The amendment bill will benefit women as the registration certificate would provide evidential value in matrimonial and maintenance cases and prevent unnecessary harassment meted out to them. It will also provide evidential value in matters of age of parties, custody of children and right of children born out of such marriages.

Muslim community leaders welcomed the move to register marriages, but with a rider. Zafarul-Islam Khan, president, All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat (AIMMM) — an umbrella body of Muslim organizations — said, "This is a welcome move by the government."

However, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board working committee member S Q R Ilyas said registration of marriages should be optional and not compulsory due to social and legal reasons. "A large chunk of our population lives in rural areas where facilities for registration are hard to come by. Also, think about the poor. Unless the government ensures that marriage registration facilities are accessible to all, it should not be compulsory," he said.

Besides, Muslim marriages are solemnized by a qazi or imam. "The government should have a provision to recognize the qazi or the imam who issues the nikahnama," said Ilyas.

Now, pay Rs 10,000 and get your marriage certificate within 24 hours

Like passports and rail tickets, you can now get a marriage registration certificate issued within 24 hours, using 'tatkal' service.

The revenue department of Delhi government has introduced tatkal service ensuring a single-day authorization of marriages under which the registration process will be undertaken on priority.

"In compliance with a Supreme Court order in 2006, Delhi government had made mandatory the registration of marriage within 60 days of tying the nuptial knot. The tatkal service has been introduced to provide the papers on priority basis to those who seek them urgently," Delhi government's revenue secretary Dharam Pal said.

"The service, which became operational on April 22, enables the citizens to register their nuptials and get a certificate issued within 24 hours on payment of Rs 10,000 as fee," he said.

While the government charges Rs 100 as application fee for registration under the Hindu Marriage Act, Rs 150 is levied under Special Marriage Act. Additionally, people pay around Rs 400-500 for acquiring certain affidavits that need to be submitted with the applications.

"We are also considering authorizing the sub-divisional magistrate to register marriages, which is presently done by the additional magistrate," Dharam Pal said.

A Delhi government portal ensuring transparent and hassle free registration process for applicants is expected to go live next month, he added. The portal will enable the applicants to download forms and will offer a step-by-step guide for the process. The users will also be able to check the status of their application, Pal said.

As per lieutenant governor Najeeb Jung's order, the Delhi (Compulsory Registration of Marriage) Order, 2014 will be applicable to all marriages solemnized in Delhi irrespective of caste, creed and religion of the brides and grooms.

"Any marriage solemnized in Delhi between a man having completed 21 years and a woman of at least 18 years of age on the date of solemnization of the marriage, with at least one of them being an Indian citizen, will have to be compulsorily registered," the order said.

As per the order, the couples will have to apply jointly in the prescribed Form A to the marriage officer in their areas for registration of their marriage. The applications will have to be accompanied by "documentary proof of age, citizenship, identification of the bride and groom, solemnization of marriage and place of their residence."

Documentation process simplified, no attestation required

The ministry of external affairs (MEA) has simplified the documentation process for passport application by doing away with the condition of attestation from gazetted officers.

Now, applicants need not take attestation from gazetted officers on photocopies of marriage certificates, passports of parents in case of minors, pension payment order, notification of retirement and resignation of a government official.

In 2000, passport offices had made a provision of self-certification for all other documents like birth certificate, educational documents and address proof.

According to a circular issued by the passport division of the MEA, applicants henceforth need to only attach self-attested photocopies of all original documents at the time of submission. However, all original documents are required to be produced at the time of verification or final processing.

The move comes in the wake of a directive from the department of administrative reforms and public grievances to review the existing requirement of affidavits and attested copies by gazetted officers while seeking any public service by citizens.

The circular has further clarified that affidavits viz., annexures A, C, D, E, G, I, K, and L have evidentiary and legal value and thus all the annexures (A to M) will continue to be accepted as prescribed.

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Thursday, November 5, 2015

11:32 PM

Bone jewellery: Styled & stated

Sambhal, a district in Moradabad division, houses the bone jewellery and artefacts industry which has witnessed a decline in the recent years. We speak to professionals involved to find out more.

Bone jewellery: Styled & stated
Bone jewellery

Since early ages, dressing up has always been an important part of life. Choosing the perfect outfit, applying make-up that highlights our best features and wearing jewellery that complements our overall get-up matters. Although jewellery made of precious metals such as gold and silver has always been popular, semi-precious stones and other raw materials have started gaining popularity recently. Sambhal, a district in Moradabad division, houses a unique industry that deals in making and supplying jewellery made of animal bones. Extremely popular in international markets, the industry has witnessed a decline in the recent years. We speak to professionals who throw further light in the matter.

Speaking on the history of this industry, Kamal Kaushal Varshney, an exporter who has been in the business since 1999, says, "Post-independence, Sambhal had numerous artisans who made combs made of buffalo horns. According to tradition, a group of people gather the raw material from animals who die a natural death across the country and supply it to artisans here. With an evolving market and growing demand, the range of products and raw materials increased. Around the year 1980, artisans started working with buffalo and camel bones." He further said that numerous items were being made, including bangles, bracelets, necklaces, earring and even belts.

Exporters provide the ready products to famed brands across the globe. " Greece, Spain and Italy created the bulk of the demand for bone jewellery items. However, with the recession in Europe the demand has gone down from these countries. The change was observed in the year 2012. Another issue is that China has started importing raw materials from our country itself and is giving us stiff competition. As a result, the remaining market demand is divided between two suppliers," said Varshney. According to him, the only solution for this problem is for the government to completely stop exporting raw material such as bones and horns to other countries.

To this, 36-year-old Mohammed Saleem, who has been a manufacturer for eight years, added, "The major demand is for bone items, including jewellery, boxes and even photo frames. We have around three artisans who work for us. The cost of items varies according to the design and even size of the item, but a popular 6 inch by 3 inch box comes within the range of Rs 250." Although every industry faces ups and downs, the bone jewellery industry has been on a decline for the past three years. "Although I would not call this decline a major hitch, but with inflation the product costs have doubled and are affecting our profits. I hope this phase passes soon," he said.

Agreeing, Mohammed Shaan Khan, a supplier, said, "Basically, the international market is witnessing an overall decline. Exporters are not getting orders due to which they are unable to buy items from us. As a result, many units have already shut down and others are set to follow." Questioned about how artisans are dealing with the situation, he said that most shift to metropolitans or shift out of the country where their craft is appreciated and helps them earn a living. "At the end of the day, everyone needs to provide two square meals for his family and these artisans are no different. I urge to the government to look into the matter and ensure that this imperative part of our tradition does not die," said Shaan.

Speaking on the issue, Kamal said, "Some of our artisans have been a part of this industry since independence era. I provide employment to almost fifty such workers and each of them give stiff competition to the other. However, if we fail to provide them with adequate work or reimbursement they would definitely prefer to change employment." The government needs to wake up and realise their responsibility towards small scale industries such as these or they will be lost forever. Ensuring that professionals have enough work that helps them stay afloat is a responsibility that officials need to take seriously. This is the only way one can ensure that all ties are not cut with the unique bone jewellery industry here.
11:30 PM

Gauri Khan unveils new jewellery collection at the Mahesh Notandass Fine Jewellery store in Mumbai

Brand ambassador Gauri Khan unveiled a new festive collection at the Mahesh Notandass Fine Jewellery store amidst much fanfare.

She was seen wearing exquisite pieces from the Heritage Collection, which is an elaborate mix of culture and extravaganza, uniquely styled and crafted to awaken the modern day princess in you.

Owner Deepa Jagwani and entrepreneur Kunika Singh played gracious hosts to the guests. A number of well-known faces extended their support by wearing statement pieces by the jeweller. Renu Oberoi, who exclusively designs for the brand, presented her dazzling new line. Mahesh Notandass scion, Vandana Jagwani, who supports the Mann Foundation, also launched her debutante collection Belle by Vandana. Part of the sales proceeds from this collection will go towards charity. All of these limited festive jewels are available at the brand's Bandra and Andheri stores.

Present at the elegant soiree were Aarti Surendranath, Anu Ranjan, Asha Patel, Bhagyashree, Dilshad Khambatta, Kiran Juneja Sippy, Krishika Lulla, Lata Patel, Manasi Roy, Monaz Jethwani, Neelam Roy, Poonam Dhillon, Priyanka Shergill, Renu Bhandarkar, Yasmin Karachiwala, Vidya Malvade, Zeba Kohli and several others.
11:30 PM

Queenie launches festive jewellery collection in Mumbai

Queenie Singh launched her new festive fine jewellery collection amidst friends over an elegant brunch in the city.

Her brand, Jewels by Queenie, has come a long way since its inception. Speaking proudly about her jewellery line where each piece represents her style and passion, she said, "I believe jewellery must not only have value and be timeless but also complement your personality. Come celebrate Dhanteras with us, we have a special offering for all our visitors!"

The jewellery designer's elegant store at Waterfield Road in Bandra, which she opened two years ago, is a haven for jewellery lovers, offering gorgeous and unique designs for different occasions. At the launch of the new festive collection, women shoppers dropped in throughout the day, browsing through the beautiful jewellery on display, sampling the delicious hors d'oeuvres and engaging in conversations. Queenie played the gracious host, personally attending to each guest and ensuring that everyone present had a great time.

The festive collection comprises glamourous statement pieces as well as traditional ones. Queenie's jewelled bracelet cuffs, which are her specialty, were the USP of the collection and the cuffs studded with emeralds and diamonds stole the show.

Apart from the stylish guest list that one would expect at Queenie's events, the eclectic mix of guests included lawyers, judges and doctors. Also seen attending the elegant soiree were Amy Billimoria, Vikram Bawa, Avanti Birla, Lata Patel, Sujata Kapoor, Kaykasshan Patel, Reshma Bombaywala, Pallavi Jaikishan, Monaz Doshi and several others.
11:29 PM

Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council gets its new chairman

After a long wait of more than three months, the Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), an apex body of the Indian gems and jewellery industry, will get its new chairman and vice-chairman on Friday.

Praveen Shanker Pandya, who is the chairman of the Diamond India Limited (DIL)—a consortium of 58 leading diamantaires to directly source rough diamonds in India formed in 2006—has become the chairman and Russel Mehta, who is managing director of Rosy Blue India Private Limited has become the vice-chairman of GJEPC for the year 2015-17.

Sources said that Pandya and Mehta were elected uncontested in the recently held election.

Dinesh Navadiya, president of Surat Diamond Association (SDA) was elected uncontested as the regional chairman (Gujarat) for GJEPC, while Ashok Gajera of Laxmi Diamonds Private Limited has been appointed as the regional chairman (Western Region) of the GJEPC.

The formal announcements of the various posts at GJEPC will be made on Friday.
11:29 PM

How to wear silver jewellery during festive season

Add a sliver of silvery sheen to your wardrobe to stand out from the gilded crowd this festive season. Statement baubles dipped in silver make a chic and sophisticated statement

WHITE GOLD continues to charm buyers, silver jewellery is having an intense fashion moment this festive season. With new products coming out of designer kitties, this season will witness a celebration of earthy designs in sparkling silver.


Come festive months, the jewellery trend will swing towards a blend of ethnic and contemporary looks.Hoops and jhumkas will make a bold comeback, paired with both casual and traditional wear."Silver jewellery is every young fashionista's go-to option; this year cubic zircons will help in adding the required design flair," says jewellery designer Sonal Sahrawat of Sonal's Bijoux.

Also, statement rings studded with raw stones, long necklaces with chunky silver pendants and crawler earrings will steal the limelight. However, if you are keen on flaunting the much loved, desi-glam look, opt for silver chaandbalis and let your accessory be a conversation starter. Dress up or down with choker or breastplate neckpieces, drop earrings, hefty bracelets, studs, geometric-patterns and silver earrings with pearls and beads. According to Tarang Arora, CEO and creative director, Amrapali Jaipur, since the last decade, silver has gained tremendous acceptance due to its varied advantages. "One of the striking features of silver jewellery is the grandeur it offers which is quite on the lines of fine jewellery with its clear advantage over pricing. Fashionistas can now keep experimenting with more options for every festival by adding silver. It is available at a very affordable price."


Ranging from trendy to workwear to contemporary; silver boasts of a pristine yet gorgeous charm. Adding a dash of elan to any outfit without looking over-the-top, silver jewellery needs some gentle care and handling to maintain its lustre and sheen. "Silver jewellery is a delicate, pretty addition to any en semblebut expo sure over time and constant handling can lead to discolouration. Maintain the beautiful shine and mirror-like finish by using a mixture of baking soda, boiling water, and aluminum foil to clean your silver accessories. Polish them with a soft, clean cloth to make them sparkle! Avoid abrasive solutions when cleaning silver and consult a professional jeweller if you are unsure about cleaning your jewellery at home," suggests Monika Pal Sood, co-founder, Youshine.

Alternatively, you can keep your delicate silver jewellery in a loose drawer or in a jewellery box as it is not scratch resistant.Clean it regularly with a professional silver cleaner, keeping in mind that the colour of the metal doesn't come off. Natural oils from the skin also help diminish the tarnishing of silver jewellery; so wearing it frequently also prevents premature tarnishing.


Lately, market trends suggest that people prefer lightweight silver over gold baubles. According to Sahrawat, silver has made a remarkable comeback this year. Since it is more affordable than precious jewellery, one can indulge in different styles. Also, silver has a unique polish, a perfect contrast to that of the yellow metal.Today, most women prefer silver due to its pocket-friendly prices."In the past, women preferred wearing gold jewellery, but silver is fast becoming a favoured choice. Silver jewellery has gained more attraction while the record hike of gold rates has affected customers' purchasing power. Moreover, the allure of silver suits Indian skin tones more than gold," suggests Sood.Well, we sure see some silver lining out there!
11:28 PM

Jewellery: Way to the Indian heart

With the festive season here, there has been an onslaught of jewellery options available in the market with attractive offers, trending and discounts. We make your job a little easier.

Jewellery is a woman's most coveted possessions, signifying and embellishing her fondest memories, be that of marriage, festivals or gifts given to her by her family. However, the selection of jewellery is not merely a matter of good taste for it is dependent on many factors like the latest trends, cost of metals and precious stones, reliable sellers, budget of the buyers etc. Prachur Singhal, a gemmologist and jeweller, says, "I think gold jewellery can never be outweighed by other precious metals or stones like platinum, silver or diamond because not only does its cost escalate constantly, but also because people consider it to be an auspicious metal."

Auspiciousness is a matter of great consequence when it comes to jewellery buying and selling especially during festive seasons of Diwali, Dhanteras, where people tend to buy gold coins, biscuits, guineas, small silver puja thaali and lotas. With heavy discounts and sale offers adorning the markets, advertised to lure in vulnerable customers suffering from the festive itch, gold is usually the metal bought followed by silver. Most women prefer buying a pair of simple gold kadas for their daily wear, which would cost around Rs 10,000 but just a single diamond ring sets one back by Rs 25,000. Therefore, other than being auspicious, gold is also comparatively cheaper than diamond. Adding further, Singhal says, "Although, diamonds and platinum are also available in the markets, gold or silver is preferred by the common man." Platinum, a precious metal, is highly in demand in larger cities but is not liked as much in the city. "Platinum, is not in demand in the city," says Ankur Jain, a jeweller. "We keep platinum couple bands, which have recently hit the markets but very few people inquire about it, let alone buy it." With a dozen options and choices of precious metals and stones available, there is no dearth of ideas in the jewellery design market this season with simple, single gold chain with pendants, delicate silver jhumkas and ear cuffs, seizing customers' hearts. But there has been a decline in demand for anklets and toe rings, which were traditionally being worn in silver by women earlier. While the obvious time to purchase traditional jewellery is the wedding season, modern jewellery attracts customers daily, mainly because it is lightweight and can be worn everyday even with modern clothing.

"There isn't a clear demarcation or indication of preference based on demand because buying jewellery, is inevitably something that every household, from every walk in life has chosen to do since times immemorial," says a prominent jeweller. While gold may be the obvious metal of choice, precious stones are also a must on shopping lists this season. Despite people from all strata of society purchasing jewellery, all jewellers strongly advise that before one purchases or gets impressed with what is shown to them, it is crucial that the authenticity of the jewel or metal is verified. "Jewellery is an essential part of the Indian way of living. One should always check if the seller is giving properly licensed, registered and standardised jewellery," says Jain.