Saturday, December 8, 2018

Pre-wedding diet plan for brides-to-be in 2019

The months leading up to your wedding can be chaotic, happy, sad and full of every extreme emotion possible. While this is the happiest time of your life and your face should show the same, your health is deeply affected by the choices you start making once the wedding is announced- diet wise. Worried about looking your best for the wedding? Well, TOI Health comes to your rescue. Here is an easy plan you can follow to fit in your


Morning: Green tea with 5-6 soaked almonds

Breakfast: Oats with veggies or Idli sambhar or 3 egg white omelette with fresh orange juice

Snack: Peanut salad or chickpea salad or sprout salad

Lunch: Dal, roti or rice, subzi, curd

Snack: Fruit salad or handful of nuts or makhanas

Dinner: Grilled or roasted chicken or grilled veggies with potato mash or besan cheela or methi roti with dal and subzi


Morning: Green tea with soaked almond or one banana

Breakfast: Whole wheat toast with egg whites or oats cheela or poha or idli sambhar

Snack: Flavoured yoghurt or lettuce salad or fruit salad

Lunch: Dal, subzi, roti or rice

Snack: Boiled egg or chickpea salad or vegetable salad

Dinner: Sautéed vegetables with or without chicken or fish with one bowl of brown rice or one big bowl of dal, subzi and salad


Morning: Green tea with one banana or apple

Breakfast: Banana smoothie with almonds (yoghurt based) or 2 boiled eggs with vegetable salad

Snack: Peanut salad or hummus with vegetable croutons

Lunch: Dal, subzi, roti or rice

Snack: Chaach or handful of nuts

Dinner: Grilled vegetables with or without chicken and fish or one bowl of brown rice khichdi or two multigrain rotis with dal and subzi


Morning: Green tea

Breakfast: Papaya or banana or spinach smoothie

Snack: 2 boiled eggs or chickpea salad

Lunch: Dal, subzi, roti or rice

Snack: One glass chaach

Dinner (Before 7.30 pm strictly): Baked chicken with salad or one big bowl of dal with subzi and salad

PRO-TIP: 1. Eat dinner before 7.30 pm.

2. You need to exercise everyday for atleast 45 minutes (No off days)

3. Cheat meals are only applicable till the third month. NO cheat meal one month prior to the day.

4. Drink minimum 2 litres of water and maximum 4 litres or water.

5. Avoid alcohol at all costs as it can lead to saggy eye bags that you most definitely don’t want.

6. Stay happy!

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