Saturday, November 1, 2014

How to stop my kids from hitting each other?

My son is five-and-a-half years old and daughter is eight-and-a-half. They are mischievous.Their games include hitting each other and do things which trouble others. I have tried making them understand; they listen to me patiently, but will only do what they want to. It seems they take me for granted. This has also started affecting their studies. How do I tackle this situation?

-Both your children need a higher level of supervision, but supervision does not always have to be by you. Try to find some person, friendrelative who is able to develop good relationship with them that provide social learning for them and respite for you.Such a person ideally should be firm, but kind and someone they look up to. You need that respite because as a parent, you need to be in control of your emotions when they misbehave. Often, children enjoy making you mad. You need to maintain an emotionally neutral stance when dealing with them.Try to see what triggers that kind of mischief and preempt that by distracting them.Observe patterns, learn to effectively manage them, find what works for you and then use those strategies in a consistent and structured way . Routines and clear expectations of behaviour benefit children a lot.Also in the time that you spend with your children, find ways to maintain a positive relationship. Pay attention to their good qualities and find joy in the moments of closeness. You need an outlet for your own feelings, so seek out support to help you cope. Me-time is extremely important for mothers of young children. You will find yourself better equipped to handle the challenge of parenting.

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