Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Short anchoring starting lines in Marathi pdf


Short anchoring starting lines in marathi pdf

Starting an anchoring session in Marathi with a captivating and engaging tone is crucial to grab the audience's attention. Here are some of the best lines you can use to begin anchoring in Marathi:

  1. सर्वांना माझ्या/आमच्या वतीने हार्दिक स्वागत!
    (Sarvānna mājhyā/āmchyā vatīnē hārdik svāgat!)
    "A heartfelt welcome to everyone from my/our side!"

  2. नमस्कार मित्रांनो, आजच्या या सुंदर सोहळ्यात आपले स्वागत आहे!
    (Namaskār mitrānnō, ājchyā yā sundar sōhaḷyāt āpalē svāgat āhē!)
    "Hello friends, welcome to this beautiful event today!"

  3. आपल्या सर्वांच्या उपस्थितीने हा कार्यक्रम आज आणखीच खास झाला आहे.
    (Āplyā sarvānchyā upasthitīnē hā kāryakram āja āṇakhīch khās zhālā āhē.)
    "With the presence of all of you, this event has become even more special today."

  4. आजचा दिवस आपल्या सर्वांसाठी खूप खास आहे, कारण...
    (Ājchā divas āplyā sarvānsāṭhī khūp khās āhē, kāraṇa...)
    "Today is a very special day for all of us because..."

  5. सुरुवात करूया आजच्या या सुवर्णसंधीची, आपल्या सर्वांच्या सहभागाने.
    (Suruvāt karūyā ājchyā yā suvarṇasandhīchī, āplyā sarvānchyā sahabhāgānē.)
    "Let's begin this golden opportunity today with the participation of all of you."

  6. आजचा कार्यक्रम आपल्या सर्वांच्या हृदयात साठवण्यासारखा होवो, असा माझा आशावाद आहे.
    (Ājchā kāryakram āplyā sarvānchyā hṛdayāt sāṭhavṇyāsārkhā hōvō, asā mājhā āśāvād āhē.)
    "I hope today's event becomes memorable in all of your hearts."

  7. आपल्या सर्वांच्या आगमनाने हा कार्यक्रम आज आनंदाने उजळला आहे.
    (Āplyā sarvānchyā āgamanānē hā kāryakram āja ānandānē ujaḷalā āhē.)
    "With your arrival, this event has brightened up with joy today."

  8. चला, आजच्या या सुंदर प्रसंगाची सुरुवात करूया.
    (Chalā, ājchyā yā sundar prasangāchī suruvāt karūyā.)
    "Let's begin this beautiful occasion today."

  9. आपल्या सर्वांच्या उत्साहाने हा कार्यक्रम आज अजूनच्या आनंदाने भरून टाकूया.
    (Āplyā sarvānchyā utsāhānē hā kāryakram āja ajūnchyā ānandānē bharūn ṭākūyā.)
    "Let's fill this event with even more joy and enthusiasm today."

  10. आजचा दिवस आपल्या सर्वांच्या आयुष्यातील एक सुवर्णक्षण ठरो, असा माझा आशीर्वाद आहे.
    (Ājchā divas āplyā sarvānchyā āyuṣyātīl ēk suvarṇakshaṇa ṭharō, asā mājhā āśīrvād āhē.)
    "May today become a golden moment in all of your lives, that's my blessing."

These lines can be tailored to suit the occasion, whether it's a formal event, cultural program, or festive celebration. Adding a personal touch or mentioning the theme of the event can make your opening even more impactful.

Here are some of the best lines in Marathi to start anchoring, categorized by tone:

  • (Namaskar! Aaplyas sarvanna aaplya ya karyakramat swagat aahe.)
    A simple and formal greeting meaning "Welcome, everyone, to our program!"1.

  • (Aaplyas sarvancha upastthitimule ha karyakram aani bhavya zal aahe.)
    Expressing gratitude for the audience's presence and highlighting its significance1.

  • (Aajchya ya karyakramachi suruvat karnyapurvi mi aaplyas sarvanna ek chhotisi katha sangoo ichchhito.)
    Setting the stage with an engaging anecdote or story1.

  • (Chala mandali, karyakramala suruvat karuya!)
    A lively invitation to begin the event1.

  • (Mast! Aajcha karyakram khup dhamakedar honar aahe.)
    Building excitement and anticipation for the program1.

  • (Kay mhanta mandali, tayyar aahat?)
    Directly engaging the audience with enthusiasm1.

  • (Aaj aapan ek adbhut pravasala nighthto.)
    Inviting the audience to embark on an imaginative journey through the event's theme1.

  • (Aaplya manamdhyaya ek swapna ujaloo dya, ani te pratyakshta utarte pahooya.)
    Inspiring the audience to dream big and believe in possibilities1.

  • (Aaj aapan ekatra yeun kahimtari khas nirmaan karuya.)
    Emphasizing collective effort and creating something special together1.

These lines can be tailored further based on the event's theme, audience type, and specific context.

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